Chapter 4: Imperfections in Solids: Issues To Address..
Chapter 4: Imperfections in Solids: Issues To Address..
Chapter 4: Imperfections in Solids: Issues To Address..
Chapter 4 - 1
• Solidification- result of casting of molten material
– 2 steps
• Nuclei of the solid phase form
• Crystals grow until their boundaries meet each other – the
crystals become grains
• Start with a molten material – all liquid
Chapter 4 - 2
Solidification (continued)
Grains can be - equiaxed (roughly the same dimension in all directions)
- columnar (grains elongated in one direction)
~ 8 cm Adapted from Fig. 5.17,
Callister & Rethwisch 3e.
(Reproduced with permission
from Metals Handbook, Vol. 9,
9th edition, Metallography and
Microstructures, ASM
International, Materials Park,
OH, 1985.)
Shell of
Columnar in equiaxed grains
region with due to rapid
slower cooling cooling (greater
ΔT) near wall
Chapter 4 - 3
Grains and Grain Boundaries
Grain Boundaries
• regions between grains
• crystallographic
misalignment across a
grain boundary
• Slight atomic disorder
– high atomic mobility
– high chemical reactivity
Chapter 4 - 4
Imperfections in Solids
There is no such thing as a perfect crystal.
Crystalline imperfections (or defects) are
always present.
• Many of the properties of materials are sensitive to the
presence of imperfections.
• Crystalline defect refers to a lattice irregularity with
dimensions on the order of an atomic diameter.
• What kinds of crystalline imperfections exist in solids?
Chapter 4 - 5
Types of Imperfections
• Vacancies
• Interstitial atoms Point defects
• Substitutional impurity (0-Dimensional)
• Dislocations Linear defects
Chapter 4 - 6
Point Defects in Metals
• Vacancies:
-vacant atomic sites.
of planes
• Self-Interstitials:
-Host atoms positioned in interstitial positions between atoms.
of planes
Chapter 4 - 7
Vacancies – Computation of
Equilibrium Concentration
• Equilibrium concentration varies with temperature!
Nv - Qv
Total number of = exp
lattice sites N kT
Boltzmann's constant
(1.38 x 10 J/atom-K)
(8.62 x 10 eV/atom-K)
Chapter 4 - 8
Determination of Activation Energy
for Vacancy Formation
• Qv can be determined Nv - Qv
= exp
N kT
• Data may be plotted as... • Replot data as follows...
Nv Nv slope
- Qv /k
T 1/ T
defect concentration
Chapter 4 - 9
Computation of Equilibrium Vacancy
• Find the equilibrium number of vacancies in 1 m3 of Cu
at 1000°C.
• Given:
ρ = 8.4 g/cm3 ACu = 63.5 g/mol
Qv = 0.9 eV/atom NA = 6.022 x 1023 atoms/mol
- Qv - 0.9 eV/atom
Nv = N exp = N exp
kT (8.62 x 10-5 eV/atom-K)(1273 K)
= (2.7 x 10-4) N
• Answer:
Nv = (2.7 x 10-4)(8.0 x 1028) sites/m3
= 2.2 x 1025 vacancies/m3
Chapter 4 - 11
Observing Changes in Equilibrium Vacancy Conc.
• The (110) surface of NiAl
viewed through an electron
• Increasing temperature
causes surface island of
atoms to grow.
(View animation)
• Why? The equil. vacancy
conc. Increases; new
vacancies diffuse to the
crystal Reprinted with permission from Nature (K.F. McCarty, J.A. Nobel,
and N.C. Bartelt, "Vacancies in Solids and the Stability of Surface
surface and become part of Morphology”, Nature, Vol. 412, pp. 622-625 (2001). Image is
5.75 mm by 5.75 mm. Copyright (2001) Macmillan Publishers, Ltd.
the island.
Island grows/shrinks to maintain
equil. vancancy conc. in the bulk.
Chapter 4 - 12
Impurities in Metals
Two outcomes if impurity B atoms are added to a solid
composed of host A atoms:
• Solid solution of B in A (i.e., random dist. of B atoms)
Chapter 4 - 14
Impurities in Metals (continued)
Application of Hume–Rothery rules – Solid
Solutions Element Atomic Crystal Electro- Valence
Radius Structure nega-
(nm) tivity
Ex: Would you predict Cu 0.1278 FCC 1.9 +2
more Al or Ag to C 0.071
H 0.046
dissolve in Zn? O 0.060
Ag 0.1445 FCC 1.9 +1
1. Δr – slightly favors Al Al 0.1431 FCC 1.5 +3
Co 0.1253 HCP 1.8 +2
2. Electronegativity – favors Al Cr 0.1249 BCC 1.6 +3
3. Crystal structure – tie Fe 0.1241 BCC 1.8 +2
4. Valences –higher valance more Ni 0.1246 FCC 1.8 +2
Pd 0.1376 FCC 2.2 +2
soluble so favors Al
Zn 0.1332 HCP 1.6 +2
This suggests Al is more soluble Table on p. 135, Callister & Rethwisch 9e.
