L9-QTL Mapping
L9-QTL Mapping
L9-QTL Mapping
Map Distances
• Crossing over occurs at random along chromosome--means that the
closer 2 genes are, the less frequently recombination occurs. Basis for
• Recombination Fraction (RF or theta or θ) is the percentage of
recombinant gametes produced.
– one complicating factor when looking at offspring: meiosis occurs
in both parents.
• RF is never more than 50%--due to only 2 of the 4 chromatids
• 1% recombination = 1 map unit = 1 centiMorgan (cM), but only for short
• for longer distances, double crossovers decrease observed
recombination frequency.
– two crossovers between marker genes leaves the markers in the
parental configuration: no way to tell there were any crossovers.
• Double crossovers should occur at frequency predictable from
distances between genes, but there is also interference, which affects
the chance for C-O in any interval.
– interference: one crossover inhibits the occurrence of another
Single-marker analysis
DNA markers can be used to map useful genes
using recombination frequencies of linked genes:
QTL Marker
a m
m1 a m2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
σ2G(QTL) + σ2A
σ2G(QTL) + σ2A + (σ2e /r)
R2 is the proportion of σ2P explained by
the QTL A
R2 =
QTL mapping strategy: single-
marker analysis
m1 a m2
m1 a m2
Significance test:
Logarithm of the odds ratio (LOD score):
probability of the data occurring with a QTL
Odds ratio =
probability of the data occurring with no QTL
• LOD of 2 means that it is 100x more likely that a QTL exists in the
interval than that there is no QTL
• LOD of 3 means that it is 1000x more likely
Fine mapping
• To be useful in breeding applications, gene of interest
must be tightly linked to marker
• Ideally, gene itself is used as marker
• Process of “tagging” gene means it must be cloned
1. Fine-mapping
2. Assigning to a cloned fragment in a DNA library
3. Sequencing
Marker-assisted backcrossing
• Main application of gene-tagging is marker-
assisted backcrossing of recessive genes
• Permits “pyramiding” of resistance genes with
similar phenotypic effects in a screen, e.g Pi1
and Pi2
• Permits rapid recovery of recurrent-parent
How is QTL mapping best used?
1. QTL mapping = very inaccurate for detecting,
localizing, and estimating the effect size of genes
with a small effect
2. If repeatability QTL phenotyping experiment = low
QTL map very unreliable
Backcross F2
Aa aa AA Aa aa
Observation n1 n0 n2 n1 n0
Expected frequency ½ ½ ¼ ½ ¼
Expected number n/2 n/2 n/4 n/2 n/4
AB ab
F1 AaBb x aabb
AB Ab aB ab ab
Map distance: