Chapter 6 - Physical Self
Chapter 6 - Physical Self
Chapter 6 - Physical Self
At the end of this chapter, the learner is expected
Understand the value of one’s physical image;
3. Use a mouthwash.
8. Avoid cigarettes.
It is common notion that “First impression
lasts”. It is necessary to take pride in our
appearance and to dress appropriately as those
‘significant others’ serve as our audience and
critic. Careful grooming and observance of
proper clothing in specific occasions is an
important practice in building one’s self-esteem.
All civilized societies are built upon discipline. Since
man is gregarious by nature there is need to practice a
little self-denial for the sake of order and control.
b. Recycling
This is the process of reusing materials that have
been put to waste. Recycling allows finding new
ways to utilize those things that have been thrown
c. Reduce Pollution
Whether it is air, water or land pollution,
individuals can contribute by maintaining
cleanliness in their daily activities. Reducing
smoking prevents indoor pollution; initiating car
pool or taking a train instead of cars or
motorbikes as well as short distance walk can
help in preventing release of more toxic fumes.
Moreover, individuals should stop dumping
garbage in rivers and other bodies of water. This
responsible behavior can contribute a lot to the
cleanliness of our surroundings.
Your style and the clothes you choose reflect and affect
your mood, health, and overall confidence. Scientists
call this phenomenon “enclothed cognition”. Adam
Hajo and Adam D. Galinsky, both professors at the
Kellogg School of Management at Northwesthern
University. write in the Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology. that enclothed cognition “involved the
occurrence of two independent factors – the symbolic
meaning of the clothes and the physical experience of
wearing them”.
It was further asserted that when we put on a
piece of clothing we cannot help but adopt some
of the characteristics associated with it
unconsciously. The Business Insider says that
clothes don’t just affect your confidence level.
they can affect your success as “clothing
significantly influences how others perceive you
and how they respond to you”.
Understanding the psychological dynamics of
why the right-for-us clothing can contribute to
our confidence. raise our self-esteem, and help
propel us in the workplace has become big
business. So the next time you reach for those
yoga pants or for that fiery red dress, ask
yourself how will that clothing item make you
feel and what is it saying to the world around
you today?
Understanding the self – Developing Life Skills - OBE
by Ethel Magalona MAP, LPT