Comparison of LG and PHILIPS
Comparison of LG and PHILIPS
Comparison of LG and PHILIPS
Presented by :-
Simon Shrestha
Shrilab Shrestha
Anmol basnet
Pratik ranabhat
Suraj Sharma
Pretty patuwari
Table of Contents
LG Philips
LG Philips
• The economical analysis include: • Emerging markets
• Increase in per capita income • Rising demands of modern healthcare
• Growing GDP high disposable income and electronic appliances.
• Increase in spending and product costs. • Increase in sales due to merging markets
across all business
Social Analysis
LG Philips
LG Philips
LG Philips
• Legal maze of various lawsuits • Compliance risks related to safety and
• Implementation of new Government data privacy
regulations • Consumer protection laws sparking Eu
• Electronic waste Compliances antitrust fines
• Health and safety laws implemented
after witnessing the horrible conditions
of employees.
Environmental Analysis
LG Philips
• LG electronics is committed to the • Focusing efforts on sustainability and
program’s mission of achieving superior healthy planet
energy efficiency
• Efficient waste management techniques
• Rise of ethical consumer
• Developing green technology and
• Rise in the demand of AC and refrigerators products.
with increasing global temperature.
Porter’s Five Forces of Lg and Philips
-Suraj Sharma
Competitive Rivalry
LG Philips
• High Competitive rivalry as there are large • High competitive rivalry
number of players in market
• High product diversification such as lighting,
• High end electronics tech has led to increased healthcare, professional display and dictation
price competition solutions.
• Prime competitors are Samsung, Sony, Haier, • The Philips group is moreover on basis of
and others diversity, development within the sectors
• No product differentiation. • The competition is related to entrance in the
Threat of New Entrants
LG Philips
• The threat of new entrants is Medium • The threats of new entrant is Low
• The tech being used in the consumer • High scale economy and constant innovation
electronics is evolving and hence making is another barrier to new entrant
difficult for new entrants • The electronics industry needs huge amount
• Other entry barriers are capital investments, of capitals
brand equity and economies of scale • The government policy acts as entry barrier
• Beside these barriers many companies have for a new company to enter the market.
been successful to enter market.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
LG Philips
• Bargaining power of suppliers is Low • Bargaining power is High
• Entered into cooperate relationships with its • Powerful suppliers possess more power to
suppliers through shareholders capture value for them by demanding high
• Supply of quality but low-cost parts as it price.
keeps its suppliers onboard during product • Limiting the quality and the quantity of the
development product by transferring the cost on the
• The suppliers switching cost is not high for participants of the industry
LG. • More concentrated than the industry it is
selling to.
Bargaining Power of Buyers
LG Philips
• Bargaining power of Buyers is High • Bargaining power of Buyers is High
• Many companies that make exact product that • Similar manufacturers of electronic goods
LG makes • The information tech provides the customers
• Wide array of options for customer to choose with wide range of alternatives
when purchasing electronics • There is almost no switching cost from one
• The switching cost is low for the buyers. brand to another
Threat of Substitutes
LG Philips
• Threat of substitutes is Low • Threat of substitutes is High
• Majority of LG products such as washing • Its product are an alternatives that are
machines, air conditioners, are not available in the market at comparatively better
substitutable prices
• They don’t have alternates in the market • The substitutes are dangerous as the
• It doesn’t have to worry about its products companies are under constant threat of being
being substituted. replaced
• High threat of substitutes lead to low
Swot analysis of LG and Philips
-Simon Shrestha
Swot Analysis LG & Philips
LG Philips
• Global Giant • Strong market position throughout
• Extensive distribution system all segments
LG Philips
LG Philips
• E-Commerce Growth
• Changing lifestyle • Growing male grooming market
• Strategic Partnership
Swot Analysis LG & Philips
LG Philips
• Intense rivalry inside the • Competitive Business
industry Environment
• Stagnant Urban demand • Counterfeit goods
dynamics • Rising labor costs
• Government Regulations
• Rising Raw cloth cost
Vrin of LG and Philips
-anmol basnet
Vrin of Lg & Philips
• The company must have some resources or • It shows that the financial resources of
strategies that can exploit opportunities and Philips are highly valuable as these help in
defend the company from major threats. investing into external opportunities that
• If the company holds some value then arise.
answer is yes. • They also help Philips in combating external
• Resources are also valuable if they provide threats.
customer satisfaction and increase customer • The employees are also loyal, and retention
value. levels for the organization are high.
• The value may create by increasing • All of this translates into greater value for
differentiation in existing product or decrease the end consumers of Philips products.
its price.
