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UMTA (Urban Metropolitan Transport Authority) Plan For Pune City

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Metropolitan Transport
Authority) Plan for Pune
JUNE 2017

Page 1
Umta : an introduction

• GOI ,through the Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD), released the National Urban
Transport Policy (NUTP) in 2006

• NUTP recommends the creation of UMTA for in all cities of population > 1 Million

• The main objective was to facilitate co-ordinated planning and implementation of urban
transport programs and manage integrated urban transport systems.

• UMTA is envisaged to be an executive body governed by a board which would comprise heads of
various departments in the city, local elected leaders and eminent citizens.

• NUTP also recommends creation of dedicated revenues for urban transport to be paid into Urban
Transport Fund (UTF).

Page 2
Need for UMTA

 No single agency has overall responsibility for urban transport

 To ensure the coordination among agencies related to transport
 To eliminate structural overlapping and structural gaps between agencies
 To bring clarity in the roles of agencies
 To facilitating a change in Transportation system in city
 Integrate Planning & Management in Urban areas
 To embed the customer service culture
 Bringing about a more equitable allocation of road space with people, rather
than vehicles, as its main focus

Page 3
Benefits of UMTA

 Facilitate integrated  Facilitate multi-  Raising finances,  Facilitate rational

planning and modal integration of through innovative fare structures :
management of transport services : mechanisms :
urban transport : land use plans, road
network, parking facilities, All committees together can UMTA will setup mechanism
Nodal agency will monitor infrastructure, traffic come up with a plan to to revise fares as favourable
overall transportation. management will be operate generate revenue
as one

 Facilitate research  Facilitate TOD  integrated plan  Non-motorised

studies and (transit oriented It will help transport development
awareness : development) : In decreasing the
pollution level ,congestion , Cycle plans , pedestrian ways
UMTA will address will be boosted under UMTA
customers problems average waiting time ,fuel
TOD will reduce the
through Champaign consumption
household driving and lower
,research, study congestion
,promotional activities

Page 4
UMTA in Other Cities :

• According to census 2011, 53 cities are eligible for setting up UMTA.

Directorate of
Land transport Mysore city land
Bangalore Rajasthan Urban
Region IN MAH Authority (MCLTA)
Bhuvneshwar & Puri PRADESH Areas
Land authority
(BMLT) UMTA for UMTA for UMTA for 4 cities
Hyderabad Jharkhand , Ranchi , Chennai KOHIMA city IN MP


NUTP Bill Discussed BUS funding

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Page 5
Pune City : At a Glance
Average composition of parked population As per census 2011
vehicle, CMP

2 largest
nd 2ND largest 39%
city of IT Hub 26
two 61%
Maharashtra In India Auto; 9 wheeler;
trucks /
LCV; 1
bus ; 1
Rural Urban

Land use pattern in 2001 as per CMP

A fount of Populations Expected in PMC Area
2.35 7.38


education populatio 25.29

5000000 4807868

hub 4000000 3756345


n 9.29

1.37 2.48 1.49
Residential Commercial Industrial
Public and Semi-public Public Utilities Transport 0
2008 2011 2021 2031
Reserved Forest and Agri Water Bodies Hills and Hill Slopes

Page 6
Traffic & Transportation :PUNE

 Pune roads has increased with almost 10% annual growth in vehicular traffic
 around 2 lakh vehicles are added to the traffic every year
 Two-wheelers are the major mode of transport in the city with 73% of motorized
 Pune city is releasing around 4,661,064.20 t CO2e emissions, mainly contributed by
vehicles, power and residential sectors
 The average no of buses per lakh population is 37 only
 The average speed within city is 18 KMPH
 There is a lack of ring road so traffic can be bypassed.
 Opportunities in IT & Manufacturing industry in outskirts has made the 30 % of bypass
traffic going through heart of city.
 PMPML has a fleet of 1600 buses, transporting about 80 thousand commuters daily
Source :PMC website and pune smart city website
Page 7
Pune Sustainable Transport Initiatives : Smart city projects

Pune BRTS :under PMPML & PMC Pune Metro Rail Project :under PMRDA
 BRT project with Network Length- 68.80 km  Implementation in 2 corridors
 16 Km of the stretch out of planned network is  Providing an attractive and safe mobility option
completed  Total length of 31 km with almost 31 station.

