The Job Interview: Capstone Experience Senior Seminar Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance
The Job Interview: Capstone Experience Senior Seminar Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance
The Job Interview: Capstone Experience Senior Seminar Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance
Capstone Experience
Senior Seminar
Department of Health Promotion and
Human Performance
“Hey, I’ve Got A Job Interview!”
The position sounds very interesting, particularly since it would be an opportunity for me to use
my skills in designing sound individual exercise prescriptions and administering safe, specific
activity programs. I am eager to develop and deliver exercise programs to your clients.
Dr. Lambert, I want this job. I can quickly become a member of your team if you’ll give me a
chance. If I may, let me call you in a few days to see if you have reached a decision favorable to
both of us. I look forward to talking with you. Thank you again for your consideration.
(written signature)
Cynthia L. Smith