Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Banking
Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Banking
Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Banking
Gather Your Research using Researcher
1 2
1. Start gathering your 2. After entering your topic, this example is “The Alamo” you
research using the can click on the + sign to add the topic to your Word
Researcher feature in document. A link is provided on your document so you can
Word 2016. return to the information source again at a later time. Click on
the article to learn more about it.
Slide 3
3. Select the text you would like to add to your research notes and then choose if you
want to Add or Add and Cite. To avoid plagiarism, make sure you add quotation
marks around the text so you know it came from the source.
4. The citation format will match the one you selected in the References tab. This 4
citation is APA style, but you can change it to the one given by your teacher or
Vary Your Sources
• Refer to the notes section below for
guidelines on this topic.
Evaluate Your Sources
• Refer to the notes section below for
guidelines on this topic.
Narrow Your Topic
• Refer to the notes section below for
guidelines on this topic.
Organize Your
• Refer to the notes section below for
guidelines on this topic.
Present Your Research
• Refer to the notes section below for
guidelines on this topic.
Research Presentation End