Variable Frequency Drive Controlled Electric Vehicle

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Ministry of Education

Technological University(Thanlyin)
Department of Electronic Engineering
Graduation Thesis

“Variable Frequency Drive Controlled Electric Vehicle”

First Seminar

Date 24.7.2019

Supervisor : U Maung Maung Htwe Presented by Group (7)

Co-Supervisor : U Nyi Nyi Zan Section (B)


1. Introduction
2. Aim and Objectives
3. Methodology
4. Overall Block Diagram
5. System flow chart
6. System operation
7. Hardware Requirements
8. Software Requirements
9. Current Work
10. Future Work
11. References
Group Members

1 . VI EC-132 Chan Aye Naing 11 . VI EC-30 Yamin Shwe Zin

2 . VI EC-137 A Thin Htun 12 . VI EC-88 Ye Yint Tun
3 . VI EC-133Aung Pyae Phyo 13 . VI EC-57 Htet Htet Win
4 . VI EC-157 Thant Zin Soe 14 . VI EC-113 Wai Thae Hsu
5 . VI EC-127 Thin Nandar Soe 15 . VI EC-106 Hsu Pyae Yadanar
6 . VI EC-141 Wah Wah Moe 16 . VI EC-84 Cho Madi Twin
7 . VI EC-173 Aung Zaw Win 17 . VI EC-44 Nyan Htet
8 . VI EC-122 Thet Htar Swe Zin 18 . VI EC-118 Soe Min Tun
9 . VI EC-54 Yin Yin Nwe 19 . VI EC-117 Ko Ko Zin
10.VI EC-18 Nan Dai Wee 20 . VI EC-124 Khin Zar Chi Maung

● An Electric Vehicle consists of a battery that provides energy , an

electric motor that drives the wheel and a controller that control
the speed of the motor.
● Electric Vehicles were almost maintenance free ; they never
require oil changes , new spark plugs, or any other regular repairs.
● Electric Vehicles produce no emissions of any kind to harm the air
or the environment, they also help reducing the carbon footprint.
● Electric Vehicles have been around since the mid 1800s.
● Electric Vehicles even came before the internal combustion
Aim and Objectives
• To save our overpolluted environment which is filled with
carbon emissions and poisonous gases.

• To study and implement how electric vehicle works in real life.
• To reduce carbon emissions from internal combustion engines.
• To study and implement the advance battery technology in EV cars.
• To study and implement the mechanical design of a car such as
suspension system, steering system, brake system, etc.
• To construct the skeleton frame of the two-seater car.

● 3 Phase AC Induction Motor is used to move the car.

● VFD is used for controlling 3 phase AC Induction Motor.
● Use a microcontroller.
● Use NiMH ( Nickel-metal hydride) battery pack.
Overall Block Diagram

AC 220V

Battery Axle of The Rear

Microcontroller Throttle
Charging Unit Axis Wheel
(Arduino) Potentiometer

NiMH Battery
Magnetic AC Induction
Pack VFD
Contactor Motor

two logic No
The car will not start
both ON

System Flow Chart The car will start, the magnetic
contactor switched on and the main
voltage is supplied to the VFD

The speed of the car is controlled by

adjusting the frequency of the VFD.

System Operation

● 24V battery is used to power the microcontroller. A microcontroller is used to turn on the
magnetic contactor by checking two logic states.
● Magnetic Contactor separates the voltage from battery to the VFD ( Variable Frequency
● The speed of the AC motor is controlled by VFD.
● The frequency from the drive is controlled by using a potentiometer which is connected to
the throttle of the car.
● 3 phase AC induction motor is attached to the axle of the rear axis of the wheel.
● The brake system and the steering system are all hydraulics systems.
Hardware Requirements

● Battery Pack
● 3 Phase AC Induction Motor
● Motor Controller (VFD)
● A Microcontroller
● A Magnetic Contactor
Software Requirements

● Arduino IDE
● C++
● Collecting the material ( Main body
frame ,Motor, VFD ,etc.)

Current Work ● Preparing the battery pack

● Designing the overall circuit diagram

● Preparing the blueprint of the visual

● Starting a construction work
(Equipment installation, body frame
installation, etc.)

● Designing the circuit system ( Analyze

Future Work the circuit path between battery and
the motor.)

● Preparing the control System

4.Automobile Mechanical & Electrical Systems by Tom Denton
5.Build Your Own Electric Vehicle by Seth Leitman and Bob Brant
Thank You

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