Optics-Hecht - 03-Chap4-The Propagation of Light - OK

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Optika - Dept.


The Propagation of Light

Chapter 4
Eugene Hecht- © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Tim Dosen “Optika”

Departemen Fisika, FSains – ITS, 2019
The processes of transmission, reflection, and refraction are
macroscopic manifestations of scattering occurring on a
submicroscopic level.
A photon is absorbed, and without delay another photon of the
same frequency (and wavelength) is emitted; the light is
elastically scattered. The molecules are randomly oriented,
and photons scatter out every which way.

Optika - Dept. Fisika

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The scattering involving particles smaller than a wavelength

(i.e., less than about l>10)  Rayleigh Scattering.
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Scattering and Interference

Interference is the superposition of two or more waves
producing a resultant disturbance that is the sum of the
overlapping wave contributions.

When such waves are

 precisely in-phase  total constructive interference.
 the phase difference 180  total destructive
When a beam of light strikes such an interface, some light is always
scattered backward, and we call this phenomenon reflection.


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Optika - Dept. Fisika
Optika - Dept. Fisika

The Law of Reflection

The rays are perpendicular

to the wavefronts.

A ray is a line drawn in space corresponding to the direction of flow of radiant

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The incident rays are bent or “turned out of their way,” as Newton put
it, is called refraction.

Law of Refraction  Snell’s Law

(Willebrord Snel van Royen, 1591-1626).

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Optika - Dept. Fisika

The incident, reflected, and

refracted rays all lie in the
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Optika-Propagasi Cahaya

Every point on a propagating wavefront serve as the source of spherical secondary

wavelets, such that the wavefront at some later time is the envelope of these

If propagating wave has a frequency , and is transmitted through the

medium at a speed v, then the secondary wavelets have that same
frequency and speed

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Optika-Propagasi Cahaya

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Optika-Propagasi Cahaya

The reflection:

The refraction:
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Optika-Propagasi Cahaya
Optika-Propagasi Cahaya
Optika-Propagasi Cahaya
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The critical angle is that special value of i for which t = 90°.
For i > c, all the incoming energy is reflected back into the
incident medium  total internal reflection.

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Optika - Dept. Fisika

Totally “externally” reflected

Because the frequency of X-rays is higher than the

resonance frequencies of the atoms of the medium,
that the index of refraction of X-rays is less than 1.0.

ni = nair and nt = nglass, for X-rays  nair > nglass

In 1923 A. H. Compton , He shined 0.128-nm X-rays on a glass

plate and got a critical angle of about 10 minutes of arc
(0.167°) measured with respect to the surface.
Optika - Dept. Fisika

The Evanescent Wave

evanescent wave.
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The Goos–Hänchen Shift

In 1947 Fritz Goos and Hilda
Lindberg-Hänchen showed
A light beam, which is
totally internally reflected,
undergoes a minute lateral
shift from the position
where the beam strikes the

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Optika-Propagasi Cahaya

1. Cahaya datang pada medium berindeks bias 1,682 dari udara. Tentukan sudut Brewster/
sudut polarisasi!
2. Hitunglah sudut kritis dan sudut Brewster untuk medium air (n = 1,33) dan glass flinta
(n = 1,75) bila cahaya merambat dalam medium dan mengenai bidang batas dengan udara.
3. Buktikan hukum refleksi dengan prinsip Fermat!
4. Buktikan dengan syarat batas dua medium dan persamaan Fresnel bahwa t // + r// = 1, untuk
sinar jatuh normal terhadap bidang batas.
5. Dengan persamaan Fresnel buktikan bahwa bila (i = 90o - t ) maka cahaya yang terpantul
terpolarisasi. Dan tentukan sudut polarisasi bila berkas cahaya merambat dari glas ( n = 1,5)
ke dalam air !
6. Tentukan koefisien amplitudo refleksi untuk cahaya yang datang dengan sudut 30o pada
bidang batas udara-glass ni = 1 dan nt =1,5. Tuliskan juga vektor Stokes dan Jones untuk
cahaya yang terefleksi.
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7. Cermin yang digunakan pada optika X-ray didasarkan pada fenomena refleksi total. Indeks
bias vakum untuk X-ray 0,15 nm adalah 1, sedangkan untuk medium perak n = 0,99998.
Tentukan sudut untuk pemantulan total.
8. Seberkas cahaya mengenai permukaan glas paralel yang mempunyai indeks bias 1,523
dengan sudut datang 70o.
a) Berapa bagian cahaya yang dipantulkan
b) Pada berkas cahaya yang terpantul, berapa perbandingan komponen medan listrik
yang tegak lurus terhadap bidang datang terhadap konponen medan listrik yang
sejajar bidang datang.
9. Suatu tangki yang terisi iar pada permukaan terlapisi lapisan minyak (n = 1,48) setebal 1 cm
dan di atasnya berupa udara. Bila berkas cahaya merambat dari air dan mengenai lapisan
minyak, pada sudut datang berapa cahaya harus dijatuhkan sehingga tidak ada cahaya yang
keluar dari lapisan minyak ke medium udara. (Bila berkas cahaya merambat dari udara, pada
sudut datang berapa cahaya harus dijatuhkan sehingga tidak ada cahaya yang menembus
10. Suatu kontainer glass berindeks bias 1,65 berisi karbon tetrakloride yang berindeks bias
1,48. Bila berkas cahaya datang scr normal terhadap kontainer, maka berapa banyak cahaya
yang ditransmisikan melalui kontainer?
Optika-Propagasi Cahaya

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