The Sign Test
The Sign Test
The Sign Test
Dian L Sufyan
One day HIMAGI held Gizi Peduli Sosial (GPS). The event focused on
giving nutrition education to Women of Reproductive Age (WRA).
Before the education session begin, the committee giving pre-test
to the WRA, and so af ter the education. Finally, you compare the
two scores of knowledges (pretest & post test) to see if there is any
diff erence between them.
- Related, paired
- Each score in pretest group has its counterpar t on post test group
The sign test
- The focus of this test was on its diff erence’s direction (+/- or
no diff erence), not the value of the diff erence
- = 0.05
Is there any diff erence between UTS score and UAS Score of
these students?
Students UTS UAS
A 70 72
B 75 75
C 83 87
D 86 85
E 90 88
F 95 100
G 85 88
H 65 72
I 68 63