HCMTR Pune Cycle Plan

• High Capacity Mass Transit Route (HCMTR)  Create Cycle Network draft plan with over 300 km of
encircles a 37 km of routes which could be used cycle tracks
for metro , BRT etc.  Aim is to increase the share from 9% to 25%

PSP(Pune Street Programme) Smart Mobility Plan

 Total of 100 kms of streets were identified all over  Introduction of MI (mobility integration ) card
Pune City.  Buses fitted with GPS to connect it to mobile
 50Kms of road network would be developed in Phase
1 and rest in Phase 2.

Page 8
Smart city Project : PAN city level
• Smart Pune Public Transport • Smart Pune Traffic Management
System System Improvement
Expected :
• Vehicle health monitoring system (VMS) • Adaptive traffic signals across 295 signals Public transport usage
across ~1080 buses with intelligent kits and with central command center, also equipped (% of trip share) from
back-end maintenance management system 18 % to 30%
with ‘pedestrian buttons’ and PIS
• Real-time tracking of 100% buses (VTS) by • Smart parking across 7 Multi-level-car-parks, Availability of buses
installing GPS and setting up a central control with PIS and real-time mobile app (%)
room, to monitor driving quality and service From 68 % to 75 %
• Private bus aggregators as rBus and Shuttl to
provide premium bus options
• CCTV surveillance and panic buttons on 510
• Intelligent road asset management to improve Non-motorized
buses to improve security

road condition (using GIS) vehicles (NMT) usage
Public information system (PIS) comprising (%) from 33% to 39%
of bus guides and LED screens depicting ETA
• Traffic mobile apps and online portal with
and other critical information across all 190 live and forecasted traffic
• Average traffic speed
bus-stops and ~510 buses, along with mobile • Traffic analysis using CCTV feed and mobile (km/hr) from 18 % to
app and website providing real-time GPS 20-22%
• In-bus entertainment through Wi-Fi in 510
buses Pune is one among the 10 cities chosen to be smart cities of India.

Page 9
Smart city projects : Local area initiatives (Aundh-Baner-Balewadi)

• 26 KM elevated BRT extension with direct access to Hinjewadi

• Overhaul of 54 regular bus-stops with ICT solutions
• 100 electric buses to complement existing buses for ABB-Hinjewadi
• Express airport service
• 46km of road improvement
• Access to mass public transport through 100 e-rickshaws
• NMT focus through PBS with 40 stations, dedicated 42 km cycle
tracks, and
redesign of 60 km footpath, 15 junctions and 27 km of streets
• Transit hub at entry point of Pune with access to long distance buses
• 100% differently-abled friendly pathways

Page 10
Existing Agencies :

1 Planning Functions: 2 Regulatory Functions :

MOUD (Ministry of Urban Development) : formulating policies Ministry of Road Transport and Highways : Regulates safety
supporting and monitoring programmes and coordinating the and standards also work as an infrastructure development
activities of various Central Ministries, State Governments. authority

Planning Commission : prepare Five Year Development Plans RTO : issuing of driving licences, keeping track of vehicles,
for the whole country, Recommendations for investments needed issuing Registration Numbers and Permits
in the urban transport section

Urban Development Departments (Maharashtra) : Monitor and

plan for all urban infrastructure affairs in the Pune urban area .

PMRDA : Development and use of land, infrastructure passing into and

out of urban areas as transportation , prepare a development plan for Pune
metropolitan region.

Page 11
3 Infrastructure Development and Maintenance Authorities

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways :

formulating and administering, in policies for Road Transport,
National Highways Ministry of Railways
Looks after the overall railway transport system within country, states,
within and around cities
Roads Wing Transport Wing National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)
serve as a repository of technical evolve road safety standards,
knowledge for roads and bridges compile and analyses annual Responsible for the development, maintenance and management of
planning of roads, development and road accident statistics and carry all National Highways around the city .
maintenance of national highways out awareness campaigns
Public work Department
Construction, maintenance ,repairs of existing roads, electricity lines,
telephone cables etc. along and across the roads.
Urban planning , Roads and bridges, Public amenities including street
lighting, parking lots, bus stops and public conveniences.

Page 12
4 Service Provision Authorities : 5 Land owning Authorities :
 State road transportation corporation : provides vital connectivity within  Indian Railways : Single largest government body which owns large
the state and inside cities portions of urban land

 PMPML : provides city bus Services, maintenance of buses , creating a  PMRDA : The land owned which falls beyond within the municipal
fare structure for passengers boundary.

