Chapter-One Overview of Public Finance & Taxation
Chapter-One Overview of Public Finance & Taxation
Chapter-One Overview of Public Finance & Taxation
5.Balanced Development :
The government uses the revenues and expenditures in
order to erase the gap between urban and rural and
agricultural and industrial sectors.
For it, the government allocates the budget for
infrastructural development in rural areas and direct
economic benefits to the rural people.
6.Promotion of export:
The government promotes the export imposing less tax
or exempting form the taxes or providing subsidies to the
export oriented goods.
It may supply the inputs at the subsidized prices. It
imposes more taxes on imports and so on.
7. Infrastructural development:
The government collects revenues and spends for
the construction of infrastructures.
It has to keep peace, justice and security too.
It has to bring socio-economic reformation too.
For all these things it uses the revenues and
expenditures as fiscal tools.
What is Tax?
A tax is a compulsory financial charge or some
other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer (an
individual or legal entity) by a governmental
organization in order to fund government spending
and various public expenditures. A failure to pay,
along with
Taxation is the means by which a government or
the taxing authority imposes or levies a tax on its
citizens and business entities. From income tax to
goods and services tax (GST), taxation applies to all
Scope of Public Finance
• The subject matter of the public finance is
classifies under five broad categories.
• 1. Public Revenue
• 2. Public Expenditure
• 3. Public Debt
• 4. Financial Administration and Control, and
• 5. Economic Stability and Growth.
(1) Public Revenue
Revenue includes all incomes irrespective of the
source they are obtained from. Thus, in the wider
sense, we can include taxes as well as borrowings
under public revenue.
But in the interest of the clarity, public revenue
includes only those incomes which do not carry
with them the obligation of repayment for the
state. Thus, public revenue implies raising income
by way of taxation.
(2) Public Expenditure
Public expenditure is the end and aim of the
collection of revenues. Public expenditure is
concerned with Principles and problems relating to
the expenditure of public funds.
The fundamental doctrine that governs the
distribution of the expenditure among various
heads. Various effects of public expenditure on
total employment, total income, aggregate
investment, output, distribution and general price
level etc..
Public expenditure is also used as a tool for
implementing welfare, growth, stabilization and
other policies, by the government.
(3) Public Debt
A public authority can obtain income through
loans and public borrowings. The study public debt
also includes:
(i) Methods and objectives of public borrowings;
(ii) Management of public debt
4) Financial Administration and Control:
Public finance also examines the mechanism by which
the above processes are carried on.
Without a study of relevant dimensions of financial
administration the subject of public finance remains
Thus financial administration and control include the
Study of budgets and their procedure. Budget as a
instrument of securing certain objectives, such as
promotion of employment, economic growth with
stability, welfare of the weaker sections, infrastructural
development for promoting private investments, etc.
Financial and physical controls through different
fiscal tools for controlling private expenditure in
the economy to avoid the effects inflation
deflation, recession etc.
(5) Economic Stability and Growth
The study of public finance includes fiscal policy of
the government in dealing with inflationary and
deflationary situations, instability of the price level,
promotion of full employment, growth of
economy, welfare of the people, etc.
Public Finance and Private Finance
Finance in general means public as well as private finance.
Public finance relates to the money-raising and income-
expenditure functions of the government.
Private finance refers to the income-expenditure phenomenon
of an individual or private business. By private finance mean
the financial problems and policies of an individual economic
(1) Satisfaction of Human Wants;- Both the public and private
finance have the same objective, i.e., the satisfaction of
human wants. Public finance is concerned with the satisfaction
of social or collective wants, whereas private finance is
concerned with the satisfaction of personal or individual wants.
(2) Maximum Advantage from expenditure;- Both the
public finance and private finance try to secure maximum
advantage or maximum benefit.
An individual or a corporation or a private business firm
tries to obtain maximum advantage from his expenditure.
Similarly, the government also tries to obtain maximum
good of the people by incurring expenditure on the society.
