Dimension of Development: Health Awareness
Dimension of Development: Health Awareness
Dimension of Development: Health Awareness
• Hawker et al. (2007) mention in their book that dengue fever
is a febrile disease caused by one of four closely related virus
serotypes of the genus Flavivirus , family Flaviviridae. Each
serotype is sufficiently different that there is no cross-
protection, and epidemics caused by multiple serotypes
(hyperendemicity) can occur. Dengue is transmitted to
humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that are found in
the tropics. They tend to bite just after dawn and just before
sunset. However, it has been observed that they can bite and
spread infection at any time of day. Incubation period is from
3 to 15 days.
SYMPTOMS • Dengue is manifested by a sudden onset of
OF high fever with severe headache and
muscle and joint pains, myalgia, and
DENGUE arthralgia . It also called breakbone fever or
bonecrusher disease. The patient may
develop dengue rashes that
are characteristically bright red
petechiae. This usually appear first on the
lower limbs and chest and spread to cover
most of the body. The patient may suffer
from gastritis, abdominal pain, nausea,
vomiting or diarrhea.
• The best way of prevention is to avoid
N OF being bitten by mosquitoes. Take note the
following tips:
DENGUE 1. Use mosquito Nets and insect repellent
2. Put screens on doors and windows
3. Refrain from going outdoors during the
time of the day when mosquitoes are
most active.
4. Remove stagnant water. cover water
containers and change water in flower
vase frequently.
• Malaria is a vector borne infectious disease that is
widespread in tropical and subtropical regions,
MALARIA including the Philippines. it is "commonly
associated with poverty but is also an effect of
poverty and a major hindrance to economic
development" (Engelkirk,2007).
• Malaria according to Engelkirk (2007) in Burton's
microbiology for the Health Sciences is one of the
most infectious disease and enormous public
health problems. it is caused by protozoa parasites
of the genus plasmodium. the most serious form
of the disease are caused by plasmodium
falciparum and plasmodium vivax, but other
related species can also infect humans. this group
of human pathogenic plasmodium species is
usually referred to as malaria parasites ( Halker et
al. 2007).
Signs and
symptoms of • Anemia
malaria • High fever
• Chills
• Nausea
• Headache
• Diarrhea
• and in severe cases coma and death.
Prevention of
• malaria can be prevented by avoiding
mosquito bites through the use of
mosquito Nets and insect
repellent, spraying insecticides, and
draining standing water where mosquitoes
lay their eggs.
CHOLERA • Cholera is an acute intestinal infection
caused by ingestion of food or water
contaminated with the bacterium vibrio
cholerae. it has a short incubation period
lasting from less than one day to five days.
it also produces an enterotoxin that causes
copious, painless, and watery diarrhea that
can quickly lead to severe dehydration and
death if treatment is not promptly given.
Vomiting also occurs in most patients.
( Hawker et al., 2007).
Signs and
symptoms Vomiting
of cholera
muscle clumps
Follow these precautions to reduce the risk of
contracting cholera:
1. Wash hands with soap and water
frequently and thoroughly.
Prevention of 2.
Drink safe water only.
Eat food that is completely cooked
cholera 4. Avoid raw food street food and any food
from suspicious sources.
5. Observe proper hygiene and sanitation at
all times
Avian influenza is an infection caused by
an avian influenza a virus is found chiefly in
birds, but infections can occur in human. The
risk is generally low to most people because
Avian influenz the viruses do not usually infect
humans. However, confirmed cases of human
a ( bird flu) infection have been reported since 1997. Most
cases of avian influenza infection in humans
could have resulted from direct contact with
infected poultry or contaminated surfaces.
H5N1 is a particularly deadly strain of bird flu
that can infect humans and other mammals.
• Fever
• Cough
H1N1 The nasal spray vaccine contain live virus that has been
altered to hinder its ability to replicate in human tissue.
People with a suppressed immune system should not get
vaccinated with the nasal spray. Also, most vaccines that
contain flu viral particles are cultivated in eggs, so
individuals with an allergy to eggs should not get the
vaccine unless tested an improvised by their doctor that
they are cleared to obtain it.
