Velocity in Mechanisms: Instantaneous Centre Method

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Velocity in


Instantaneous Centre Method

Combined motion
Methods for Determining the
Velocity of a Point on a Link
 Though there are many methods for determining the
velocity of any point on a link in a mechanism whose
direction of motion (i.e. path) and velocity of some
other point on the same link is known in magnitude
and direction,
 following two methods are important

1. Instantaneous centre method

2. Relative velocity method.
Velocity of a Point on a Link by
Instantaneous Centre Method
Velocity of a Point on a Link by
Instantaneous Centre Method
Number of Instantaneous Centres in a
Types of Instantaneous Centres
1. Fixed instantaneous centres,
2. Permanent instantaneous centres, and
3. Neither fixed nor permanent instantaneous centres.
 The first two types i.e. fixed and permanent
instantaneous centres are together known as primary
instantaneous centres and
 the third type is known as secondary instantaneous
 Consider a four bar mechanism ABCD as
Types of Instantaneous Centres
 Consider a four bar mechanism ABCD as shown
 The number of instantaneous centres (N) in a four
bar mechanism is given by
 I12 and I14-
 fixed instantaneous centres.
 I23 and I34-
 permanent instantaneous centres
 .I13 and I24
 are neither fixed nor permanent
Location of Instantaneous Centres
 When the two links are connected by a pin joint (or
pivot joint), the instantaneous centre lies on the
centre of the pin as shown i(a). Such a
instantaneous centre is of permanent nature, but if
one of the links is fixed, the instantaneous centre
will be of fixed type.
 When the two links have a pure rolling contact (i.e. link 2 rolls
without slipping upon the fixed link 1 which may be straight or
curved), the instantaneous centre lies on their point of contact, as
shown The velocity of any point A on the link 2 relative to fixed link
1 will be perpendicular to I12 A and is proportional to I12 A .
 In other words
When the two links have a sliding contact, the
instantaneous centre lies on the common
normal at the point of contact
Aronhold Kennedy (or Three Centres in
Line) Theorem
 The Aronhold Kennedy’s theorem states that if three bodies
move relatively to each other,they have three instantaneous
centres and lie on a straight line.
 Consider three kinematic links A, B and C having relative plane
motion. The number of instantaneous centres (N) is given by
Method of Locating Instantaneous Centers in a
 Consider a pin jointed four bar mechanism as shown in
 In a pin jointed four bar mechanism, as shown in Fig.
AB = 300 mm, BC = CD = 360 mm, and AD = 600
mm. The angle BAD = 60°. The crank AB rotates
uniformly at 100 r.p.m. Locate all the instantaneous
centres and find the angular velocity of the link BC.

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