 PMC: Main land owning agency within Pune urban area.

 PMRC : construction of the metro network , overall development of

 Pune traffic police : Controlling the city traffic , enforcing traffic rules ,
Maintaining the overall traffic conditions
Overlapping of functions is commonly seen as an issue in a lot of t
their functions.
For example in case of the PWD, NHAI and PMC ; all are in some way
responsible for developing roads in a city.

Page 13 *PMRDA - Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority, *PMP- Pune Mahanagar palika
Gaps & Overlapping in the functions :

• Each agency performs its own urban transport initiatives and there is either no or very little coordination with other
• Different agencies plying different modes of transport dictate parking policy within their own jurisdictions.
• Central level agencies such as NHAI, Indian Railways and Airports Authority of India are entitled to decide their tariff
policy autonomously. There is limited coordination at central and city level.
• There is no agency specifically handling integrated services such as common ticketing, multi-modal passenger information
and multi-modal terminals.
• Fares for buses are set by PMPML and PMRC ,once start functioning will set their own prize .
• No single agency has the responsibility to develop and promote technology based solutions for traffic management,
transport planning and designing of transport systems.
• No agency currently has the responsibility of training ,education of persons employed by an authority.
• PMRDA and urban development department ,Maharashtra overlaps In their functions as both are involved in urban
• PMPML and state road transport board giving bus services within and around the city at their own without coordination.
• New MI card’s registration has been started by PMPML from Jan 2016 categorizing it in annual/ general / student / senior
citizen passes which can only be used for PMPML bus travel , this could be used for other transport modes as well.

Page 14

Overall Facilitator for
setting up UMTA
► Coordinate With Several
Central Authorities
► Commissioning Of
Task Force
► Coordinate With Other
State Authorities

► Carrying out ► Ensuring Proper

► Hold Discussion with
Legislative procedure Functioning of
various stakeholders
related UMTA bill taskforce

Nodal Agency will provide a common platform for bringing

Together different implementing agencies across city, state
It will help setting up a Task Force Nodal Agency and central level departments to form UMTA without
responsible for undertaking pre-
hampering the working of these agencies
operationalization tasks of UMTA

Page 15

Elected Functions
Administration  Strategy planning &
Representation policy Formulation
 Project Preparation
& Appraisal
Composition Of
 Funding Activities in
UMTA Board Private urban transport
Sector  Overseeing project
 Conduct research
Non – Govt Beneficiaries  Building awareness &
Stakeholders overseeing certain
regulatory functions


Page 16
According to NUTP 2006 : > Means for setting up Eliminating structural
1 Million cities need to setup effective transport system inadequacies

Integrating all agencies Establishing the growing Providing integration

involved in transportation need for transportation between committees

Facilitating a change in Eliminating structural Increasing efficiency by

Transportation system in city inadequacies increasing coordination

Page 17
Pune Smart city Projects :
• Pune is one among the 10 cities chosen to be smart cities of India.
• Plan initiative related to transportation ( PAN City Level) ->
Pune Smart Public transport system Improvement
Expected :
 GPS and real-time monitoring of buses
 Smart bus stops with public information systems Public transport usage
 Real-time tracking of buses through mobile apps (% of trip share) from
 Vehicle health monitoring 18 % to 30%

Availability of buses
Smart Adaptive Traffic Management System (%)
From 68 % to 75 %
 319 signals
 Pedestrian right of way buttons and emergency response system
 PA system, solar panels and UPS
vehicles (NMT) usage
(%) from 33% to 39%
Advanced traffic management Source : Pune
Smart city
 Advanced traffic management using E-Challan system
 CCTV and mobile GPS based traffic analysis • Average traffic speed
(km/hr) from 18 % to
 intelligent road asset management 20-22%

Page 18
Indian Urban Transport

► Cities population is increasing with a rapid pace

with no of people moving from rural areas to urban.
540 millions
► Transportation used rate is very high in developed countries growing till 2021
by 3% PA
than India.

11 % 16.1 %of
► Very few metropolitan cities are serving a well organized annual the total
growth in
bus services. motor area
vehicles covered
by roads
► There are no buses specifically designed for urban .
delay to
► There is a massive shift to personalized transport . energy think

Pune is not different from that !!

