Exceptional Learners

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Who are Exceptional Learners ?
Exceptional learners are those who deviate significantly from
the normal learners.
• Gifted children.
• Slow learners/Backward leaners.
• Creative children
• Under achiever
• Mentally retarded
• Physically handicapped
• Socially and culturally disadvantaged children
• Deliquent children.
Gifted Learners
• IQ above 130, Superior heredity
• Genuine interest in learning and acquisition of knowledge.
• Abstract thinking
• Good observation, logical reasoning
• Good memory power and imagination
• Desire to be excellent.
Educational Needs

• Accept their superiority

• Special schools or seperate schools.
• Engage in peer tutoring.
• Ability grouping or seperate classes.
• Skipping or double promotion
• Framing special curriculum for gifted children.
• Enrichment programmes
Slow Learners / Backward Children
• IQ below 70
• Learn at a reduced rate compared to their peers
• Low self confidence and self esteem
• Short memory and attention span
• Unable to comprehend complex ideas
Educational Needs

• Remedial classes
• Avoid complex learning situations and give simple tasks.
• Help them to develop self confidence
• Visual presentations that enhance memory of students.
• Sympathy and friendly attitude of teachers is necessary
• Be patient and accessible to students
• Check their progress regularly
• Motivation and counselling
Creative Children
• Leaners who has the ability to create or discover new ideas
and concept by rearranging or reshaping what is known to
• Have the ability to make unusual associations or connections
between seemingly unrelated or remote ideas.
• Have a large number of ideas or solutions to problems.
• Higher levels of concentration, curiosity and imagination.

• Organize creativity tests to identify creative learners.

• Provide opportunities for creative expressions.
• Encourage children to think instead of spoon feeding
• Give full freedom for students to develop their imagination
• Eliminate conservatism and introduce innovative ideas in
• Ensure students participation in extracurricular activities that
involves creative thinking
The Underachievers

• These are students who are performing below their

intellectual potential or below the standards set for their age
or grade level.
• There are situational underachievers and chronic
• This may be due to lack of interest or low self esteem
• Lack of poor study methods can result in under acheiving

Early identification and counselling

Special classes and activities.
Home school interactions.
• Unlearning of underachievement.
• Constant guidance until the student use their potential.
Mentally Retarded & Physically
• Mentally retarded children are those with intellectual
disability having lower IQ than expected on the age level.
• Physically handicapped children are those having physical
disabilities such as deaf and dumb, blind etc...

• Ensure medical help and care.
• Special schools and trained teachers are necessary for these
• Use of scientific aids and techniques such as Braille writing,
Sign language will enhance the learning.
Socially and culturally disadvantaged
• These are the learners from underprivileged and
marginalized communities in the society.
• They may face inadequant parental care and
• Lack of academic interest due to chaotic family
Educational Needs

• Compensatory education
• Special programmes from government inorder to impart
education into lower strata of society and bring them forward.
• Financial aid and free education for economically weak sections.
• Motivational programmes to increase their self esteem.
• Ensure proper nutrition.
Deliquent Children
• A maladjusted person who creates difficulties for others and
who himself blocked his own growth.
• They may be violating laws, behaving antisocial or being
• They disrespect values of society and show aggressive
• These children usually adopts deliquency as a protest or
rebellion against parents, teachers and social organization.
• The reason for this behaviour can be heredity, family
problems, lack of proper guidance from parents, social
problems , bad influences of others etc...

• Counseling and moral enlightment

• Educate parents
• Save the child from bad company
• Organize guided group activities in school
• Engage them in socially usefull activities
• Make classroom and school environment healthy and joyfull

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