Parallel Programming: Process and Threads

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Parallel Programming

Process and Threads


 Concurrency
 Processes
 Threads
 OpenMP
• A property of computing systems in which several tasks are executing simultaneously
• Tasks are in progress at the same time
• Maybe running on one single processor, maybe on more than one
• Typical examples: web server, multiple programs running in your desktop
Time-sharing or multitasking systems

• CPU executes multiple processes by switching among them

• Switching occurs often enough for users to interact with each program while running
• In muti-core/multi-computer, processes may indeed be running in parallel.

• A process is a program in execution

• States of a process

• New: the process is being created

• Ready: waiting to be assigned to a processor
• Running: instructions are being executed
• Waiting: waiting for some event to occur
(e.g., I/O completion)
• Terminated: has finished execution

• Associated address space

• Proram itself (text section)
• Program’s data (data section)
• Stack, heap

• Process control block

• Process ID
• Process status
• CPU registers (PC,...)
• Open files, memory management,...

• Stores context to ensure a process can continue its execution properly after
switching by restoring this context.
• Basic unit of CPU utilization
-Flow of control within a process
• A thread includes
-Thread ID
-Program counter
-Register set
• Shares resources with other threads within the same process
-Text section
-Data section
-Other OS resources (open files,...)
Benefits of multi-threading

• Responsiveness
- An interactive application can keep running even if a part of it is blocked or
performing a compute-intensive operations.
- A server can accept requests while processing existing ones
• Resource sharing: code and data shared among threads
• Speed: cheap creation and context switching
Cost of multi-threading
Performance overhead:
-Access to shared resources
-A thread enters a waiting state for a resource held by another one, which in
turns is waiting for a resource by another (possible the first one).
Race conditions:
-Two or more threads read/write shared data and the result depends on the
actual sequence of execution of the threads.
Not deterministic:
-Harder to debug (hard to reproduce errors)
Single program Multiple Data

• Most common programming model

• The same program is executed on multiple processors
• Different control flow based on the process/thread ID
Message Passing

• Multiple processes (not necessarily running on different nodes)

• Each with its own private address spaces
• Access to (remote) data of other processes via sending/receiving messages
(explicit communication)

Well-suited for distributed memory

MPI (Message Passing Interface) is the de-facto standard
Message Passing Interface (MPI)

Specified and managed by the MPI Forum

-Library offers a collection of communication primitives
-Language binding for C/C++ and Fortran
Relatively low-level programming model
-Data distribution and communication must be done manually
-Primitives are easy to use, but designing parallel programs is hard
Communication modes
-Point-to-point (message between two processes)
-Collective (message among groups of processes)
1 n (e.g., broadcast)
n 1 (e., reduce)
n n (e.g., allreduce)
Shared memory

IEEE POSIx Threads (PThreads)

- Standard UNIX threading API. Also used in Windows.
- Over 60 functions: pthread_create,pthread_join,pthread_exit, etc.
Higher level interface based on:
- compiler directives
- library routines
- runtime
Emphasis on high-performance computing
• Specified and managed by the OpenMP ARB
• Assumes shared memory
• Allows definition of shared/private variables
• Language extensions based on:
- Compiler directives
- Library of routines
- Runtime for the creation and management of threads

Currently available for C/C and Fortran
Hybrid programming

• Multiple processes, each spawning a number of

- Inter-process communication via message
passing (MPI)
- Intra-process (thread) communication via shared
• Especially well-suited for hybrid architectures. For
- one process per shared-memory node, and
- one thread per core
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