Chapter 2 - The Flag Code
Chapter 2 - The Flag Code
Chapter 2 - The Flag Code
of Terms — Whenever • d. “Fly” shall mean the part of the flag outside the
hoist or length;
used in this Act, the • e. “Symbol” shall mean any conventional sign which
reveals man’s achievement and heroism (for orders
term: and decorations), identification, authority and a sign
of dignity (for coat-of-arms, logo and insignia);
• f. “Half-Mast” shall mean lowering the flag to one-
half the distance between the top and bottom of the
• g. “Hoist” shall mean the part of the flag nearest the
staff or the canvas to which the halyard is attached;
• h. “Inclement Weather” shall mean that a typhoon
signal is raised in the locality;
• i. “National Anthem” shall mean the Philippine
National Anthem’
• j. “Official Residences” shall mean Malacañang, and
other government-owned structures where the
President resides, and other structures occupied by
the Philippine Consulate or Embassies abroad;
• k. “Places of Frivolity” shall mean places of hilarity
marked by or providing boisterous merriment or
recreation; and
• l. “Institute” shall mean the National Historical
• A. Design of the National Flag
• SECTION 4. The flag of the Philippines shall be blue, white
and red with an eight-rayed golden-yellow sun and three five-
pointed stars, as consecrated and honored by the people.
NATIONAL FLAG • B. Hoisting and Display of the National Flag
• SECTION 5. The flag shall be displayed in all public
buildings, official residences public plazas, and institutions
of learning everyday throughout the year.
• SECTION 6. The flag shall be permanently hoisted, day and
night throughout the year, in front of the following; at
Malacanang Palace; the Congress of the Philippines building;
Supreme Court building; the Rizal Monument in Luneta,
Manila; Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit, Cavite; Barasoain Shrine in
Malolos, Bulacan; the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Libingan
ngmga Bayani; Mausuleo de los Beteranos dela Revolucion; all
International Ports of Entry and all other places as maybe
designated by the Institute.
• SECTION 7. The flag shall also be displayed in private
buildings and residences or raised in the open flag-staffs in
front of said buildings every April 9 (Araw ngKagitingan); May
1 (Labor Day); May 28 (National Flag Day) to June
12 (Independence Day); last Sunday of August (National
Heroes Day); November 30 (Bonifacio Day); and December
30 (Rizal Day); and on such other days as may be declared by
the President and/or local chief executives.
• SECTION 8. All government agencies and instrumentalities,
and local government offices, government-owned
corporations and local government units are enjoined to
observe flag day with appropriate ceremonies. Socio-civic
groups, non-government organizations and the private
sector are exhorted to cooperate in making the celebrations
a success.
• SECTION 9. The flag shall be flown on merchant ships of
Philippine registry of more than one thousand (1000) gross
tons and on all naval vessels.
• SECTION 10. The flag, if flown from a flagpole, shall have
its blue field on top in time of peace and the red field on top
in time of war; if in a hanging position, the blue field shall be
to the right (left of the observer) in time of peace, and the
red field to the right (left of the observer) in time of war.
• SECTION 11. If planted on the ground, the flagpole shall be
at a prominent place and shall be of such height as would
give the flag commanding position in relation to the
buildings in the vicinity.
• SECTION 12. When the Philippine flag is flown with another
flag, the flags, if both are national flags, must be flown on
separate staffs of the same height and shall be of equal size.
The Philippine flag shall be hoisted first and lowered last.
• SECTION 13. When displayed with another flag, the
Philippine flag shall be on the right of the other flag. If there
is a line of other flags, the Philippine flag shall be in the
middle of the line.
• SECTION 14. A flag worn out through wear and tear
shall not be thrown away. It shall be solemnly
burned to avoid misuse or desecration. The flag
shall be replaced immediately when it begins to
show signs of wear and tear.
• SECTION 15. The flag shall be raised at sunrise and
lowered at sunset. It shall be on the mast at the
start of official 'office hours, shall remain flying
throughout the day.
• SECTION 16. The flag may be displayed:
• SECTION 17. The flag shall be hoisted to the top
briskly and lowered ceremoniously.
• SECTION 18. All government offices and
educational institutions shall henceforth observe
the flag-raising ceremony every Monday morning
and the flag lowering ceremony every Friday
afternoon. The ceremony shall be simple and
dignified and shall include the playing or singing of
the Philippine National Anthem.
Raising Ceremony
and regulations for the proper conduct of the flag
• SECTION 20. The observance of the flag ceremony
in official or civic gatherings shall be simple and
dignified and shall include the playing or singing of
the anthem in its original Filipino lyrics and march
• SECTION 21. During the flag-raising ceremony, the
assembly shall stand in formation racing the flag. At the
moment the first note of the anthem is heard, everyone in
the premises shall come to attention; moving vehicles
shall stop. All person's present shall :.ace their right palms
over their chests, those with hats shall uncover, while
those in military, scouting, security guard, and citizens
military training uniforms shall give :.-.£ salute prescribed
by their regulations, which salute shall be completed upon
the last note of the anthem.