3) Borrowings;- Another similarity between the public
and private finance is that many times both have to
be obtained from the market in the form of
borrowings whenever the expenditure of either the
government or any individual or firm exceeds their
(4) Engagement in Similar Activities:
Both the private and public sectors are engaged in
activities that involve lots of purchases, sales and
other transactions. Similarly, they are engaged in
production, exchange, saving capital accumulation,
investment, and so on.
In order to finance these operations, the government,
creates money, raises loans and makes payments etc.
Similarly, a private economic unit lends, borrows,
receives payments, and makes payments and so on.
In these respects, therefore, both the public and
private finance are quite similar to each other.
(5) Scarcity of Resources;- The scarcity of
resources is also an important factor which is
common to both. They have unlimited objectives,
whereas the resources are limited.
(6) Problem of Adjustment of Income and
Expenditure: Another similarity between public
and private finance is that both the public as well
as private sectors face the problem of adjustment
of income and expenditure.
(1) Motive;- The motive of private finance is personal
interest or benefit, whereas the motive of public finance is
social benefit or public welfare.
(2)Adjustment Approach of Income and Expenditure;-
Another dissimilarity between the individual’s private
finance and the government’s public finance is that every
individual tries as far as possible to adjust his expenditure to
his income because his expenditure depends on his income.
Conversely, the government first prepares its budget.
In other words, the government first determines its
expenditure and then devises ways and means to raise the
requisite revenue to meet its expenses.
(3) Nature of Resources:- The resources (private finance)
of an individual are more or less limited, whereas the
resources of the government (public finance) are
enormous. Government can raise resources from tax
sources as well as non-tax sources. The government can
borrow from internal as well as external sources.
(4) Coercive Methods:- An individual (private finance)
cannot use coercive methods to raise his income,
Whereas the government (public finance) can use forceful
methods to collect revenue. In other words, to collect
revenue, the government imposes taxes at a high rate on
the people irrespective of their capacity to pay. Private
individuals or bodies have no such powers.
(5) Elasticity of Finance:- Public finance is elastic in
nature-as compared to private finance.
Public finance can be increased by imposing
various taxes as public finance is open to drastic
changes. Private finance on the other hand, cannot
be increased as there is not much scope for
changes in private finance.
(6) Right to Print Currency: - The government has a
right to print currency which is legal, whereas
private individual does not enjoy such a right.
Government has played an important role in the
socio economic development of society.
Social development may be in the form of raising
the level of living and social welfare in the form of
providing social amenities to the people.
Social amenities are in the form of education,
health and sanitation, utilities like electric supply,
water supply etc.. and recreation facilities.
The process of socio-economic development
requiring huge expenditure and cannot be carried
unless the government has the perennial source of
income. Every government has two important
sources of revenue.
These are:
(a) Tax sources, and
(b) Non-tax sources.
What is a Tax?
Tax is one of the most important sources of revenue to
every government. In the earlier days, payment of
taxes was optional.
A choice was given to the people to pay the tax and
to the benefit of social amenities in the form of
education, health and sanitation, utilities and
recreation facilities.
Naturally, everyone interested in availing social
amenities used to evaluate the benefit derived by
him in exchange for the tax to be paid by him.
But the option in the payment of tax created lot of
problems for the government in fulfilling their
obligations to society.
B. Capital Receipts:
Capital receipts of the government take money forms.
The most important one comprises of borrowings which
can be classified in terms of their origin and maturity on
the basis of origin, public borrowings may be external
(outside the country), or internal (with in the country).
In terms of maturity, there may be, ”long term”,
“medium term”, or “short term” loans with specific
demarcation of boundaries for each.
They may be marketable or non- marketable, interest-
free or interest bearing, etc. Some capital receipts may
be in the form of grants and donation.
Sources of public revenue in Ethiopia
Tax revenue
Non-tax revenue
i. Tax Revenue
Direct Taxes: Example
Personal income tax
Business income tax
Capital gain tax
Rental income tax
Interest income tax
Tax on dividend and lottery
Rural and urban land use fee
II. Indirect taxes: Example
Customs duties
Turnover tax
Excise tax
ii. Non-tax revenue
Administrative revenues(fees Charges,Penality
Government investment income
Privatization proceeds
Capital income from sale of goods and services.
