Media and INformation LAnguages
Media and INformation LAnguages
Media and INformation LAnguages
are systems of signs, which create meaning
are the generally accepted ways of doing something
Types of Code
Technical Codes
ways in which equipment is used to tell the story (camera
techniques, framing, depth of fields, lighting and exposure, etc.)
Types of Code
Technical Codes
Technical codes include sound, camera angles, types of shots and lighting. They
may include, for example, ominous music to communicate danger in a feature film, or
high-angle camera shots to create a feeling of power in a photograph.
Technical Codes
Camera Techniques
Basic Camera Shots Advance Camera Shots Camera Angles
Extreme Wide Shot Two Shot Eye-Level
Wide Shot Cut Away High Angle
Medium Shot Over the Shoulder Low Angle
Medium Close- up Point of View Bird's Eye View
Close- up Selective Focus Worm’s Eye View
Extreme Close- up Arc Shot Slanted (canted)
Symbolic Codes
showwhat is beneath the surface of what we see (objects, setting,
body language, clothing, color, etc. )
Types of Code
Symbolic Codes
Symbolic codes include the language, dress or actions of characters, or iconic
symbols that are easily understood. For example, a red rose may be used symbolically
to convey romance, or a clenched fist may be used to communicate anger
Types of Code
Written Codes
useof language style and textual layout (headlines, captions,
speech bubbles, language style, etc. )
Written Codes
Convention - In the media context, refers to a standard or norm
that acts as a rule governing behaviour.
Messages - the information sent from a source to a receiver.
Audience - the group of consumers for whom a media message
was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the
Producers - People engaged in the process of creating and putting
together media content to make a finished media product.
Other stakeholders - Libraries, archives, museums, internet and
other relevant information providers.
Kita Kita Movie Clip
How did this scene convince the audience that it is possible for
Glenn to survive under this garbage bin?
Poster Analysis