Drug Education 1
Drug Education 1
Drug Education 1
Drug Education
n ce A bu se
n e : S u b s t a
Section O
1.DRUG A substance used in the 3.DRUG ADDICTION The site of
treatment of health disorders. chronic intoxication caused by repeated
and improper consumption of any
2.DRUG ABUSE The consumption regulated or prohibited substance.
of any regulated or prohibited It is characterized by:
substance without proper advice A. An overpowering desire to take the
from competent authorities. Any
B. A tendency to increase the dosage.
drug may be harmful when taken in C. A psychological and physical on the
excess. Some drugs can also be substance.
harmful if taken in dangerous
combinations or by a hypersensitive 4.DRUG DEPENDENCE The state if
(allergic) person in ordinary or even uncontrollable drive to take a particular
small amounts. substance to achieve physical and
psychological stability following a
continuous to improper use of the same
A condition in which the body The condition in which the user
becomes uncomfortable and very
builds up a resistance to the effect of
irritable as an after effect of the drug
a drug, so that larger quantities are
taken. In this stage, the user has the
needed to obtain the same effect. tendency to lose control of himself and
Uncontrolled increase in the amount become hysterical or violent.
of substance taken may lead to over
dose which can result to death.
Substance that are highly Substance that have great
dangerous when taken medicinal value but
without proper authorization. potentially harmful when
Only drug manufacturers and taken without proper
institutions engaged in the authorization, that is why
study of scientific and they are given of
medical importance are administered only with
authorized to obtain and proper authorization from
maintain any amount of the doctors and other competent
same. authorities.
1.Irritable, Discourteous, Defiant, and 6.Sudden change of habits.
Aggressive behavior.
7.Inappropriate eye pupil dilation and
2.Untrustworthy and lack self-confidence. contraction.
2.To escape from problems. 7.Lack of the outlets for other interest.
Codeine Heroin
c. Shabu - A white odorless crystal or crystalline
3. Stimulants – Drugs which increase mental
powder with a bitter numbing taste. It is the street
alertness, relieve fatigue, and offset drowsiness also
name for the chemical substance known as
known as uppers.
Methamphetamine HCL. It is also popularly known
as poor man’s cocaine. Other slang names are shabs,
ubas, S, Siopao, sha and ice. Effects of shabu include
anxiety, irritability, irrational behavior, talkativeness
a. Amphetamines – These come in a yellowish crystal
and loss of self-control, loss of appetite and inability
either in table or capsule form. They produce
to sleep. It can also lead to acute psychotic reactions,
euphoria, sleeplessness and loss of appetite.
violent and destructive behavior and recklessness that
many result in accidents. Physiological effects may
b. Cocaine - The most potent stimulant of natural
include chest pain, irregularity of heartbeat,
origin. It is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant
hypertension, convulsion and death from cardiac
which is grown in the Andean highland of South
Africa. Cocaine comes in the form crystalline and
inhaled through the nose.
d. Caffeine – An element commonly found in e. Nicotine – An element found in cigars and
coffee which prevents sleepiness. cigarettes which can relive emotional stress.
Amphetamines Nicotine
Cocaine Shabu
4. Hallucinogens. Substances that produce
subjective changes in perception, thought, and
a. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 25 or LSD. Discovered
feelings. Hallucinations may be mild or
by a Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman while studying the
overwhelming, depending on dosage and
medicinal uses of a fungus found on wheat and other
quality of drugs taken.
grains in 1938. LSD is a semi- synthetic psychedelic
Most of the psychological effects that
drug which has a long-term psycho-emotional effects. It
hallucinogens have on a user are normally
Can distort One's perception of things around and a
associated Only with dreams, schizophrenia,
feeling of stagnation.
or religious exaltation.
b. Marijuana - Often called grass is a weed c. Ecstacy - Also known in its street names like X, XTC,
known as Cannabis sativa, a plant that love drug, artist drug, essence, E, hug drug, jagged little
contains a mind-altering (psychoactive) pill, flying saucer, LBD, Eckie and love doves. Its
ingredient called tetrahydrocannabinol chemical structure is similar to two other synthetic
(THC). Marijuana slows down mental and drugs, MI)A and methamphetamine which are known to
psychomotor capabilities, impairs thinking, cause brain damage. It is known to bet he cause of
reading comprehension and verbal and several deaths in the US and Europe. It exaggerates
mathematical skills. It could also cause some emotions, makes heart- rate and blood pressure hike up.
other serious health risks related to
reproductive system, heart, lungs and cancer.