– weight percent C1 = x 100
m1 + m 2
m1 = mass of component 1
n m1
– atom percent C1' = x 100
nm 1 + nm 2
Chapter 4 - 16
Linear Defects—Dislocations
– Are one-dimensional defects around which atoms are
• Edge dislocation:
– extra half-plane of atoms inserted in a crystal structure
– b perpendicular ( ) to dislocation line
• Screw dislocation:
– spiral planar ramp resulting from shear deformation
– b parallel ( ) to dislocation line
Chapter 4 - 17
Edge Dislocation
Chapter 4 - 18
Screw Dislocation
(a) Schematic of screw (b) Top view of screw
dislocation in a crystal dislocation in (a)
Screw Dislocation
Burgers vector b (b)
Adapted from Fig. 4.5, Callister & Rethwisch 10e .
[Figure (b) from W. T. Read, Jr.,Dislocations in Crystals,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY, 1953.]
Chapter 4 - 19
Edge, Screw, and Mixed Dislocations
Chapter 4 - 20
VMSE Screenshots of a Screw Dislocation
• In VMSE:
– crystal region containing screw dislocation—rotated by clicking-and-
– dislocation motion may be animated
Chapter 4 - 22
Linear Defects—Dislocations
• move when stresses are applied,
• permanent (plastic) deformation results from dislocation motion.
Steps correspond to
plastic deformation:
each step is produced
by dislocations that
have moved to the
crystal surface.
Chapter 4 - 23
Interfacial (Planar) Defects
• Twin boundaries (or planes)
– Mirror reflections of atom positions of one side of twin plane to
the other side.
Twin plane (boundary)
Fig. 4.10, Callister &
Rethwisch 9e.
• Stacking faults
– Occur when there is an error in the planar stacking sequence
– Ex: for FCC metals
normal sequence is ABCABC
becomes ABCABABC when there is a packing fault
Chapter 4 - 24
Catalysts and Surface Defects
• A catalyst increases the
rate of a chemical
reaction without being
consumed Fig. 4.11, Callister & Rethwisch 10e.
• Catalytic reactions
normally occur at surface
defect sites
Single crystals of
used in an automotive
catalytic converter
Fig. 4.12, Callister & Rethwisch 10e.
[From W. J. Stark, L. Mädler, M. Maciejewski, S. E.
Pratsinis, and A. Baiker, “Flame Synthesis of
Nanocrystalline Ceria/Zirconia: Effect of Carrier
Liquid,” Chem. Comm., 588–589 (2003). Reproduced
by permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry.] Chapter 4 - 25
Microscopic Examination
• Grain size is an important microscopic
• Grain size can vary from one material to
– Grain sizes can be quite large
• ex: large single crystal of quartz or diamond or
Si; individual grains visible in aluminum light
posts and garbage cans
– Grain sizes can be quite small (< mm);
necessary to observe with a microscope.
Chapter 4 - 26
Optical Microscopy
• Uses light – useful up to 2000X magnification.
• Polishing removes surface features (e.g., scratches)
• Etching changes reflectance, depending on grain
crystallographic planes
Fig. 4.14(b) & (c), Callister &
Rethwisch 10e.
0.75 mm
Chapter 4 - 27
Optical Microscopy (cont.)
Grain boundaries...
• are more susceptible
to etching
• after etching, grain
boundaries appear as polished surface
dark lines
surface groove
grain boundary
Fig. 4.15(a) & (b), Callister &
Rethwisch 10e.
ASTM grain [Fig. 4.15(b) is courtesy of L.C.
Smith and C. Brady, the National
size number Bureau of Standards, Washington,
DC (now the National Institute of
Standards and Technology,
Chapter 4 - 29
Electron Microscopy
Best resolution for optical microscopes is ≈ 0.1 μm
(100 nm)
For higher resolution need to use shorter
wavelength radiation
– X-Rays? Difficult to focus.
– Electron beams
• Wavelengths as short as 3 pm (0.003 nm) possible
– (Magnification as high as 1,000,000X are achievable)
• Atomic resolution possible
• Electron beams focused by magnetic lenses.
Chapter 4 - 30
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
• Surface atoms imaged using a microprobe that
tapers to a single atom at its tip.
• Surface atoms can be rearranged by pushing them into
the desired position using the probe tip.
Photos produced from the
work of C.P. Lutz,
Zeppenfeld, and D.M. Eigler.
Reprinted with permission
from International Business
Machines Corporation,
copyright 1995.
Chapter 4 - 32
Summary (continued)
Chapter 4 - 33
Core Problems:
Self-help Problems:
Chapter 4 - 34