DepEd Order No 2 S 2015

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Guidelines on the Implementation of

• It aims to provide comprehensive guidelines for the adoption of the Civil

Service Commission's (CSC) Strategic Performance Management System
(SPMS) in DepEd.
• Stipulate the specific mechanisms, criteria and processes for the
performance target setting, monitoring, evaluation and development
planning for schools and offices, covering all officials and employees, school-
based and non-school based in the department holding regular plantilla
Policy Statement
• The DepEd hereby sets the guidelines on the establishment and implementation of the Results-based
Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department, stipulating the strategies, methods, tools
and rewards for assessing the accomplishments vis-ä-vis the commitments. This will be used for
measuring and rewarding higher levels of performance of the various units and development planning
of all personnel in all levels.
• For non school-based personnel, the RPMS shall provide for an objective and verifiable basis for rating
and ranking the performance of units and individual personnel in view of the granting of the
Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) starting 2015.
• For school-based personnel, the RPMS shall be used only as an appraisal tool, which shall be the basis
for training and development. The granting of PBB shall be governed by the existing PBB guidelines.
• The Department shall adopt the RPMS framework
• The DepEd RPMS shall follow the four-stage performance management system cycle as prescribed by
the CSC

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

RPMS framework

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

Four-stage performance management
system cycle as prescribed by the CSC

1.Performance planning and commitment (Phase I)

2.Performance monitoring and coaching (Phase II)
3.Performance review and evaluation (Phase III)
4.Performance rewarding and development planning (Phase IV)

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
The Office head discuss the office’s KRAs
and Objectives with direct reports. Then,
break this down to individual KRAs and

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
Identify your responsibilities by answering the question:

“What major results/outputs am I responsible for delivering?”

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
4 classes of Competencies:

(1)Core Behavioral
(4)Staff Core Skills

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

Once the form is completed :
KRAs + Objectives + Performance Indicators + Competencies

1. Rater schedules a meeting with Ratee.

2. Agree on the listed KRAs, Objectives, Performance Indicators
and assigned Weight per KRA.
3. Where to focus on the Competencies

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
Why is it important?
• Key input to performance measures.

• Provides objective basis of the rating.

• Facilitates feedback.

• Clearly defines opportunities for improvement.

• Provides evidence.

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
For the Ratees: For the Raters:
• During Performance Phase, always seek the coaching of your During Performance Phase always:
leader specially when you realize that you need • Provide COACHING to your subordinates to improve
improvements in your results.
work performance and behavior.
• FEEDBACK: Know where and how to get helpful feedback for • Provide FEEDBACK on the progress of work
important aspects of your job
performance and behavior change.

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
Conduct of review session

The Rater should set a meeting with the

Ratee. Request the Ratee to do self-

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

The RPMS Rating Scale
5 Outstanding Performance represents an extraordinary level of achievement and commitment in
terms of quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and
initiative. Employees at this performance level should have demonstrated
exceptional job mastery in all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement
and contributions to the organization are of marked excellence.

4 Very Satisfactory Performance exceeded expectations. All goals, objectives and targets were achieved
above the established standards.
3 Satisfactory Performance met expectations in terms of quality of work, efficiency and timeliness.
The most critical annual goals were met.
2 Unsatisfactory Performance failed to meet expectations, and/or one or more of the most critical
goals were not met.
1 Poor Performance was consistently below expectations, and/or reasonable progress
toward critical goals was not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or
more important areas.

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

Process for Computing the Score per KRA


Rating per KRA = Weight x Rating

Total/Fina1 Rating = KRAI + KRA2 + KRA3 + KRA 4
(Plus Factor)

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DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
Link to PBIS (EO 80 s. 2012)
• Performance Based Bonus (PBB)
• Step Increment

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER
i. Identify the development needs;
ii. Set goals for meeting the development needs;
iii. Prepare action plans for meeting the development needs such as list
of learning activities, resources and support, measures of success,
among other needs;
iv. Implement action plans; and
v. Evaluate

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

• Benchmarking • Geographical cross-posting
• Seminars/workshops • Coaching/counseling
• Formal education/classes • Developmental/lateral career
• Assignment to task moves
forces/committees/ special • Self-managed learning
• Job enhancements / redesign
• Functional cross-posting

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

Disqualification Criteria

Unless justified and accepted by the PMT, non-submission of the OPCRF

to the Planning Office and the IPCRF to the BHROD within the specified
dates shall be ground for employee's disqualification for performance-
based personnel actions that require the rating for the given period such
as promotion, training, scholarship grants, and PBB, if the failure of the
submission of the said forms is due to the fault of the employee.

DepEd Order 2 s. 2015 MARY JOYCE U. ALCOVER

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