The Revenue Cycle: Gwyneth L. Beriña Maria Jhanelle B. Cancejo Trixie Anne H. Ilao
The Revenue Cycle: Gwyneth L. Beriña Maria Jhanelle B. Cancejo Trixie Anne H. Ilao
The Revenue Cycle: Gwyneth L. Beriña Maria Jhanelle B. Cancejo Trixie Anne H. Ilao
The Revenue
Gwyneth L. Beriña
Maria Jhanelle B. Cancejo
Trixie Anne H. Ilao
Overview of Revenue Cycle
In this section we examine the revenue
cycle conceptually. Using data flow diagrams
(DFDs) as a guide, we will trace the sequence of
activities through three processes that constitute
the revenue cycle for most retail, wholesale, and
manufacturing organizations.
These are:
• Sales order procedures
• Sales return procedures
• Cash receipts procedures
Sales order procedures include the tasks
involved in receiving and processing a
customer order, filling the order and shipping
products to the customer, billing the customer
at the proper time, and correctly accounting for
the transaction.
It contains the following data: customer name; customer address; current balance;
available credit; transaction dates; invoice numbers; and credits for payments,
returns, and allowances.
Post to General Ledger- By the close of the transaction processing period, the
general ledger function has received journal vouchers from the billing and
inventory control tasks and an account summary from the AR function.
Sales Return Procedures
An organization can expect that a certain
percentage of its sales will be returned. This
occurs for a number of reasons, some of which
may be:
• The company shipped the customer the wrong
• The goods were defective.
• The product was damaged in shipment.
• The buyer refused delivery because the seller
shipped the goods too late or they were
delayed in transit.
Prepare Return Slip- When items are
returned, the receiving department employee
counts, inspects, and prepares a return slip
describing the items. The goods, along with a
copy of the return slip, go to the warehouse to
be restocked. The employee then sends the
second copy of the return slip to the sales
function to prepare a credit memo.
Prepare Credit Memo- Upon receipt of the return slip, the sales
employee prepares a credit memo. This document is the
authorization for the customer to receive credit for the merchandise
Approve Credit Memo- The credit manager evaluates
the circumstances of the return and makes a judgment to
grant (or disapprove) credit. The manager then returns
the approved credit memo to the sales department.
At the end of the period, total sales returns are summarized in a journal voucher
and sent to the general ledger department.
Update Inventory and AR Records- The inventory control function adjusts the
inventory records and forwards the credit memo to accounts receivable, where the
customer’s account is also adjusted.
Update General Ledger- Upon receipt of the
journal voucher and account summary
information, the general ledger function
reconciles the figures and posts to the following
control accounts:
Inventory—Control XXX.XX
Sales Returns and Allowances XXXX.XX
Cost of Goods Sold XXX.XX
Accounts Receivable-Control XXXX.XX
Cash Receipts Procedures
The sales order procedure described a credit
transaction that resulted in the establishment of
an account receivable. Payment on the account
is due at some future date, which the terms of
trade determine. Cash receipts procedures
apply to this future event. They involve
receiving and securing the cash; depositing the
cash in the bank; matching the payment with
the customer and adjusting the correct account;
and properly accounting for and reconciling the
financial details of the transaction.
Open Mail and Prepare Remittance Advice- A mail
room employee opens envelopes containing customers’
payments and remittance advices. Remittance advices
contain information needed to service individual
customers’ accounts including payment date, account
number, amount paid, and customer check number.
Record and deposits check - The employee records the check in the cash receipts
journal including cash sales, miscellaneous cash receipts, and cash received on
account, are recorded in the cash receipts journal. Next, the clerk prepares a bank
deposit slip showing the amount of the day’s receipts and forwards this along with
the checks to the bank. Upon deposit, the bank teller validates the deposit slip and
returns it to the company for reconciliation. At the end of the day, the cash receipts
employee summarizes the journal entries and sends the following journal voucher
entry to the general ledger function.
Update Accounts Receivable- The remittance advices
are used to post to the customers’ accounts in the AR
subsidiary ledger. Periodically, the changes in account
balances are summarized and forwarded to the general
ledger function.
• involves radically rethinking the business
process and the work flow
• improve operational performance and reduce
costs by identifying and eliminating non
value-added tasks
Automating Sales Order Processing
with Batch Technology
• primary key (PK) because it is the only field
that uniquely identifies each record in the file
• provides link between digital records and
physical source document