Public Expenditure
PE is incurred by public authorities - either for the
satisfaction of collective needs of the citizens or
for promoting their economic and social welfare.
It is incurred by the government for the
attainment of public good.
Every government has to maintain law and order,
armed forces for providing protection, schools,
health of the people, arranging for cheap food,
cloth and low-cost housing for the poor and so on.
5.Canon of elasticity:
Canon of elasticity requires that the rules of public
expenditure should not be too rigid to achieve the real
purpose and that it should be allowed to vary according
to the needs and circumstances.
For example, if the economy suffers from
unemployment and deficiency of demand, there should
not be a rigidity that the budget should be balanced.
Under such situation, the government should go for a
deficit budget and inject additional purchasing power
into the economy so that effective demand is increased
and factors of production are employed on larger scale.
in case of emergent situations like flood relief,
sanctioning authority should be vested with the
lower rank spending unit since there is no time to
secure sanction from higher authorities.
Flexibility of expenditure should be provided under
such circumstances.
6.Canon of Productivity:
This canon or principle implies that the expenditure
policy of the Governments should be such that
would encourage production in a country.
That means a large part of public expenditure must
be allocated for development purpose.
7.Canon of Equity:
One of the foremost aims of public expenditure is
also to ensure the just and equitable distribution of
is more significant for the countries where the gap
between the highest income and the lowest
income groups is very wide.
8 Canon of certainty:
This canon requires that public authorities should
clearly know the purpose and extent of public
expenditure. The spending unit should be certain as
to the amount and objective of public expenditure.
Effects of Public Expenditure:
In modern government Public Expenditure regarded
as a means of securing social ends. Public
Expenditure produces many direct and indirect
socio-economic effects.
(1) Effects upon ability to work, save and invest:
Ability to work, save and invest depends upon the
health and efficiency possessed by the persons.
Health and efficiency depends upon the level of
consumption and level of consumption depends
upon the public expenditure incurred by the
Effects on consumption: -
The effect of public debt on consumption depends
upon how it is financed by individuals. If they lend to
the government out of their idle savings,
consumption is not affected.
If they buy out of past savings it has only a limited
impact on present expenditure. But if they lend by
cutting present savings, it may make them feel less
secure and so they may reduce consumption.
But if the people feel that they have invested in
government securities which are considered safe
investment, they may actually increase their
Effects on Production and Investment: -
The effect of public debt on production depends
upon whether it affects private investment or not.
If people buy government bonds by selling their
shares or debentures in private individual firms,
there is an adverse effect on private investment.
But if the money borrowed by the government is
for productive purpose, overall production is not
But if it is used for wasteful or non-productive
purpose, total investment is affected negatively.
Repudiation of Debt.
Repudiation of debt means simply that the
government refuses to pay the interest as well as
the principal.
Repudiation is not paying off a loan but destroying
Normally, a government does not repudiate its
debt, for this will shake the confidence of the
general public in the government.
However, in extreme circumstances, a government
may be forced to repudiate its internal or external
debt obligations.
For instance, internally the country may be facing
financial collapse and bankruptcy and externally, it
may be faced with shortage of foreign exchange.
Conversion of Loans:
Another method of redemption of public debt is
known as conversion of loans, that is, an old loan is
converted in to a new loan (in a broad way, conversion
is the same as refunding debt; i.e., repayment of a
debt through a new loan).
Conversion may be resorted to:
(i) When at the time of redemption of a loan, the
government has not the necessary funds, and/or
(ii) When the current rate of interest is lower than
the rate which the government is paying for its
existing debt, so that the government can reduce
its interest obligations.
Conversion of a loan is, always done through the
floating of a new loan. Hence, the volume of
public debt is not reduced. Really speaking,
therefore, conversion of debt is not redemption of
Sinking Fund.
Sinking fund is probably the most systematic and,
therefore, the best method of redeeming public debt.
It refers to the creation and the gradual accumulation
of a fund which will be sufficient to pay off public debt.
