AP Psych - Module 27-28

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Module 27: Operant Conditioning

⚫Is learning in which a

behavior becomes
more likely to recur if
followed by a
reinforcer or less likely
if followed by a
Law of Effect
⚫ Edward Thorndike created the LAW
⚫ Behaviors followed by favorable
consequences become more likely.
⚫ Behaviors followed by
unfavorable consequences
become less likely.
⚫ B.F. Skinner became widely regarded
as the pioneer of behavioral psych.
Using operant conditioning.
In Operant Conditioning…
⚫Reinforcement is any event that strengthens the
behavior that it follows.
⚫Shaping is when reinforcers guide behavior to
closer approximations of the desired behavior.
⚫Discriminative Stimulus a stimulus that elicits
a response after association with reinforcement.
Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement
Positive Negative
⚫Increasing ⚫Increasing behaviors
by stopping or
behaviors by reducing aversive
presenting stimuli.
positive ⚫It is not
Primary vs. Conditioned Reinforcer
⚫Primary Reinforcer
innately reinforcing
stimulus, such as one that
satisfies a biological need.
⚫Conditioned Reinforcer a
stimulus that gains its
reinforcing through it
association with a primary
Schedules in Operant Conditioning
⚫ Reinforcement schedule: a
pattern that defines how often
a desired response will be
⚫ Continuous reinforcement
schedule: reinforcing desired
response every time.
⚫ Partial reinforcement
schedule: reinforcing a
response only part of the time.
Ratio and Interval Schedules
⚫ Fixed-ratio schedule is a reinforcement schedule that reinforces
a response only after a specified number of responses.
⚫ Variable-ratio schedule is reinforcement schedule that
reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses.
⚫ Fixed-interval schedule is a reinforcement schedule that
reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed.
⚫ Variable- interval schedule is a reinforcement schedule that
reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals.
Positive and Negative Punishment
⚫Positive Punishment:
administer an aversive
Punishment: withdraw
a rewarding stimulus.
Applications, and Comparison to Classical
⚫Superstitious behavior can be
produced by the accidental
timing of rewards.
⚫Routine before shooting free
throws or stepping into the
batters box
Module 27 + 28 Quiz
⚫ Your will have the rest of class, and the next class period to study for your Module 27+ 28
⚫ It will be worth 30 points
⚫ It will be two parts:
⚫ Multiple choice questions:
⚫ Pg. 292 5 multiple choice questions.
⚫ Pg. 298 4 multiple choice questions.
⚫ You will need to know the definitions for: Operant Conditioning, Law Of Effect,
Reinforcement, Shaping, Discriminative Stimulus, Positive Reinforcement,
Negative Reinforcement, Primary Reinforcer, Conditioned Reinforcer,
Reinforcement Schedule, Continuous Reinforcement Schedule, Partial
Reinforcement Schedule, Fixed-Ratio Schedule, Variable-Ratio Schedule,
Fixed-Interval Schedule, Variable- Interval Schedule, Positive Punishment,
Negative Punishment, Superstitious Behavior.

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