Unit 0:introduce Yourself and Holiday Anecdotes: by Daniela Rossi

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Unit 0:Introduce yourself and

holiday anecdotes
By Daniela Rossi
1.Introduce yourself and others
• Para presentarse pueden ocupar el present
simple(verbos en naranjo) y el present
perfect( verbos en morado).
• E.g: I am Daniela, I live in Santiago. I enjoy listening
to music and teaching Englishto L de A students. I like
learning new things, so I have studied English,
dancing, teaching, science, religion, theater, among
other fields.I have lived in four cities, but the place I
really adore is Santiago.
Por si no lo recuerdan, esta es la estructura del presente simple(un ejemplo
con el verbo tell)…

• Modo afirmativo: El verbo va en su base y en

• I tell my friends scary stories at night. la tercera persona (he, she
it) se le agrega una s.
• You tell my friends scary stories at night
• He tells my friends scary stories at night
• She tells my friends scary stories at night
• It tells my friends scary stories at night
• We tell my friends scary stories at night
• You tell my friends scary stories at night
• They tell my friends scary stories at night
• Modo negativo:
• I do not tell my friends scary stories at night.
• You do not tell my friends scary stories at night
• He does not tell my friends scary stories at night
• She does not tell my friends scary stories at night
• It does not tell my friends scary stories at night
• We do not tell my friends scary stories at night
• You do not tell my friends scary stories at night
• They do not tell my friends scary stories at night

En negativos y preguntas en ingles siempre usamos un auxiliar, en el presente simple

se ocupa does y do. En oraciones negativas se le agrega not. El verbo en tercera
persona no lleva s, porque el cambio va en el auxiliar.
Como contraccion se expresa asi don’t y doesn’t
• Modo interrogativo:
• Do I tell my friends scary stories at night?
• Do you tell my friends scary stories at night?
• Does he tell my friends scary stories at night?
• Does she tell my friends scary stories at night?
• Does it tell my friends scary stories at night?
• Do we tell my friends scary stories at night?
• Do you tell my friends scary stories at night?
• Do they tell my friends scary stories at night?

El auxiliar va delante de la oracion y se agrega el signo de pregunta al final.

• Aplicando la teoria, si ustedes me quisieran presentar a otra
persona utilizando la info dada debieran decir:
• (I am Daniela, I live in Santiago. I enjoy listening to music and teaching English to L de A students. I like
learning new things, so I have studied English, dancing, teaching, science, religion, theater, among other
fields.I have lived in four cities, but the place I really adore is Santiago.)

• She is Daniela, she lives in Santiago.She enjoys listening to music ans teaching
English to L de A students.She likes learning new things, so she has studied English,
dancing, teaching, science, religion, theater, among other fields.She has lived in
four cities, but the place she really adores is Santiago.)

• Si les preguntan preguntas en presente simple, ustedes las responden en presente

simple, es decir…
• Who is she?
• She is Daniela
• Where does she live?
• She lives in Santiago
• What does she enjoy?
• She enjoys listening to music and teaching English to L de A students.
• What does she adore?
• She adores Santiago.
• Hablamos de preferencias de este modo:

• Verbo de preferencia (like, hate, enjoy, adore, love,

prefer, dislike,etc) mas el verbo de la accion
principal con -ing

• E.g: I enjoy listening to music…

• She enjoys listening to music…
• I don’t enjoy reading mainstream books.
• Tambien pueden ocupar presente perfecto para
presentarse de acuerdo a dos criterios:

• Experiencia:
Experiencias del transcurso de la vida.No se plantean
en pasado simple porque el periodo de nuestra vida
no ha terminado, sino estariamos muertos xD

e.g: I have lived in four cities.

I have studied different subjects
Lucy has been to Cartagena beach
Have you ever visited England?
*Ever se puede usar para decir “alguna vez”
• Noticias recientes:
Hechos que han ocurrido recien o hace poco
e.g: I have just found a wallet full of money
Mike has just come back from work.

*just se ocupa para decir “recien”

• La estructura de presente perfecto es la siguiente:
• Has o have mas el verbo en partcipio.

