Volcanic Eruptions and Hazards

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Volcanic Eruptions

and Hazards
What determine the nature of

1. magma’s temperature
2. magma’s chemical composition
3. the amount of dissolved gases
the magma contains
• Viscosity is the property of the
material’s resistance to flow. It
is also described as the liquid’s
thickness and stickiness. The
more viscous and thicker the
material is, the greater is its
resistance to flow.
How temperature of magma
affects its viscosity?
• The viscosity of magma
decreases with temperature. The
higher the temperature of magma
is, the lower is its viscosity.
How the composition of magma
affects its viscosity?
• Magmas with high silica content are more
viscous than those with low silica content.
How the amount of gases contained in
the magma affects its viscosity?
Explosive Eruptions
• Explosive volcanic
eruptions can be
• Erupt 10’s-1000’s km3 of
• Send ash clouds >25 km
into the stratosphere
• Have severe Mt. Redoubt
environmental and climatic Above: Large eruption column and
effects ash cloud from an explosive
• Hazardous!!! eruption at Mt Redoubt, Alaska
Explosive Eruptions
• Three products
from an explosive
– Ash fall
– Pyroclastic flow
– Pyroclastic surge

Pyroclastic flows on
Montserrat, buried
the capital city.
measurements of
pyroclastic flows
are extremely
Types of volcanic
Types of volcanic eruptions
a. Phreatic or
hydrothermal – is a
stream-driven eruption
as the hot rocks come in
contact with water. It is
short lived,
characterized by ash
columns but may be an
onset of a larger
Taal Volcano in Batangas
Types of volcanic eruptions
b. Phreatomagmatic – is a violent
eruption due to the contact between
water and magma. As a result, a
large column of very fine ash and
high-speed and sideway emission of
pyroclastics called base surges are
Types of volcanic eruptions

c. Strombolian - a
periodic weak to
violent eruption
characterized by
fountain lava, just like
the Irazu Volcano in
Costa Rica.
Types of volcanic eruptions

d. Vulcanian –
characterized by tall
eruption columns that
reach up to 20 km high
with pyroclastic flow
and ashfall tephra like
that of Paricutin
Volcano in Mexico.
Types of volcanic eruptions

e. Plinian –
explosive type of
eruption of gas and
pyroclastics, just like
our Pinatubo
Volcano in
Pompeii (79AD)

On August 24, 79AD Mount Vesuvius literally

blew its top, erupting tonnes of molten ash,
pumice and sulfuric gas miles into the
atmosphere. Pyroclastic flows flowed over the
city of Pompeii and surrounding areas.
Pompeii (79AD)
Pyroclastic flows of poisonous gas and hot
volcanic debris engulfed the cities of Pompeii,
Herculaneum and Stabiae suffocating the
inhabitants and burying the buildings.
Pompeii (79AD)
The cities remained buried
and undiscovered for almost
1700 years until excavation
began in 1748. These
excavations continue today
and provide insight into life
during the Roman Empire.
How do pyroclastic flows cause
Pyroclastic Flow - direct impact

Courtesy of www.swisseduc.ch
Pyroclastic Flow - burial
Pyroclastic Flow - burns
Pyroclastic Flow - lahars
• Hot volcanic activity can melt
snow and ice
• Melt water picks up rock and
• Forms fast flowing, high
energy torrents
• Destroys all in its path
cone out of a cardboard timer
clear drinking glass water
Measuring cup cooking oil
drinking straw honey
basin syrup
Activity 2
• Q1. Are all volcanoes
found on same
location? No, they
can be found in
different locations
• Q2. Which volcanoes had the most
number of eruptions? Mayon had
the most number of eruptions
• least number of eruptions? Iraya
had the least number of iruption
• no record of eruptions? Cabaluyan,
Cocoro,Pulung,Tamburok and Urot
shows no record of eruptions
• Q3. How will you classify
volcanoes that have
records of eruptions?
• Volcanoes having records
of eruptions can be
classified as ACTIVE
• Q4. How will you classify
volcanoes with no record of
• Volcanoes having no record
of eruption can be classified
 Q5. In your own
words, differentiate an
active volcano from
inactive one.
Students answer vary.
Energy from the volcano
What is geothermal energy?
Geothermal Power Plants In the

• Tiwi (Albay)
• Kidapawan (North Cotabato)
• Calaca (Laguna)
• Tongonan (Leyte),
• Bago City (Negros Occidental)
• Valencia (Negros Oriental)
• Bacon (Sorsogon).
How is geothermal energy generated?

1. Geothermal Power Plants - the heat

from deep inside the Earth is used to
produce steam to generate electricity.
2. Geothermal Heat Pumps - use the
heat coming from close to the Earth’s
surface to heat water to produce steam
to generate electricity.
Signs of an impending
volcanic eruption
1. Increase in the frequency of volcanic
quakes with rumbling sounds;
occurrence of volcanic tremors;
2. Increased steaming activity; change in
color of steam emission from white to
gray due to entrained ash;
3. Crater glow due to presence of magma
at or near the crater;
4. Ground swells (or inflation), ground tilt
and ground fissuring due to magma
5. Localized landslides, rock falls and
landslides from the summit area which
not attributable to heavy rains;
6. Noticeable increase in the extent of
drying up of vegetation around the
volcano's upper slopes;
7. Increase in the temperature of hot springs,
wells (e.g., Bulusan and Canlaon) and crater
lake (e.g., Taal) near the volcano;
8. Noticeable variation in the chemical content
of springs, crater lakes within the vicinity of
the volcano;
9. Drying up of springs/wells around the
Performance Task
You are a volcanologist from Bicol. On
your way back to your hometown, you saw
the destruction brought about by the
eruption of Mayon Volcano. You decided to
invite your colleagues to come with you on
your next visit with a mission, that is, to
create awareness among your townmates
about volcanic hazards – before, during,
and after a volcanic eruption. Decide on
how you will accomplish your mission.
Your presentation will be rated based
on the following criteria:

• Details and information

• Method of presentation
• Techniques/creativity
• Accuracy

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