Suppose the government floats a loan of Birr10
billions, redeemable in say, 10 years, for the purpose
of road construction.
Year after year, the tax proceeds as well as interest on
investments will make the fund grow till after 10 years
it becomes equivalent to the original amount
borrowed; at that time, that debt will be paid off.
One danger of the sinking fund methods is that a
government, in need of money, may not have the
patience to wait till the end of the period of
maturity but may utilize the fund for purposes
other than the one for which originally the sinking
fund was instituted.
Taxation and its characteristics.
Objectives of Taxation
Initially, governments impose taxes for three basic
purposes: to cover the cost of administration,
maintaining law and order in the country and for
defense related issues.
But now government’s expenditure pattern changed
and gives service to the public more than these three
basic purpose and it restore social justice in the society
by providing social services such as public health,
employment, pension, housing, sanitation and other
public services.
Therefore, governments need much amount of
revenue than before.
To generate more revenue a government imposes
taxes on various types. In general objective of
taxations are:
1. Raising revenue:
To render various economic and social activities, a
government needs large amount of revenue and to
meet this government imposes various types of
2. Removal of inequalities in income and wealth:
Government adopts progressive tax system and
stressed on canon of equality to remove
inequalities in income and wealth of the people.
3. Ensuring economic stability:
Taxation affects the general level of consumption
and production.
Hence, it can be used as effective tool for
achieving economic stability. Governments use
taxation to control inflation and deflation.
4. Reduction in regional imbalances:
If there is regional imbalance with in the country,
governments can use taxation to remove such
imbalance by tax exemptions and tax concessions to
investors who made investment in under developed
5. Capital accumulation
Tax concession or tax rebates given for savings or
investment in provident funds, life insurance,
investment in shares and debentures lead to large
amount of capital accumulation, which is essential for
the promotion of industrial development.
6.Creation of employment opportunities:
Governments might minimize unemployment in
the country by giving tax concession or exemptions
to small entrepreneurs and labor intensive
7.Preventing harmful consumptions:
Government can reduce harmful things on the
society by levying heavy excise tax on cigarettes,
alcohols and other products, which worsen
people’s health.
8.Beneficial diversion of resources:
Governments impose heavy tax on non- essential
and luxury goods to discourage producers of such
goods and give tax rate reduction or exemption on
most essential goods.
This diverts produce’s attention and enables the
country utilize to utilize the limited resources for
production of essential goods only.
9. Encouragement of exports:
Governments enhance foreign exchange
requirement through export-oriented strategy.
Principles of taxation
A tax system (that is, the set of all taxes) for
achieving certain objectives chooses and adheres
to certain principles which are termed its
A good tax system therefore, is one of which
designed on the basis of an appropriate set of
principles, such as equality and certainty.
Therefore, usually economists select some
important objectives and work out the
corresponding principles which the tax system
should adhere to.
The first set of such principles was enunciated by
Adam smith (which he called Cannons ofTaxation):
Canons of Taxation
The four canons of taxation as prescribed by Adam
Smith are the following:
(1) Canon of Equity:
They advocate progressive taxation to
observe the canon of equity. In other words,
they advocate progression should be the
basis for imposing taxes.
(2) Canon of Certainty
This canon is meant to protect the tax payers from
unnecessary harassment by the ‘tax officials’. It
implies that the tax-payer should be well informed
about the time, amount and the method of tax
2) Kinds of Taxes
Whether the effect of taxation is progressive,
proportional or regressive in nature depends upon the
kinds of taxes.
There are two kinds of taxes:
Direct tax and Indirect taxes
a) Indirect Taxes and Distribution
The burden of indirect taxes, like taxes on commodities
is regressive in nature.
The commodities on which indirect taxes are imposed
are widely consumed by the poor and they have to
spend larger proportion of their income on such goods
than rich.
That is, propensity to consume is higher for the poor
than that of rich.
Therefore, indirect or commodity taxes in general are
and regressive nature. Thus, inequalities of income and
wealth cannot reduced by these taxes.
b) Direct Taxes and Distribution
To bring about equitable distribution of income and
wealth, all taxes which fall heavily or exclusively upon
the richer section of society can have favorable
distribution effects.
