2-Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Di Laboratorium
2-Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Di Laboratorium
2-Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Di Laboratorium
Study of Cases
Safety of Worker one of the main thing is to do
good work other activities, both internal factors and external
Phsycology, Health, and Physic
External Social of Interaction is between another
Worker or Leader
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Numb. 23 Year 1992
Every worker in the working area should get the right to a well
health, immoral, and self protecting , besides that the company
should be required to apply the Health and Safety Management
for smooth and safety activities at work.
If positive work of Improving the
environment and productivity of the
healthy company
Factors of work
We know the way of
environment used
prevention in order to parameter to
minimize errors in determine the cause
the laboratory as a result of the
working influence of the
working environment is
right or wrong
Problems Major Goals Minor Goals
• How important is the • Adding insight into the • Explaining of the
influence of factors of the work importance by factors
environmental factors environment in the affecting in a work
working against K3 laboratory industry environment as a
in the laboratory? • Geting an imagine of result of an accident
• What are the factors case studies in the in the laboratory
kind that affect the environmental factors based health and
working environment work in the safety management.
as a result of an laboratory and how • Knowing and
accident in the to prevent and treat describing the factors
laboratory? about it. that affect the
• How to prevent the working environment
effect of as a result of an
environmental factors accident in the
if false working? laboratory based
health and safety
• Defining and
describing how to
prevent workplace
SThe Working of An Employee
Defined of
other Factors
(Yunanda: 2013)
Parameters Easy Worker Intermediet Hard
Worker Worker
Temperatures (0C) 30 26,7 25
Calories (ccal/h) 100-200 200-350 350-500
Noises (dB) 85
Vibration 4m/s2 atau 0,40 Grav
Ultraviolet Radiation 0,1 µW/cm2
SNI 16-7063-2004 STANDARD
(Widiastuti, 2011)
Practicing theory taught activity
has interacted directly and
indirectly to the potential danger.
(Sitepu, 2014)
(Ramadon, 2013)
From various epidemiological studies, in addition to diseases caused by work
also studied the various factors which affect health in the workplace which then
contribute to the onset of disease. Such diseases referred to as diseases
related to work (Occupationalrelated Disease), where the disease in question,
the working environment is not a direct cause, but acts as a contributing factor
(contributing factor) against the disease. Psychological disorders,
hypertension, cardiovascular, peptic ulcers and others like are examples of the
type of the disease.
(Putra, 2011)
Study Literature
Presentation Pra-paper
Presentation the
Paper Result
Jurnal Kedokteran Meditek: Penyakit Akibat Kerja Disebabkan oleh Faktor Fisik (Agus, 2011).
Jurnal Economia: Pengaruh Kedisiplinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Budaya Kerja Terhadap Kinerja
Tenaga Pengajar (Arianto, 2014).
Jurnal dari Universitas Esa Unggul, Tengerang: Lingkungan Kerja Faktor Kimia dan Biologi (Arief,
Jurnal Prosiding SNE Politeknik Negeri Batam: Analisa Keselamatan Kerja (K3) pada Pembelajaran
di Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Mesin Politeknik Negeri Batam (Hati, 2014).
Jurnal dari Unversitas Padjajaran, Bandung: Keselamtan Kerja di Laboratorium (Muchtaridi, 2015).
Jurnal EMBA: Kepemimpinan, Motivasi, dan Lingkungan Kerja Pengaruh Terhadap Kinerja pada
Kanwil Ditjen Kekayaan Negara Suluttenggo dan Maluku Utara di Manado (Potu, 2013).
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis: Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Non-Fisik Terhadap Kinerja
Karyawan: Studi pada PT. Telkom Area III Jawa-Bali Nusra di Surabaya (Norianggono, 2014).
Jurnal Universitas Negeri Sumatera Utara: Keracunan Bahan Organik dan Gas di Lingkungan Kerja
dan Upaya Pencegahannya (Putra, 2011).
Jurnal EKOSAIN: Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Kerja Terhadap Waktu Penyelesaian Pekerja
(Studi Laboratorium) (Setyanto, 2011).
Simposium Nasional RAPI XIII: Identifikasi Tingkat Bahaya di Laboratorium Perguruan Tinggi (Studi
Kasus Laboratorium di Lingkungan Departemen Teknik Industri Universitas Sumatera Utara) (Sitepu,
Jurnal SETJEN DEPKES RI: Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Laboratorium Analisis Kesehatan
(Tresnianingsih, 2015).
Jurnal ITS: Evaluasi Ergonomis dalam Proses Perancangan Produk Laboratorium Ergonomis dan
Perancangan Kerja (Wignjosoebroto, 2013).