• SECTION 22. During the flag lowering, the flag shall be
lowered solemnly and slowly so that the flag shall be
down the mast at the sound of the last note of the
anthem. Those in the assembly shall observe the same
deportment or shall observe the same behavior as for the
flag-raising ceremony.
• SECTION 23. The flag shall be flown at half-mast as a sign
of mourning on all buildings and places where it is
displayed, as provided for in this Act, on the day of official
announcement of the death of any of the following
E. Casket
the nation, as maybe determined by the local
government unit concerned. In such cases, the flag
shall be placed such that the white triangle shall be
at the head and the blue portion shall cover the right
side of the caskets. The flag shall not be lowered to
the grave or allowed to touch the ground but shall
be folded solemnly and handed over to the heirs of
the deceased.
• SECTION 25. The following shall be the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Philippine Flag:
Ako ay Filipino
Buong katapatang nanunumpa
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag
Na may dangal, katarungan, at kalayaan
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang
Makakalikasan, at
• SECTION 26. The period from May 28 to June 12 of
each year is declared as Flag Days, during which
H. Specifications as follows:
• The blue color shall bear Cable No. 80173; the white
of the National color, Cable No. 80001 the red color, Cable No.
80108; and the golden yellow, Cable No. 80068.
• SECTION 36. The National Anthem shall always be sung in
the national language v/ithin or without the country. The
following shall be the lyrics of the National Anthem.
Bayang magiliw,
Perlas ng silanganan,
Alab ng puso
Sa dibdib mo’y buhay.
Lupang hinirang,
Duyan ka ng magiting,
Sa manlulupig
Di ka pasisiil.
Sa dagat at bundok,
Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,
May dilag ang tula
At awit sa paglayang minamahal.
Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y
Tagumpay na nagniningning;
Ang bituin at araw niya,
Kailan pa ma’y di magdidilim.
Lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati’t pagsinta,
Buhay ay langit sa piling mo;
Aming ligaya na ‘pag may mang-aapi,
Ang mamatay nang dahil sa ‘yo.
• SECTION 37. The rendition of the National Anthem,
whether played or sung, shall be in accordance with
the musical arrangement and composition of Julian
• SECTION 38. When the National Anthem is played
at a public gathering, whether by a band or by
singing or both, or reproduced by any means, the
attending public shall sing the anthem. The singing
must be done with fervor.
• The anthem shall not be played and sung for mere
recreation, amusement or entertainment purposes
except on the following occasions:
• SECTION 41. The National Coat-of-Arms shall have:
• Paleways of two (2) pieces, azure and gules; a chief
over all the sun rayonnant with eight minor lesser
rays. Beneath shall be the scroll with the words
“REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS,” inscribed thereon.
• SECTION 42. The Great Seal shall be circular in
form, with the arms as described in the preceding
section, but without the scroll and the inscription
thereon. Surrounding the whole shall be a double
THE GREAT marginal circle within which shall appear the words
“Republika ng Pilipinas.” For the purpose of placing
The Great Seal, the color of the arms shall not be
deemed essential, but tincture representation must
be used.
• The Great Seal shall bear the National Motto.
• SECTION 43. The Great Seal shall be affixed to or
placed upon all commissions signed by the
President and upon such other official documents
and papers of the Republic of the Philippines as
may be provided by law, or as may be required bv
custom and usage. The President shall have
custody of the Great Seal.
• SECTION 44. Any government entity, including the
military, may adopt appropriate coat-of-arms,
administrative seals, logo, insignia, badges, patches,
or the Office of the President.
• SECTION 45. Such heraldic devices and items shall
be filed with the Institute for recording and
evaluation as to precedence, design, customs and
traditions. The institute shall promulgate the
Office of the President shall, after proper notice and
hearing, be penalized by public censure which shall
be published at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation.
• SECTION 49. The Department of Education, Culture
and Sports (DECS) and the Commission on Higher
Education shall ensure that the National Anthem, as
adopted by law, shall be committed to memory by
all students of both public and private educational
institutions, and performed during the flag
ceremony conducted in accordance with the rules
and regulations issued by the Office of the
President. In addition, they shall make available the
vocal, piano or band scores of the National Anthem,
as adopted by law, to all private and public schools,
as well as he general public.
• SECTION 50. Any person or judicial entity which
violates any of the provisions of this Act shall, upon
conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than
Five thousand pesos (5,000.00) not more than
Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00), or by
imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, or
both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion
of the court: Provided, That for any second and
additional offenses, both fine and imprisonment
shall always be imposed: Provided, That in case the
violation is commited by a juridical person, its
President or Chief Executive Officer thereof shall
be liable.
• SECTION 51. The Institute shall issue the necessary-rules and
regulations to implement the provisions of this Act within
ninety (90) days after effectivity. The Institute shall submit its
rules and regulations to the Office of the President and the
Congress of the Philippines.