hemorrhagic stroke)
Neurodegenerative disorders
CNS infections
Sleep disturbances, sensory stimuli, emotional stress
Hormonal changes
Alcohol abuse
Antipsychotics, anti depressants, street drug use.
Brain tumour
Repetitive hypersynchronous discharges of neurons,
either localised in an area of cerebral cortex or
generalized throughout the cortex.
Neurons are interconnected in a complex network in
3. Unclassified seizures
4. Status epilepticus
Generalised seizures
impairment of consciouness from the onset
o Tonic clonic seizures / Grandmal
- common type
-without warning, patient goes stiff,falls and
convulses, laboured breathing and salivation
-cyanosis, incontinence,tongue biting
- convulsion ceases after a few min, followed by
drowsiness, confusion, headache and sleep.
o Absence / petitmal
- rare
- childhood and early adolescence
- child goes blank and stares, fluttering of eyelids,
flopping of head.
-last only for few seconds and go unrecognised even by
the child.
o Atonic seizures
partial seizures
o Simple partial seizures
- no loss of consciousness
- localized jerking of limbs or face, stiffness/ twitching,
numbness, abnormal sensations
o Complex partial seizures
- altered behavior : plucking clothes, fiddling with
other objects, acting in confused manner
- lip smacking/ chewing movements, grimacing,
performing aimless activities, wandering around in
drunken fashion.