Jurnal dari Universitas Brawijaya: Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan
Kinerja Karyawan (Studi pada Perum Jasa Tirta I Malang Bagian Laboratorium Kualitas Air)
(Yunanda, 2013).
Jurnal Media Wahana Ekonomika: Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Non-Fisisk Terhadap
Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Tata Cabang Palembang (Hendri, 2015).
Jurnal ITS: Perancangan Lingkungan Kerja dan Alat Bantu yang Ergonomis untuk Mengurangi
Masalah Black Injury dan Tingkat Kecelakaan pada Departemen Mesin Bubut (Wignjosoebroto,
Simbol Keterangan
A Faktor fisik dari lingkungan kerja
B Kedisipilinan dan budaya kerja
C Faktor kimia dan biologi lingkungan kerja
D Analisis K3 di laboratorium
E K3 di laboratorium
F Leadership di lingkungan kerja
G Pengaruh kondisi fisik dan non-fisik di lingkungan kerja
H Bahaya racun di laboratorium
I Pengaruh fisik di lingkungan kerja di laboratorium
J Identifikasi bahaya di laboratorium
K K3 laboratorium
L Lingkungan kerja ergonomis
M Pengaruh fisik dan non-fisik lingkungan kerja di lab.
N Pengaruh fisik dan non-fisik lingkungan kerja
O Pengaruh ergonomi lingkungan kerja
MIGD Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan Kerja Di Laboratorium
I Pentingnya Faktor-Faktor Kerja di Laboratorium
II Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan Kerja yang Berpengaruh di Laboratorium
Health and
Enviromental Better
Work Management Workplace
Enviromental Work Factors Generally
Preventing Using a gas mask for compounds Ammonia, Chlorine, etc. which
is provided at the factory (Nigam, 2011).
Make sure the water tap and gas is always in a closed state
before and after the lab finishes (Muchtaridi, 2015).
Enviromental Work Factors in
The Laboratory
Biological Preventing
All workers should receive basic training on
Bacterial epidemiology and disinfection.
Ergonomic Factors
A mismatch Fatigue is also one
between the of the causes of
The man fits to the
workers and the ergonomic factors if
design and the
working the occurrence of
design fits to the
environment as a excessive activity
whole, including of the limits of our
working equipment abilities.
• Knowing your physical ability to what is done, such as the use of machine should
be in accordance with standard usage (Christofora, 2014).
• Exercise and adequate rest and regular, and use the time for relaxation in
between jobs.
• The calorie content of the body must be maintained by eating a healthy diet, so
that the body's energy needs can be fulfilled (Christofora, 2014).
• Get to know the specifications and increase knowledge about the process tool
be used (Christofora, 2014).
• Motivation and management of work needs to be improved (Potu, 2013).
• Each company should always keep the environment clean because besides
affecting physical health, it also affects a person's mental health
(Almustofa, 2014).
• Set the level of light intensity, noise tools, safety in the work space, such as
events leading to the bench and / or mat pads for
• If there is a laboratory instrument that does not match the specification
immediately report it to your supervisor or perusahhan who hold a party in the
area of proficiency level.
• Reducing the concentration of workers, their accuracy and attention to safe work
Enviromental Work Factors in
The Laboratory
Physico often
involves life and death of a
social person.
• less harmonious working relationship
between leaders and subordinates
or fellow coworkers
• The mental burden of being a role model
for partners in the formal or informal
Maintain attitude
relations and If there is a
(attitude) is good
better with fellow social problem in Discipline in work
employees and Maintaining in the work
the working is necessary so
managers in relationships or environment in
environment, that the
order to trust,
order produktivis immediate alignment and
communication responsibility,
increased consultation with systems in
member of a respect, and
employment and the supervisor becoming better
good working good response in
working and the company working
outside working the working
conditions to be handling the environment.
healthy hours. environment
(Almustofa, (Dahlawy, 2008).
Prevention if their omission from environmental factors
work in the laboratory is based on the working
conditions, equipment, materials, and the psychology of
employees. As for reducing the working omission is
with regard health and safety management, improve
motivation, practicing self-discipline and attitude, and
mengkodisikan work environment to make it more
comfortable and better.
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Putra, E. D. L. 2011. Keracunan Bahan Organik dan Gas di Lingkungan Kerja dan Upaya
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Setyanto, R. H., A.A. Subiyanto, dan Wiryanto. 2011. Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Kerja
Te r h a d a p Wa k t u Pen yelesaian P ekerjaa n (Studi La b ora to rium). Jurnal E K O S A I N . Vo l . III.
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P e rg u r u a n Tinggi (Studi K a s u s L a b or a t o ri u m di L i n g k u n g a n