Page 19

To eliminate To eliminate
The gaps the
between overlapping
Different Between
To remove Agencies agencies

Planning & Learning from
Management in Other Indian
Urban areas Cities

Page 20
Pune : A brief introduction
Increased ownership and use of
private vehicles

Urban sprawl

2nd largest 2ND largest expanding pressure on poorly

managed urban transport systems
city of IT Hub  Only 17 % people are using the public transport services
 Two wheeler market is dominating with 72 % of total
Maharashtra In India vehicles
increased number of road accidents
 Rest vehicles are very limited and fatalities.
 Pune metro project is in progress

 Public transport body want to increase its market share Less use of public buses
 Pune is the first city to launch BRTS system in India Very few pedestrian routes
An A fount BRTS is working fine all the way.
Very few cycles plying on road

educatio of floating
No legalisation to cover the transport
n hub of population With IT & educational bodies
increasing ,more people moving to
India pune.
Lack of urban transport investments
No fare integration
No institution to intermediate transport

Page 21
Pune : Present Scenario of transportation

Percenatge level of vehicle in year 2016

2 wheelers
Jeeps Two
0.9; 1%
Taxies Cabs
30 lakhs wheelers
1.4; 1%0%
Contract Carriage vehicles Market
Cars; 16.3 School Buses Dominating
2 wheelers; 75.3
Trucks Less
Del.Van (4W)
More no market
Trailers of share of
accidents public
2015 At the
2014 forefront No
25+ to deliver
the urban
Number of two wheelers increase (in

Page 22
Key initiation in Pune :

• Planning • Implementation • Enforcement

Indian railways Indian Railways Indian Railways
PMC Other sub comities Other sub comities
Traffic Police control Traffic Police control Traffic Police control

Page 23
How UMTA can help Pune ?

Bring clarity in
► Earlier roles

Replacement of
Embed a customer
Plethora of
Service culture
agencies Key
► After
Every city is unique. Improved
& accountability

Page 24
Page 25
“You can’t understand a city without
using its public transportation system.” – Erol Ozan

Pune : An Introduction
Growing Population of Pune

2nd largest 2ND largest 7,000,000


NO of Pepole
city of IT Hub 5,000,000
Maharashtra In India 3,000,000
2005 2010 2015 2017 2020 2025 2030

Total Vehicle for 2016

An A fount 1,188

educatio of floating
4,022 28,147 70,129 23,085 12,544

n hub of population 47,164


11,683 2,331,0
504,333 82

2 wheelers Cars Jeeps Taxies Cabs

Autorickshaw Contract Carriage School Buses Pvt.Ser.Vehicles
Ambulances Arti.&Multi.Veh. Trucks Del.Van (4W)
Tractors Trailers

Page 26
Rationalization in working : need for setting up UMTA

• Agencies working under the state/central laws/acts creates a structural overlap,

which can be disabling.
Bring clarity in

Replacement of
► Limited coordination ► Conflicting ► Limited Embed a customer
Plethora of
accountability Service culture
among agencies agendas agencies Key

► No single law to
► Isolated Every city is unique. Improved
Cover urban transport governance
comprehensively & accountability

Page 27
Mapping urban transport functioning to different agencies

Regulatory Functions ► Department of Transport , City Traffic Police, Finance Department ,

Pune Pollution Control Board

Metro Rail
► PMRC(Pune Metro Rail Corporation )

Traffic Control
Pune traffic Control Police

Strategy policy making ► Department of Transport (Motor Vehicles Department) ,

► Planning and Economic Affairs Department

Road Infrastructure ► Airports Authority of India, Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited ,
Finance Department , Department of Transport

Sub –Urban Rail Infrastructure

► Indian Railways

Bus Services ► PMPML

Page 28
Thank You

Page 29
Process flow chart for providing inputs to urban transport policy,
standards and guidelines

National State
1.Identify the city Government
level problem 8.seek feedback & suggestion
from stakeholders & Circulate
2.Identify related the final inputs
Ministry of Urban Transport
National /State
UMTA Policy & Policies on
7.Draft the strategies for urban Urban
Divisionimprovement Transport

sources Policy guidelines
Central Gvt.
6.for urban
Inputs by area
implementing 5.refer central govt. Agencies
-analytics inputs
-research in consonance with existing policies / strategies
-Strategic inputs

4. Refer existing policies, stnd. For urban areas

Development Authority Public transport Agency Municipal corporation Other Relevant agencies

Page 30

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