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International Human Resource Management: Powerpoint Templates Powerpoint Templates

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 What are reasons that encouraged global
organizations to develop international HR

Global competition and differences in

organizational environment across nations.

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1.International Corporations
2.Multinational Corporations
3.Global Corporations
4.Transnational Corporations

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 International Corporations
• Domestic firms that builds on its existing capabilities to
penetrate overseas market.

Example : Honda, General Electric, P&G

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 Multinational Corporations
• MNCs have operating units (subsidiaries) located in foreign
• Subsidiaries function as autonomous units

Examples : Shell, Philips, Xerox

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 Global Corporations
• Maintains control over its worldwide operations (subsidiaries)
through a centralized home office.
• They treat the entire world as a single market

Examples : Matsushita

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 Transnational Corporations
• Provides autonomy to independent country operations but
bring these operations together into an integrated whole
through networked structure
• They combines the local responsiveness of an MNC and the
efficiency of a global corporation
Examples : Ford & Unilever

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• Simple definition is ‘the process of managing people in
international settings’
• Scyllion (1995) defined IHRM as ‘the HRM issues and
problems arising from the internationalization of business, and
the HRM strategies, policies and practices which firms pursue
in response to the internationalization process
• IHRM is the management of HR in business operations in
atleast two nations

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IHRM Domestic HRM
• Address a broad range of HRM • Address a narrow range of HRM
activities activities
• HR issues relate to employees • HR issues relate to employees
belonging to more than one belonging to single nationality
nationality • Limited involvement of HR
• Greater involvement of HR manager in the personal life of
manager in the personal life of employees

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IHRM Domestic HRM

• Greater exposure to risks in • Limited risks in domestic

International assignments assignments
• Has to manage several external • Limited external factors to deal
factors such as government with.
regulations of foreign country

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External environment & IHRM

• Political Environment
• Cultural Environment

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IHRM Practices
• International staffing
• Pre-departure training for international assignments
• Repatriation
• Performance management in international
• Compensation issues in international assignments

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International staffing
• refers to the process of selecting employees for staffing
international operations of an MNC

MNCs can be staffed using three different sources

a. Home country or Parent Country National (PCN)
b. Host Country Nationals (HCN)
c. Third Country Nationals (TCN)

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Employees of an organization who are citizens of the country in
which the headquarters of the company is located
Employees of an organization who are the citizens of the
country in which the foreign subsidiary is located
Employees of an organization who are the citizens of the
country other than the country where the organization is
headquarterd and the country that is hosting the subsidiary

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Approaches to staffing subsidiaries
• Ethnocentric
foreign subsidiary has little autonomy. All strategic decisions are made at the
headquarters. PCNs staff key positions at quarters as well as the foreign
• Polycentric
staff foreign subsidiaries of the firm with HCNs and headquarters consist of
• Geocentric
staff my be PCNs, HCNs or TCNs
ability and not nationality is the key to staffing

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Pre-departure Training for International
• To make it easier for the employee to assume job
responsibilities and be effective in the foreign country as soon
as possible
• To facilitate cultural adaptation as quickly and as effectively
as possible

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3 elements of T&D programme

1. Language training
2. Cultural training
3. Managing personal and family life

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• It is the process of bringing an expatriate home after he/she
has completed the international assignment.
Organizations can follow 3 practices
1. Create knowledge and develop global leadership skills
2. Ensure that candidates have cross-cultural skills to match their
technical abilities
3. Prepare people to make the transition back to their home

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Performance Management in International
Performance is the combination of several factors
 Compensation Package
 Task Assigned to the Expatriate
 Headquarter’s Support
 Environment
 Cultural Adjustment

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Compensating Managers in International
Components of expatriate compensation
• Home leave and travel allowances
• Children’s education allowance
• Currency differential payments
• Relocation allowance
• Housing allowance
• Cost of living adjustment
• Payments to protect from negative tax consequences

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As organizations have gone global in their operations, the

impact of cultural differences as well as workforce issues have
caught the attention of the HR managers. As the world
becomes boundary less, the ability to work in a cross cultural
environment becomes a valuable asset for any executive.
Understanding, managing, and even exploiting these cultural
differences could well spell the difference between success
and failure in several business situations.

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Thank You

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