Vrin of Lg & Philips
• The resources of the Lg Electronics • The financial resources of Philips are
company that are not used by any other found to be rare according to the VRIN
company are known as rare. Analysis of Philips strong financial
• Rare and valuable resources grant much resources are only possessed by a few
competitive advantages to the firm. companies in the industry.
• When more than one few companies uses • The local food products are found to be
the same resources and provide competitive
not rare as identified by Philips VRIN
parity are also known as rare resources.
Analysis. These are easily provided in
• The competitive parity is not desired
the market by other competitors.
position, but the company should not lose
its valuable resources, even they are
Vrin of Lg & Philips
• The resources are costly to imitate, if other • The distribution network of Philips is also
organizations cannot imitate it. very costly to imitate by competition as
• Imitation is done in two ways. One is identified by the Philips VRIN Analysis. This
duplicating that is direct imitation and the has been developed over the years gradually
other one is substituting that is indirect by Philips competitors, who would have to
imitation. invest a significant amount if they are to
Any firm who has valuable and rare imitate a similar distribution system.
resources, and these resources are costly to
imitate, have achieved their competitive • The patents of Philips are very difficult to
advantage. imitate as identified by the VRIN Analysis of
Philips . This is because it is not legally
• The resources should also be perfectly non
sustainable. The reasons that resource
allowed to imitate a patented product. Similar
imitation is costly are historical conditions, resources to be developed and getting a
casual ambiguity and social complexity. patent for them is also a costly process.
Vrin of Lg & Philips
Non- profitable
• The financial resources of Philips are organized to
• Resources, itself, cannot provide capture value as identified by the VRIN Analysis of
advantages to organization until it is Philips. These resources are used strategically to
organized and exploit to do so. invest in the right places; making use of
opportunities and combatting threats. Therefore,
• A firm (like Lg Electronics) must these resources prove to be a source of sustained
organize its management systems, competitive advantage for Philips.
processes, policies and strategies to fully • The distribution network of Philips is organized as
utilize the resource’s potential to be identified by the VRIN Analysis of Philips. Philips
valuable, rare and costly to imitate. uses this network to reach out to its customers by
ensuring that products are available on all of its
outlets. Therefore, these resources prove to be a
source of sustained competitive advantage for
Value chain analysis of Lg and Philips
-Srilab Shrestha
Value chain of LG
• Outsourcing: LG has been depending on outsourcing for the reason that remaining year as the
company shifted 30 percentage of its manufacturing to ODMs in order to shave off expenses for its
money-losing telephone business
• Joint- Venture with China: LG will set up an electric powered automobile battery joint mission with
Geely Auto, the largest automaker in China. LG two introduced on June 13 that it would invest 103.4
billion won to set up a 50-50 electric powered vehicle battery joint assignment in China. The joint
task is predicted to produce 10 GWh electric powered automobile batteries a year.
• Shutting down factories: LG Electronics Inc. plans to relocate its Korean smart phone manufacturing
line to Vietnam in a bid to reduce fees for its money-losing cellular business, The South Korean tech
firm will section out its Pyeongtaek factory, south of Seoul, by using the cease of 2019, getting
prepared to shift the manufacturing line to Hai Phuong, a northern Vietnamese town the place
different LG associates function factories.
Value chain of Philips
• Outsourcing: Philips outsources gear lamps to China are due to the political environment, monetary
surroundings and technological environment. For the political environment, because there is no
political chance in China such as inflation, so the operating price won’t be high In the economic
aspect, due to the large population in China, Philips believed that the patron buying power over there
will be high.
• Joint- Venture with China: Philips joint assignment with China is due to the fact in China their labour
fee will be lower than in Netherlands. This is due to the fact China has a giant population, so there are
many people can work, and the earnings of employee will be cheaper.
• Move all factories to Thailand: Philips moves all lamps manufacturing manufacturing unit to Thailand
is due to the geographical region of Thailand. Since that Thailand is situated in a accurate location,
which is nearby to Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and others Asia Pacific.
Financial analysis and conclusion of lg and Philips
Pratik ranabhat
Financial analysis of Lg and Philips
Conclusion of LG
• The LG announces the core capability and environment development product to develop in a
certain level. This makes LG a wide brand image of the product.
• LG employee has many skills and talented to increase its innovative technological products to
• There is still some lack into the marketing mix like pricing strategy and promotion strategy to
reach the customer.
• In future, LG must improve its pricing strategy like to cut the cost of the existing product by the
way of minimizing its process and it must increase time utility.
• There are many competitors who have arise for LG product. So the technology has concerned it
should increase to implement in timely manner.
• This will increase to capture a more market in future. I hope the LG electronics and other
components have more capability to reach their customer.
Conclusion of Philips