Valuation Has Often Been Defined As The Art And/or Science of Estimating Values
Valuation Has Often Been Defined As The Art And/or Science of Estimating Values
Valuation Has Often Been Defined As The Art And/or Science of Estimating Values
• Sale
• Purchase
• Mortgage
• Insurance
• Lease/Rental
• Financial Reporting
• Statutory Purposes
– Probate
– Property Tax
– Land Acquisition
– Rent Restriction
– Transfer Tax
– Hotel Incentives
• that is, special value is applicable only to a purchaser with a special interest.
Marriage value, the value increment resulting from the merger of two or
more interests in a property, represents a specific example of special value.
Special value could be associated with elements of going concern value and
with investment value, or worth. The Valuer must ensure that the criteria
used to value such properties are distinguished from those used to estimate
Market Value, making clear any special assumptions made.
• Mortgage Lending Value. The value of the property as
determined by the Valuer making a prudent assessment of
the future marketability of the property by taking into
account long-term sustainable aspects of the property, the
normal and local market conditions, and the current use and
alternative appropriate uses of the property. Speculative
elements may not be taken into account in the assessment of
mortgage lending value. The mortgage lending value shall be
documented in a transparent and clear manner.
The Valuation Report
The professional valuer addresses the problem posed by a client who requires
knowing the value of a particular interest in land. To do this the valuer has to follow
a process. The process will consist of: