Machine Learning Models: by Mayuri Bhandari
Machine Learning Models: by Mayuri Bhandari
Machine Learning Models: by Mayuri Bhandari
By Mayuri Bhandari
Types of Machine Learning
Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is when you provide the machine
with a lot of training data to perform a specific task.
In the training data, you’d feed the machine with a lot
of similar examples, and the computer will predict the
You would then give feedback to the computer as to
whether it made the right prediction or not.
Supervised learning is task-specific, and that’s why it’s
quite common.
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
As the name suggests, unsupervised learning is the
opposite of supervised learning.
In this case, you don’t provide the machine with any
training data.
The machine has to reach conclusions without any
labeled data.
It’s a little challenging to implement than supervised
It is used for clustering data and for finding anomalies.
It is also quite popular as it is data-driven.
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is quite different from other types of
machine learning (supervised and unsupervised).
The relation between data and machine is quite different
from other machine learning types as well.
In reinforcement learning, the machine learns by its
You give the machine a specific environment in which it can
perform a given set of actions.
Now, it will learn by trial and error.
Although reinforcement learning is quite challenging to
implement, it finds applications in many industries.
Reinforcement Learning
Semi-supervised Learning
A semi-supervised learning problem starts with a
series of labeled data points as well as some data point
for which labels are not known.
The goal of a semi-supervised model is to classify
some of the unlabeled data using the labeled
information set.
The goal of a semi-supervised learning model is to
make effective use of all of the available data, not just
the labelled data like in supervised learning.
Semi-supervised Learning
Machine Learning Models
Components of Generalization Error
Bias Error
Bias is defined as the average squared difference between
predictions and true values.
Bias measures the deviation between the expected output of
our model and the real values, so it indicates the fit of our
Bias results in under-fitting the data.
A high bias means our learning algorithm is missing
important trends among the features.
High bias algorithms are easier to learn but less flexible, due
to this they have lower predictive performance on complex
Bias Error
Gaussian distribution
has 2 parameters. The
mean, μ, and the
standard deviation, σ.
Different values of these
parameters result in
different curves
We want to know which curve was most likely
responsible for creating the data points that we
Maximum likelihood estimation is a method that will
find the values of μ and σ that result in the curve that
best fits the data.
The true distribution from which the data were
generated was f1 ~ N(10, 2.25), which is the blue curve
in the figure above.
Posterior probability
A posterior probability, in Bayesian statistics, is the
revised or updated probability of an event occurring
after taking into consideration new information.
The posterior probability is calculated by updating
the prior probability using Bayes' theorem.
In statistical terms, the posterior probability is the
probability of event A occurring given that event B has
Bayes' Theorem Formula
The formula to calculate a posterior probability of A
occurring given that B occurred:
Bayes' theorem can be used in many applications, such as medicine,
finance, and economics.
In finance, Bayes' theorem can be used to update a previous belief
once new information is obtained.
Prior probability represents what is originally believed before new
evidence is introduced, and posterior probability takes this new
information into account.
Posterior probability distributions should be a better reflection of the
underlying truth of a data generating process than the prior
probability since the posterior included more information.
A posterior probability can subsequently become a prior for a new
updated posterior probability as new information arises and is
incorporated into the analysis.