• Modo afirmativo:
• I have lived in four cities
• you have lived in four cities
• He has lived in four cities
• She has lived in four cities
• it has lived in four cities
• we have lived in four cities
• you have lived in four cities
• they have lived in four cities
• Modo negativo:
• I have not lived in four cities
• you have not lived in four cities
• He has not lived in four cities
• She has not lived in four cities
• it has not lived in four cities
• we have not lived in four cities
• you have not lived in four cities
• they have not lived in four cities
• Modo interrogativo:
• have I lived in four cities?
• have you lived in four cities ?
• has he lived in four cities ?
• has she lived in four cities ?
• has it lived in four cities ?
• have we lived in four cities ?
• have you lived in four cities ?
• have they lived in four cities ?
• Aquí van algunos ejemplos de verbos en
participio.Cuando son regulares como climb,
lleva agregado –ed .Si son irregulares tienen
una forma totalmente distinta.
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle
be was / were been
climb climbed climbed
drive drove driven
meet met met
speak spoke spoken
teach taught taught
write wrote written
2.Holiday anecdotes
• Para narrar anecdotas de pasado, podemos
usar pasado simple y pasado
continuo.Especialmente para relatar
acontecimientos que pasaron al mismo
tiempo en el pasado.

• E.g:I was sleeping when my dad called me.

Pasado simple: Es muy fácil, va en pasado en
todas las personas gramaticales.
• Modo afirmativo:
• I spoke to him yesterday
• you spoke to him yesterday
• he spoke to him yesterday
• she spoke to him yesterday
• it spoke to him yesterday
• we spoke to him yesterday
• you spoke to him yesterday
• they spoke to him yesterday
• Modo negativo:
• I did not speak to him yesterday
• I did not speak to him yesterday
• I did not speak to him yesterday
• I did not speak to him yesterday
• I did not speak to him yesterday
• I did not speak to him yesterday
• I did not speak to him yesterday
• I did not speak to him yesterday

• ocupamos el auxiliar did+not+ el verbo en su base.

• Modo interrogativo:
• Did I speak to him yesterday?
• Did you speak to him yesterday ?
• Did he speak to him yesterday ?
• Did she speak to him yesterday ?
• Did it speak to him yesterday ?
• Did we speak to him yesterday ?
• Did you speak to him yesterday ?
• Did they speak to him yesterday ?
El auxiliar did va delante de la oracion y el verbo va en su base.
Pasado continuo
• Este tense se utiliza para referirse al contexto
de la accion que va en pasado simple.

• Estructuralmente lleva:

• was/were + verbo con -ing

• Modo afirmativo:

• I was eating easter eggs

• you were eating easter eggs
• he was eating easter eggs
• she was eating easter eggs
• it was eating easter eggs
• we were eating easter eggs
• you were eating easter eggs
• they were eating easter eggs
• Modo negativo:

• I was not eating easter eggs

• you were not eating easter eggs
• he was not eating easter eggs
• she was not eating easter eggs
• it was not eating easter eggs
• we were not eating easter eggs
• you were not eating easter eggs
• they were not eating easter eggs
• Modo interrogativo:

• was I eating easter eggs?

• were you eating easter eggs ?
• was he eating easter eggs ?
• was she eating easter eggs ?
• was it eating easter eggs ?
• were we eating easter eggs ?
• were you eating easter eggs ?
• were they eating easter eggs ?
while y when
• Estos adverbios se ocupan para conectar las dos
acciones en pasado.
• when: (cuando)se posiciona delante de la accion en
pasado simple
• while:(mientras) se posiciona delante de la accion en
pasado simple

• e.g: My girlfriend turned off the console while I was

playing God of war.
• e.g: the students were playing the guitar when the
teacher came.
• Prepare esta presentacion para que usteden
puedan conocer la teoria gramatical en detalle y
luego apliquen estos principios al comunicarse
en ingles a traves de las 4 habilidades (listening,
speaking, reading y writing)

• Espero que estudien y les vaya muy bien en

todas las pruebas.Cualquier duda siempre
pueden consultarme.

• con cariño, prof.Daniela Rossi. :D

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