Typhoid fever, also known as typhoid, is an acute illness
most often caused by the salmonella typhi bacteria or
the salmonella paratyphi, a related bacterium that usually
leads to a less severe infection. The bacteria are deposited
in the water or food by a human carrier and are then spread
to other people in the area (Hawker et al, 2007)
symptoms of
becomes constant. Other symptoms include
poor appetite, headache, body aches, and
lethargy. Improvement occurs in the 3rd and
typhoid 4th week for those who do not experience
complications. About 10% of patients have
140 90 Stage 1
For most people who are suffering from hypertension, there is no obvious cause why their blood pressure is
high. This condition is called essential hypertension and it is especially important that their blood pressure is
kept under control.
• Changing your diet and lifestyle can do much
in managing blood pressure.
Quit smoking
OF 2. Limit the intake of alcoholic beverage
HYPERTENSI 3. Lose weight if you are overweight .
an advanced and even a possibly life-
threatening stage.
• High blood pressure increases the risk of
coronary artery disease, also called
atherosclerosis. High blood pressure puts
added force against the artery wall. Over
time, this extra pressure can damage the
arteries. These injured arteries tend to
become narrow and hardened by fatty
deposits. They block the flow of blood to the
heart and cannot deliver enough oxygen to
the other parts of the body.
Other causes of cardiovascular disease are as follows:
• Smoking – Cigarette smokers are at a greater risk than pipe and cigar smokers, but all
forms of tobacco are proven to be detrimental to the heart's health.
• Diabetes
• Overweight- Person who have an excess body fat are at a higher risk than persons of
normal weight.
• Diet high in saturated fat and salt
• Family history- Children of parents who developed heart disease before the age of
55 have a higher risk of developing heart disease.
• Lack of exercise
• Age – Risk of heart disease increases over the of 45 in males and over 55 in females.
• Too much drinking- People who take two alcoholic drinks per day are at risk.
• High blood pressure
• Having high cholesterol level.
• A heart attack causes permanent damage to the
heart muscle due blood flow of the heart.
Prevention of
2. control diabetes, blood pressure, and
cholesterol level.
cardiovascular 3.
Exercise regularly.
Eat a diet that is rich in fiber and low in
diseases salt and saturated fat.
5. Maintain a healthy weight.
6. Manage stress.
• Diabetes, also referred to as diabetes millitus, describe a
group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high
blood glucose or blood sugar, either because insulin
production is inadequate, or the sales in his/ her body do
not respond properly to insulin, or both. Patients with
high blood sugar will typically experience frequent
urination (polyuria), excessive thirst (polydispia), an
increased appetite (polyphagia).
diabetes and the patient will probably end up having to take insulin,
usually in tablet form.
• Overweight and obese people have a much higher risk in
developing type 2 diabetes compared to those with a healthy
body weight. People with a high level of visceral fat also known as
central obesity, belly fat, or abdominal obesity, are essentially at
risk being overweight or obese causes the body to release
chemicals that can states tabby lies the body's cardiovascular and
metabolic system.
• Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by
out-of-control cell growth. There are over
100 different types of cancer, and each is
classified by the type of cell that is initially
• Cancer harms the body when damaged cells
Cancer divide uncontrollably perform lumps or
masses of tissue called tumors. Tumor can
grow and interfere with the digestive,
nervous, and circulatory systems and they
can release hormones that alter body
functions. Tumor that stay in one spot and
demonstrate limited growth are generally
considered to be benign.
More dangerous or malignant tumors formed
when two things occur:
1. A cancerous cell manages to move
throughout the body using a blood or
lump systems, destroying healthy tissue in
a process called invasion.
2. A cancerous cell manages to divide and
grow, making new blood vessels to feed
itself in a process called angiogenesis.
There are five broad groups of concern namely;
1. Carcinomas are characterized by cells that cover
internal and external parts of the body such as lung,
breast, and colon.
2. Sarcomas are characterized by cells that are located in
Signs and
instance, a lump the breast or testicle can be an
indicator of cancer in those locations. skin
cancers (Melanoma) is often marked by a change
symptoms of in a wart or mole on the skin. Some oral cancers
present white patches inside the mouth or white
Prevention of 2.
earlier you quit the better.
Stay in the shade and protect yourself with a