Siop Strategies Lesson
Siop Strategies Lesson
Siop Strategies Lesson
SIOP strategies address three components that focus on teaching strategies from the
learner’s perspective as well as the teacher’s perspective
● Metacognitive ● Bloom’s
● Cognitive ● Verbal Taxonomy
● Social/ ● Instructional ● Depth of
Affective Knowledge
Learning Strategies
Teaching explicit learning strategies improves reading and learning and helps ELLs acquire the tools they need to
approach learning tasks and solve problems with assistance, as part of a team or independently.
Metacognitive Strategies
Strategies that help students organize and classify information they are presented with.
They are what good learners do to help themselves learn.
- underline important information
- structure information
- fill out graphic organizers
- knowing when you have to go back and re-read
- toning in on important key vocabulary
Visual learning
Maps, diagrams, graphs and other visual aids help these learners understand and retain
ideas and concepts. Here are a few study strategies for visual learners:
● Take thorough notes in class or while reading. Review your notes when preparing for
a quiz or exam and use a highlighter to help you focus on important information.
● Create outlines for each textbook chapter you cover in class.
● Make color-coded flashcards.
● Develop your own diagrams, flowcharts, maps or timelines when appropriate.
Auditory Learners
Begin by modeling this strategy. Model your thinking as you read. Do this at points in the text that may be
confusing for students (new vocabulary, unusual sentence construction). Then introduce the assigned text and
discuss the purpose of the Think Aloud strategy. Then develop the set of questions to support thinking aloud.
- Teachers need to ask questions that promote critical thinking. This can be a problem
for ELL students.
- As these children are learning English it is tempting to rely on simple questions that
result yes/no or one word responses.
- It is important that teachers think about the types of questions they are asking. They
should be carefully planned before beginning a lesson as it is too hard to come up
with these on the spot.
- Use Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives.
Asking Questions
SIOP teachers also ask English learners a range of questions, many of which require
higher levels of thinking, thus going beyond questions that can be answered with a one- or
two-word response.
We are going to read the short story called Saving the Birds.
Write on your Whiteboard two questions you can ask a student during the story that
requires higher-order thinking.
When you are finished with writing down two questions, share with your shoulder partner.
Exit Slip
“SIOP Feature #13 - the Modern ESL Teacher.” Google Sites,
“Components of the SIOP Model.” Reflections on Teaching English Learners, 21 Apr. 2016,
“SIOP Feature 14 Use Scaffolding Techniques Consistently throughout Lesson.” TESOL Trainers: Education Consultants,
Alber, Rebecca. “6 Scaffolding Strategies to Use with Your Students.” Edutopia, George Lucas Educational Foundation, 24 Jan. 2014,