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(Analyze Some Sentences Or Paragraph)
1. Kaila Rizkina Aulia Prasetiyani (2150510010)
2. Shifani Amalia Khoiriyah (2150510011)
3. M. Aji Wicaksono (2150510012)
A. Meaning of Pronoun

B. The Function of Pronoun

C. The Types of Pronouns

D. Meaning of Adjective

E. The Function of Adjective

F. The Forms of Adjectives

G. Example of Analysis of A Text Description

A. Meaning of Pronoun
Pronoun is one of the elements in the part of speech that
functions as a pronoun. Although it is called a noun
pronoun, it can be a person, animal, or thing. Commonly
used pronouns are I, me, we, they, you, he, she, it, yours,
self, yourself, its, my, that, this, them, us, who and who.

Examples of pronoun sentences are:

• Jeremy is a student, he plays soccer very well.
• I visited my grandparents, they were at home.
• He who admired you so much has died.
B. The Function of Pronoun
Broadly speaking, the functions of pronouns in English are as follows:
• Subject
Example : He is my boyfriend
• Object
Example : No one could call her yesterday
• Object of preposition
Example : I am afraid of them being offended
• Subjective complement
Example : It is me who taxted you via WA
• Objective complement
Example : They simply made it hers
• Question word
Example : What is this?
• Conjunction
Example : The software that he used in the research was SDL Trados.
C. The Types of Pronouns
The division of type pronouns (pronouns in English)
can be divided into 8 (eight) kinds, as follows:
• Personal pronoun
• Reflexive pronoun
• Demonstrative pronoun
• Relative pronoun
• Interrogative pronoun
• Possessive pronoun
• Reciprocal pronoun
• Indefinite pronoun
The Types of Pronouns
Personal Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
Subject Object Myself Yourselves Themselves Herself

I Me Yourself Ourselves Himself Itself

You You
They Them Example :
We Us • I see myself in the mirror.     
She Her   
It It • You will help yourself by
doing that.         
Example : • They should care
• First, my father led me from for themselves.
behind and I was riding on
my father.
The Types of Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronoun Relative Pronoun
for singular or Who Whoever
uncountable Which That
for singular or
That Example :
• The boy who broke the school-window is
These for plural Tom.
• Tom, who is naughty boy, broke the school-
Those for plural window.

Example :
• This is my house. (house: singular)
• That is plain water. (water:
• These are the movies I want most to
see. (movies: plural)
The Types of Pronouns
Interrogative Pronoun Possessive Pronoun
• Example:
Mine Ours Hers
a) I already told them what I
Yours Theirs His
know about it.
b) We know who is guilty of Example :
this crime. • The book on the table
The interrogative pronouns also is hers.
act as Determiners: • I’m yours
• Example: • David is a friend of mine.
a) It doesn't matter which
shoes you buy.
b) He doesn't know whose car
he hit.
The Types of Pronouns
Indefinite Pronoun Reciprocal Pronoun
Everyone Every Each other One another

Everybody All
Example :
Somebody Each • Ali and Rahmad are talking
Anybody some to each other.
• We should encourage one
None one
another to keep going.
Example :
• Everyone can do that.
D. Meaning of Adjective
Adjectives are words that are used with nouns and
pronouns to limit the meaning of the word. English
adjectives are words that are used together with nouns
to add something to the noun. In general, the position of
the word is a trait in front of the word it describes, but
sometimes the word position occupies another position.

Example : beautiful, handsome, rich, etc.

E. The Function of Adjective
An adjective modifies a noun; that is, it provides more
detail about a noun. This can be anything from color to
size to temperature to personality. Adjectives usually
occur just before the nouns they modify. In the
following examples, adjectives are in bold, while the
nouns they modify are in italics (the big bear)
The Forms of Adjectives in English are as follows :
• Adjective phrases
Adjective phrases are the result of finding combinations
between adjectives as heads and modifiers or determinants.

Example: Homemade dark chocolate (modifier + adjective)

• Compound Adjectives
Adjectives can also join other parts of speech such as nouns
(nouns) and verbs (verbs) to form a new word. Well, if this
happens, the resulting new word is called a compound adjective.

Example: High-speed camera (adjective + noun)

Example of Analysis of Some
Sentences Or Paragraph
Text 1
Last year holiday of Lebaran I went to Surabaya visiting my grandmother
and grandfather. I had to go there because the previous holiday I wasn’t there.
I missed them so much because I lived with them when I was a child. At
that time both of my parents had to go to another city to earn money so they
left me with my grandma and grandpa. After graduated from junior high
school, I follow my parents living at Jakarta. Since that, I had visited them
only at holiday time.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have any ticket of either train and plane so that I
went to Surabaya by bus. It was so tiring because the traffic was too crowded
and stagnant. Normally, the trip needs around 24-28 hours but my trip at that
time took 40 hours from Jakarta to Surabaya. That made me mad.
The madness and tiredness during the trip had gone after I met my
grandma and grandpa. They were looked old. I was so happy knowing them
in healthy condition.
Analysis of Text 1
Pronoun Description Sentences with Adjectives Adjective

I “I” refers to the author

That made me mad. Mad

“Them” refers to author's

They were looked old. Old
“It” refers to the author's

I was so happy… Happy

“That” refers to the author's

“They” refers to author's Them in healthy

They Healthy
grandparents condition.
Text 2
My sister and I went to the cinema to watch a midnight
movie yesterday. It was our first time seeing a midnight movie.
We bought the tickets two days ago.
When we arrived at the cinema, there were already a lot of
people in line. The seats in the cinema are also full. People can't
stop talking until the movie starts.
This film tells the story of historical events before Indonesia's
independence. Several events in the film made the audience sad
and cry. Until the film was over, I couldn't stop admiring the
heroes who had fought back and forth.
We are very happy with the film. We couldn't stop talking
about it until we got home.
Analysis of Text 2
Pronoun Description Adjectiv
Sentences with Adjectives
I “I” refers to the author

“It” refers to the activities of ..the film made the audience Sad and
It the writer who is watching sad and cry. cry
the cinema

“Our” refers to the author’s We are very happy with the

Our Happy
sister and the author film.

“We” refers to the author’s

sister and the author
Text 3
At that time, I was 17 years old. I asked my father to give me a gift which
is a motorcycle. However, my wish was rejected by my father because I was
still an adult. Then, I asked my father to teach me to ride a motorcycle.
Initially, my father refused my request and promised to teach me next year, but
I sulked.
Finally, my father tought me to ride a motorcycle in a field near the
house. Father gave instructions on how to drive it. First, my father led me
from behind and I was riding on my father. Over time, I want to try it myself. I
was happy and proud to be riding a motorcycle.
A few days later, I tried to ride a motorcycle on the narrow street of my
house. I was nervous when there was another motorcycle in front of me.
Unexpectedly, my motorcycle hit the wall which made me falled from the
I was afraid of being scolded when I got home. But the reality, my father
was very proud of me. I was also given advice to be more calm in driving.
Analysis of Text 2
Sentences with
Pronoun Description Adjectives
…because I was still an
I “I” refers to the author
I was happy and proud to Happy and
“My father” refers to be riding a motorcycle.
My father
author's father
I was nervous… Nervous
“It” refers to riding a
It …ride a motorcycle on
motorcycle the narrow street of my Narrow

I was afraid… Afraid father was very

proud of me. Proud

… to be more calm in
driving. Calm

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