Long-term regular use of marijuana may lead
to psychological dependence. Once started, it
may take more of the drug for the user to get
the same effect.
5. Inhalants - Volatile chemical substances, Examples:
which are not always classified as drug, which
contain mind or mood altering chemical a. Solvent Cement
elements. They are breathed in and absorbed
through the lungs for an intoxicating effect
b. Contact Cement
which can cause permanent damage to the
brain and even death while in the state of
sniffing the substance. Inhalant abusers are c. Acetone
prone to accidents like vehicular accidents,
drowning, and falling from elevated structures.
3. Physical Damages - In addition to those diseases
1. Malnutrition - dependents revolve around which accompany the use of unsterile syringes and
drug abuse They miss their regular meals contaminated drugs, drug abuse may cause certain
because they lose their appetite. medical problems. Liver and kidney damage may result
when large quantities are taken. Many who abuse drugs
2. Panic Reaction - The loss of thought also neglect personal hygiene, which can lead to
processes can cause panic reactions or multiple health problems. Kidney failure, hepatitis,
feelings of invulnerability. Both of these drastic weight loss, and vitamin deficiencies are Some of
states can lead to injury and death. The the adverse physical complications.
prolonged harmful reactions include anxiety
and depressive states, or breaks with reality The life of drug abusers is a dreadful one. TO support
which may last from a few days o months. the habit, they resort to committing crimes like stealing,
prostitution and gambling, which hamper their emotional
n Th r e e :D
Sectio EA S URES
1. There must be a clear cut anti-drug policies 3. Implement or encourage programs
and make sure that these policies are being that will help strengthen the moral fiber
observed and laws strictly enforced.
of the society.
2. Government must provide adequate
programs and facilities for the total
development especially of young individuals.
1. Have time for the children. 4. Encourage the children to plan for a
sound future.
2. Help young individuals gain self-
5. Help them to appreciate the value of
3. Encourage the children to participate in good health and healthy lifestyle.
socially, emotionally, morally, physically,
mentally and spiritually enriching activities in
the school or in the community.
1. Learn to say NO even when the one offering 4. Learn to socialize.
is your close friend or relative.
5. Enhance your special talents and
2. Learn how to deal with negative feelings
and emotions. explore for new interests and hobbies.
1. Supply Reduction - the objective of is to take away the 3. Alternative Development - it aim to reduce the
drugs from the person through market denial operations production of marijuana and eventually eliminate its
and prevention of diversion of these drugs to the illicit cultivation through sustainable rural development and
markets. Supply reduction effort take the form of law alternative livelihood programs and other socio-
enforcement, the regulatory compliance, and institution economic programs.
of judicial and legislative measures.
4. Civic Awareness - Promotion of Civic Awareness is
2. Demand Reduction - it is geared towards reducing the
done through the use of a public communication
consumer's demand for drugs and other substances. This
is done through programs on Preventive Education,
strategy that utilizes the tri-media in conveying anti-
Treatment and Rehabilitation, and Research. Programs drug abuse messages and through the conduct of
are either school-based, community-based, or both community outreach programs that also deal on the
school and community based. evils of drugs abuse and the legal consequences of
being involved in illegal drugs.
Use of illegal drugs First offense - 6 months or more in the rehabilitation
Second offense and beyond - imprisonment of 6 years
and 1 day to 12 years and a fine of P50,000 to
Possession of illegal drugs Life imprisonment or death penalty and P500,000 to
P10,000,000 fine
Possession of instruments and other drug 6 months and 1 day to 4 years imprisonment and
paraphernalia P10,000 to P50,000 fine
Manufacturing of illegal drugs or chemicals used as Life imprisonment or death penalty and P100,000 to
raw materials P500,000 fine
Selling or distribution of instruments or chemicals 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment and
used in the manufacture of illegal drugs P100,000 to P500,000 fine
Selling or distribution of illegal drugs or any Life imprisonment or death penalty and P500,000 to
chemicals used in the manufacture of illegal drugs. P10,000,000 fine.