All direct taxes which are based on the principle of
progression and ability to pay may have desire
distributional effects.
Effects of Taxation on Stabilization
Economic stability may be judged by the behavior
of prices. This does not mean that prices should
remain static.
Conversely there should be a normal rise in price
because a normal rise in price is a sign of healthy
Problem, however, arises whenever there are price
These price fluctuations may be known as
abnormal economic situations prevailing in the
Income derived by an entertainer, musician, or sports person from his personal
Hardship Allowance
Desert Allowance
Reimbursed traveling expense (incurred on duty)
C. Tax Rate
The tax payable on income from employment shall
be charged, levied and collected at the following
Schedule A
0-600 Exempted Deduction
601-1,650 10% 60.00
1,651-3,200 15% 142.50
3,201-5,250 20% 302.50
5,251-7,800 25% 565.00
7,801-10,900 30% 955.00
>10,901 35% 1,500.00
Methods of employment income tax computations.
There are two methods are used to compute
employment income tax.
Progression method
The amount of tax is calculated for each layer of tax
bracket by multiplying the given rate under
schedule A For each additional income.
Deduction methods
Income Tax=Taxable Income x tax rate – Deduction
Deduction is computed by this formula
2 0-1,800 Exempted 0
3 1,801-7,800 10% 180
4 7,801-16,800 15% 570
5 16,801-28,200 20% 1,410
6 28,201-42,600 25% 2,820
7 42,601-60,000 30% 4,950
8 Over 60,000 35% 7,950
3) Bad debt
4)Premium payable on insurance directly
connected with the business activity ;- insurance
premium directly connected with business activities
and against risk of damage or destruction of
business premises.
5) Expense incurred for the promotion of business
6) Commission paid for services rendered, provided
that the amount shall not exceed the normal rates
provided by other similar businesses or persons
7) Any payment made by a branch, subsidiary or associated
company in
Subjected to the following two conditions;
The payment is made for the service actually received.
The service was necessary for the business and could not
be performed by other person or by the business itself at
lower cost.
8) Salaries, wages or other benefit paid to the children of
proprietors or member of partnership. Subjected to the
following two conditions;
a. such employees shall have the required qualification.
b. the salary payable for such employs shall be equivalent
for the post.
9) Salaries and other personal benefit paid to manager or managers of a private
limited company.
10) Interest expense, if the lending institution is recognized by NBE or a foreign
bank permitted to lend to enterprises in the country.
The following are the rates of depreciation permitted per the rule:
1) Building: 5% of the original cost. The cost includes the cost of acquisition,
construction, improvement, reconstruction and renewal.
Non-allowable Deductions
All those expenses, which are not wholly or
exclusively incurred for the business activity, shall
not be allowed as deductions per the provisions of
law. Such expenses include:
1) Additional investment: an increase in the share
capital of a company or the original capital of a
registered partnership
2) Pension or provident fund contribution in excess
of 15% of the monthly salary of employees
3) Business profit tax and input value added tax ;- but they can be
recovered through collection on sales.
5) Losses that are not connected with the business activity
9) Salary, wages, and other personal benefit paid to the partner, or
proprietor of an enterprise
The following is the procedures for the declaration
of taxable income by taxpayers.
A) Taxpayers categorized as “A” are required to
declare their taxable income within four months
from the end of the tax period
B) Those taxpayers who are categorized as “B” are
required to declare their taxable income within
two months from the end of the tax period.
C) Category “C” taxpayers shall declare taxable
income within one month i.e. between July 07
and August each year .
Assessment of Tax
Assessment is a tax review by a tax official of the tax
declaration and information provided by a taxpayer
and a verification of the arithmetical and financial
accuracy of the declared tax liability.
Pursuant to the proclamation, each taxpayer is
required to furnish the tax authority with all
information required for the assessment of income
tax including information about his operations, and
relationship with other bodies that may be
necessary for the declaration of income or for
supporting the books of accounts.