EE301 Lesson 26 Transformers II and Reflectred Impedance
EE301 Lesson 26 Transformers II and Reflectred Impedance
EE301 Lesson 26 Transformers II and Reflectred Impedance
Learning Objectives
• Predict the reflected impedance and derive an
equivalent circuit using the reflected impedance.
• Calculate the transformation ratio to deliver
maximum power to a load.
• Determine safe operation parameters from power
transformer ratings.
• Explain how the transformer acts as an isolation
• List and explain several practical applications of
Winding Direction
0º phase
180º phase
Transformation Ratio
• Recall that the transformation ratio (a) is the ratio of the
primary voltage to secondary voltage, which is equal to the
ratio of primary turns to secondary turns, which is equal to the
ratio of the secondary current to the primary current or
otherwise stated:
E pri N pri I sec
Esec N sec I pri
Current Ratio and Power
pri-reflected a 2 Z sec (4) 2 (20 j10 ) 320 j160 Redraw the circuit:
T Z pri Z pri reflected 320 j160 320 j160 640 320 j160
Power Supply Transformers
Impedance Matching
b) Now that the transformer input impedance matches the source impedance the source current can
now be determined as:
36 j54
E pri
b) I pri
a) ZTh (36 j 54 ) ZT
pri-reflected Z *Th (36 j 54 ) 1000 1000
I pri 1.39 A0
36 j 54 36 j 54 72
Now find the xfmr load impedance:
pri -reflected a 2 Z sec V pri VLD I pri Z prirefl =>Vpri is not the same as Eg
(36 j 54 ) (3) 2 ( Z LD )
36 j 54 V pri (1.39 A0)(36 j 54 ) 90.2V 56.3
Z LD 4 j 6
32 S pri V pri I pri (1.39 A)(90.2V ) 125.4VA
4Ω resistor and a 6Ω inductor 12
Example Problem 3
An amplifier is modeled with a Thèvenin equivalent impedance of 320-160j . A
transformer is used to impedance match the load to the source to ensure max power
a. What turns ratio should be chosen for the transformer, and what value of load
resistance should be chosen to ensure max power transfer?
b. What is the real and reactive power of the load? What is the real and reactive power
delivered by the source?
NOTE: we only need to look at
a) refl a 2 Z LD the reactance for max power to
the turns ratio (a).
( j160 ) ( a) ( j 40)
a 2
j 40
Now we know (a) we can find the real (R) resistive portion:
Example Problem 3 cont.
An amplifier is modeled with a Thèvenin equivalent impedance of 320-160j . A
transformer is used to impedance match the load to the source to ensure max power
a. What turns ratio should be chosen for the transformer, and what value of load
resistance should be chosen to ensure max power transfer?
b. What is the real and reactive power of the load? What is the real and reactive power
delivered by the source? 2:1
E 100V 0
I pri pri 156.2mA0
ZT 6400 320 j160
I sec I pri a (156.2mA0)(2) 312.4mA0
Eg 100V 0 320 j160 V pri VLD
PLD I 2 sec RLD (312.4mA) 2 (80 ) 7.8W
QLD I 2 sec X LD (312.4mA) 2 (40 ) 3.9VAR
Ppri / source I 2 pri RT (156.2mA) 2 (640 ) 15.6W =>This implies xfmr Pin = 7.8W, which = Pout of 7.8W
Qsource 0VAR Remember that Xpri = XLD are matched therefore cancel each other out (-j160=j160)