Tugas Uas Kpa
Tugas Uas Kpa
Tugas Uas Kpa
•Felizio Hartadi
•Jemima Arela
Luthfia Devi 202040604
••Ruziqa Raihan 1
Zachary Ocampo2020406
202040 036
How To
Ingredients : Steps :
Make 1 teaspoon salt 1.Filter flour until smooth and
Pasta made its way to the New World through the English, who discovered it
while touring Italy. Colonists brought to America the English practice of cooking
noodles at least one-half hour, then smothering them with cream sauces and
Industrial Production: The first industrial pasta factory in America was built in
Brooklyn in 1849 by a Frenchman who spread his spaghetti strands on the roof to
dry in the sunshine. Pasta production expanded in the 19th Century and pasta
makers popped up across the country.
Cooked pasta can be stored un - sauced in an airtight container and refrigerated for 4 or 5 days. The sauce
should be refrigerated separate from the pasta and can be stored for 6 or 7 days. This prevents the pasta
from soaking up too much flavor and oil from the sauce, which causes the taste of the pasta to be drowned
out. If the pasta is stored together with the sauce, it should be eaten within 1 or 2 days to limit the amount
of sauce that is absorbed. If cooked pasta is not going to be used within the suggested time period, it
should be frozen and then it can be stored for approximately 3 months. Frozen cooked pasta should be
thawed in the refrigerator and not on the kitchen counter.
To store, cook the pasta as you normally would and then rinse with cold water and allow it to drain well.
-Add a small amount of olive oil or butter to help prevent the pasta from clumping together while it is
stored. Use only enough oil or butter to lightly coat the pasta.
-To refrigerate, place the pasta in an airtight plastic bag or an airtight container and place in the
refrigerator. To freeze, place in an airtight plastic freezer bag and press out as much excess air as possible
and place in the freezer.