Maintaining a place used in drugs sessions or selling Life imprisonment or death penalty and P500,000 or
of illegal drugs. P10,000,000 fine.
1. What is the legal basis for the conduct of the
random drug testing for tertiary students? 3. Who are going to be tested?
- Article III Section 36(c) of Republic Act No. 9165, - Based on the implenting guidelines, the
otherwise known as the "Comprehensive Dangerous random drug testing shall be applicable to
Act of 2002" students in public and private, tertary/higher
education institutions.
2. What are the objectives of random drug testing?
The random drug testing will be conducted for the
following purposes; 4. What agencies are participating in this
a. to determine the prevalence of drug users among - There are three (3) major government
the students; agencies participating in the drug testing
b. to assess the effectiveness of school based and
program and the are called "supervising
community based prevention programs ;
c. to defer the use of illegal drugs agencies" in the guidelines, since they
d. to facilitate the rehabilitation of drug users and exercise supervision of the schools. These
dependents; and agencies are the Department of Education
e. to strengthen the collaboration efforts of identified (DepEd). Commission on Higher Education
agencies against the use of illegal drugs and in the (CHED) and Technical Education and Skills
rehabilitation of drugs users and dependents. Development Authority (TESDA)
5. Do these agencies have the capability to A. Issue an appropriate order informing all schools
conduct the drug testing? under their supervision about the goverment’s actions
- The conduct of drug testing is not the against dangerous drugs;
responsibility of the said three (3) agencies, B. Formulate and conduct training programs on drug
but they have to coordinate closely with the counseling for guidance counselors for the purpose of
DOH Accredited Testing Centers/Laboratories enhancing their skills is handling drug dependency
health personnel, shall assist the Drug Testing cases.
Laboratory in the conduct of test.
7. Is there really a need to implement a program of this
6. What therefore, are the responsibilities of kind?
ched with regard to the implementation of this The program shall be implemented primarily for
program? prevention of drug dependency and
The three (3) Major Participating agencies rehabilitation of drug users and dependents. the entire
shall: populace shall be made aware of the ill effects of
dangerous drugs.
8. Since the selection is at random, how will the
selection be done ? 10. Who shall be the Drug testing coordinator
shall be the President/Chief Executive Officer
The selection shall be through lottery, which may be
in tertiary/higher education institutions.WQ
computerized or in any manner that shall be agreed
upon the Selection Board.
11. What are the Responsibilities of the Drug
9. Who compose the Selection Board? testing Coordinator?
The drug Testing Coordinator shall.
The Selection Board shall be the board constituted at
the level of the school composed of the Drug Testing a. Convene the Selection. Board within Five
Coordinator as chairperson, one representative each
days from the receipt of notice from the
from the
students, Faculty and parents as members. Supervising agency stating that the school is
included in the program;
The authorized governing body duly recognized from
these stakeholders based on a set of selection criteria b. Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of
formulated for his purpose in the absence of a the random drug testing for the students,
parent's teachers, administrators and personnel of the
association, the School Head may appoint any parent
who shall be a member of the selection Board.
c. inform both the student and parent concerned that 12. If found to be positive of drugs, the student may be a subject
a confirmatory test shall be conducted in case the of discrimination among his schoolmates. How will this concern
test result is positive; be prevented?
d. relay to the parents full information on the Nobody will know the results of the drug test except the drug
process that shall be undertaken for the testing coordinator. The results of the test shall be treated with
confirmatory test; utmost confidentiality. No School shall publish or post results
whether positive or negative.
e. not delegate the task of informing the student and
parent to any other person nor reveal of the test to 13. If found to be positive of drug dependency, will the student
any person other than the student and parent; and be expelled from the school?
f. refer the student and his/her parent to A positive confirmatory drug test shall not be a ground for
government-owned DOH-accredited facility or expulsion or any disciplinary action against the student. But in
DOH-accredited government physician to determine event that it is determined that the student is a drug dependent,
the student's level of dependency. the school may impose the appropriate sanctions against the
student as provided for in the school student handbook of
regulations and the manual of regulations for private schools, if
the student shall then be allowed to re-enroll
14. How is the process of rehabilitation done?