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Neglect and Abuse REPORT BY VIVILA

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by: Vivila . P.V


 Define abuse and neglect

 Identify types of abuse and examples of neglect
 Increase knowledge of signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect
 Employ a model care to support possible victims of abuse and neglect.
 Summarize the nurses roles in assessing for abuse and neglect.
Neglect and abuse

 refer to the actions or inactions of an individual's caregiver or parent

inflicting physical, sexual, or emotional harm on the individual.
 Abuse and neglect may also be referred to as maltreatment and within the
legal framework of a country or state is defined as constituting a criminal
infringement of the rights of the maltreated individual. 

 Abuse
a. The willfully infliction by a caregiver of
physical pain or injury, or the willful
deprivation of services necessary to the
physical safety of an individual.
b. Defined as any action that intentionally
harms or injures another person. In
short, someone who purposefully harms
another in any way is committing

 Neglect
a) in the context of caregiving, neglect is a form of
abuse where the perpetrator, who is responsible for
caring for someone who is unable to care for
themselves, fails to do so. It can be a result of
carelessness, indifference, or unwillingness and
b) Neglect may include the failure to provide
sufficient supervision, nourishment, or medical
care, or the failure to fulfill other needs for which
the victim cannot provide themselves. The term is
also applied when necessary care is withheld by
those responsible for providing it from animals,
plants, and even inanimate objects. Neglect can
carry on in a child's life falling into many long-
term side effects, including physical injuries, 
developmental trauma disorder, low self-esteem,
attention disorders, violent behavior, and death.
Types of abuse
Examples of neglect

• Failure to provide or allow access to food, shelter, clothing, heating, stimulation and
activity, personal or medical care
• Providing care in a way that the person dislikes
• Failure to administer medication as prescribed
• Refusal of access to visitors
• Not taking account of individuals’ cultural, religious or ethnic needs
• Not taking account of educational, social and recreational needs
• Ignoring or isolating the person
• Preventing the person from making their own decisions
• Preventing access to glasses, hearing aids, dentures, etc.
• Failure to ensure privacy and dignity
Signs and symptoms of abuse and
Signs and symptoms of abuse and
Signs and symptoms of abuse and
 Many people may not be able to tell you that they have
been injured, abused or neglected. Therefore it is
important to watch for physical, emotional and behavioral
changes. None of these behaviors alone confirm that abuse
or neglect is happening; this list is only intended to be
resource to help in detecting possible abuse and neglect.
Why victims do not report abuse and
 Victims does not know he/she is being violated

 Victims told or feels that the interaction is special.

 Victims follows pacts or secrecy or coercion

 Victims fears he/she did something wrong.

 Victims does not want anyone into trouble.

 Victim is embarrassed.
What to do if you suspect
abuse and neglect


What to do if you suspect
abuse and neglect


In summary, the nurses’ first priority is provide for the
safety of the patient.
We are obligated to complete a screening of all patients,
adult, children and infants, for abuse and neglect.
Should you respect, or identify that a patient is possibly a
victim of abuse or neglect, you must notify the most
responsible physician (MRP)
Stay vigilant in your assessments and work on communicating
in a compassionate way during this highly stressful and
culturally sensitive time.
Be on the lookout for policy and pathway information
supporting the next steps in the process.
 Lachs Ms , Pillemer K.Elder abuse.Lancet.2004 Oct 2-
 Merrick MT, Guinn AS. Child Abuse and Neglect ;Breaking the Intergenerational Link.
Am J Public Health .2018
 Carey C, Hodges J, Webb JK. Changes in state legislation and the impacts on elder
financial fraud and exploitation. J Elder Abuse Negl.2018 Aug
 Yaffe MJ, Tazkarji B.Understanding elder abuse in family practice. Can Fam
Physician.2012 Dec

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