Philosophy and Spirituality 1

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What are your personal thoughts on the soul or spirit?

What are your personal thoughts about God?

If the spirit exists, does God exist?

If God exists, what is His role in our lives?

What is soul or spirit?
Believes that
Believes that other living
man is the only beings also
being with a possess souls.
soul. Non-living things
such as mountains
possess soul
It is the Immortal and Non-corporeal essence of man.
Refers to the idea that there is a soul or spirit that
exist within the body.
Also the body has both a physical and non-physical
nature, which is the spirit.

Embodied recognition – man is able to perceive

and experience reality through his physical body.

Enactivism– states that cognition arises through the

interaction between an organism and its environment.
Spirit is created by God and that is embodied
in the human being. (Inseparable body & soul)

The spirit continues to

persist into the afterlife

The spirit is also essential element for the

salvation of mankind, as the departed
spirits will be raised from the dead during
the end times and shall receive the
judgement of God
Nature of the spirit
(According to philosophers) Regarded the soul as integrated
into human body

He believed that human spirit or Soul is the part of man’s essence

soul is composed of three parts: which enables him to achieve
his ultimate purpose
LOGOS - rational He believed that human is
(the mind or reason) aristotle composed of form and matter.
THYMOS - spiritual FORM – refers to the structure and
(emotion) arrangement of matter that actually
gives rise to the object.
EROS - appetitive
(desire) MATTER – refers to the components
that make up an object
He believed that the soul is what
made the body move. These various elements come together
to create the physical structure and the
Human mind is immortal and spiritual components of a man.
persist after the death of the body

Physicalism Idealism Monism Dualism

Believes that Mental processes Human being is

Believes in the
physical processes and thoughts are composed of
distinctiveness of
determine the state the only reality elements that are
the physical and
of mind neither physical
mental nature of
nor mental.
He argued that self Soul is the “first
awareness and actuality” of the body.
consciousness exists “For there to be a body,
AVICENNA even if the body is ST. THOMAS there should be first be a
deprived of its senses. AQUINAS soul”
Soul has substance and
has no physical or
He proposed that the concrete form and is able
mind and body exist as to exist even without the
two separate entities body
Rene Descartes that interact with one He believed that the
another. soul is the driving force
ST. AUGUSTINE that governs the body
and defines the human
What does the bible say about the
soul and spirit?

Philosophical Theology and creation theology

clarifies the concept of the spirit and
distinguishes it from the soul.
Chauncey Giles, in his work The
Nature of the Spiritual being, states
that the spirit gives form to the body,
and the human person is a spiritual
being with a material body.
“the Lord God formed man from the Man’s physical nature, meanwhile,
dust of the ground and breathed into comes from the breath of God and
his nostrils the breath of life, and enables him or her to relate with God.
man became a living soul.” (Genesis
What does the bible say about the
soul and spirit?
The word “spirit” is often used to refer
the spiritual nature of man.
The word “soul” is used to describe the
physical spiritual man and the wholeness of
the spirit and the body. Thus, the soul is
never equated with the spirit.
How does the spirit define nature of man?

TRICHOTOMIC VIEW holds that man is composed of

three essential parts: BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT.

SOUL is defined as the component which gives man life

and will; the SPIRIT enables man to establish a
connection with God. BODY refers to the world
How does the spirit define nature of

gives no distinction between the
spirit and soul and views man as
being composed of body and spirit.

asserts that man is of a single or
unitary constitution, and that the
body and spirit are inseparable and
If the spirit exist, does god exist?

the study of God and other religious concepts.
is acknowledge as the Supreme Being which
governs all existence and the center of faith
and devotion of a religion
THEISM – belief in the. existence of God
MONOTHEISM- believe in a Single God
OMNISCIENCE- He is all-knowing BENEVOLENCE- He is perfectly good, and all-loving

OMNIPOTENCE- He is all-powerful DIVINE SIMPLICITY – All attribute are embodied

by Him.
OMNIPRESENCE- He is ever-present ETERNAL- He is timeless and has no beginning and
Several arguments on the existence of god
REVEALED THEOLOGY a study of God through the analysis of sacred text.

NATURAL THEOLOGY employed reasons to substantiate the existence of God.

ONTOLOGICAL ARGUMENT man as a rational being conceives the idea of a Supreme

Being and thus believe that God exist
TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT focuses on the purpose a God would play in the universe.
COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT proposes that God is the cause that brought about the
beginning of the universe
St. Thomas Aquinas (proposed arguments) “prime mover,” “first
cause of existence,” “ source of being.”
GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ propose the “principle of sufficient reason.”

MORAL ARGUMENT contends that God is the greatest ideal of what is good and without
him, the concept of ethics and all ethical action would be meaningless.


-viewpoint or belief in considers rejection or
the existence of a God or metaphysical concepts nonbelief in the
deities. such as God to be existence of God
inherently unknown.
If god exist, what is his role in our life?
God play a central role in REDEMPTIVE SALVATION.

God also takes an active role in the human condition -

God’s presence may be seen as IMMANENT or
IMMANENCE regards God as manifesting Himself in
the world as a unique entity
TRANSCENDENCE depicts God existing outside the
material world, and whose presence is beyond physical
laws and human knowledge.
IMMANUEL KANT He proposed that human
transcendence is based on rationality.
JEAN- PAUL SARTRE He consider the person’s
ability to comprehend and relate objects and being
outside of his own self as an indication of transcendence.


view of God that he is is an all-encompassing was a distinct entity but
both beyond and within presence in the universe lost this state when He
the universe. and has no distinct transformed Himself
presence of entity. into the universe.
How can we apply spiritual concepts
in our life?

One maintains in a relationship with the

divine through belief and adherence
(devotion and faithfulness).
Concept of transcendence is not mainly
confine to God but can also applied to
human experience.

Humans can establish a connection with

the divine through prayer, meditation,
and visions.

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