FL 2020-04-13 Toksikologi Pelarut

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Prof. Dra. Fatma Lestari, M.Si., PhD.

Departemen K3
FKM Universitas Indonesia

Definisi Pelarut Organik

Sifat-Sifat Pelarut Organik

Faktor Risiko

• Identifikasi Toksikan & Jalur Pajanan

• Dosis
• Distribusi, Toksisitas Lokal and Sistemik
• Hubungan Dosis-Respons
• Biotransformasi & Eliminasi

Contoh Pelarut Organik di Tempat Kerja

Definisi Pelarut

Pelarut: Zat yang dapat melarutkan zat lainnya (terlarut -

solute) membentuk larutan yang terdispersi secara
uniform (larutan - solution) pada level ion maupun
molecular (Smith, P., 2008)
Pelarut air
(water based)


Pelarut organic
(solvent based)
Mengapa Pelarut Digunakan di Industri?

Keuntungan Pelarut Organik

 Harga murah
 Banyak tersedia
 Karakteristik beragam: mudah larut dalam air (methanol, etanol)…ada
yang mudah larut dalam larutan organik (n-heksana, n-pentana)
 Mudah menguap
Penggunaan Pelarut di Industri

• Cleaning
• Degreasing
• Thinning
• Extraction

Jenis Pelarut Organik

• Etanol
• Isopropanol
• Toluene
• Xylene
• Solvent mixtures e.g.
white spirits
• Metanol
• Heksana
Penggunaan Pelarut di Industri
Toxicity of organic solvents 367

Table 14.1 Common solvents

Class of solvent Example Molecular formula
Acetamide solvents N,N-Dimethylacetamide
Agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals
(65-70% of tonnage); man made fiber (20-25%)
Alcohol solvents Amyl alcohol
n-Butanol Ethanol: It is used in perfumes, cosmetics, paints,
Cyclohexanol detergents and inks. Ethanol has antiseptic &
Diacetone alcohol disinfectant properties it slows or stops the growth of
micro-organisms (germs).
Aldehydes Formaldehyde

Aliphatic solvents n-Heptane


Amide solvents Hexamethylphosphoramide

Amine solvents Diethylenetriamine
Aromatic solvents Benzene
4-tert-Butyltoluene paint thinner, contact cement
Chlorobenzene & model airplane glue.
Sumber: Winder C &ofStaceyExample Molecular
N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. formula
2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
Penggunaan Pelarut di Industri
Occupational Toxicology 368

Cyclic Cyclohexane
• Cyclohexane goes into the production of solvents

intermediates for nylon, which has a variety of

common applications such as clothing, tents and
Ester Amyl acetate
carpets as well as thermoplastics.  solvents n-Butyl acetate
• Cyclohexane is also used as a solvent in chemical iso-Butyl acetate
Ethyl acetate
and industrial processes and recently has been Ethyl formate
substituted for benzene in many applications. Methyl acetate
Methyl formate
iso-Propyl acetate
n-Propyl acetate
Ethers Dichloroethyl ether R1—O—R2
Diethyl ether
Diisopropyl ether
Formamides N,N-

Furan Furfural
solvents Furfural alcohol

Glycol ethers are found in pharmaceuticals, Glycol

Diethylene glycol
Ethylene glycol
sunscreens, cosmetics, inks, dyes & water-based Ethylene glycol
monobutyl ether
paints (E-series), they are also used in degreasers, Ethylene alvcol
monoethyl ether
cleaners, aerosol paints and adhesives (P-series) Ethylene glycol
monomethyl ether
Hexylene glycol
Propylene glycol
Glycol ether Ethylene glycol
acetates monoethyl ether
Ethylene glycol
monomethyl ether

Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity Class of solvent
of Organic Solvents Example Molecular formula
Hazards of solvents

Penggunaan Pelarut di Industri

are hazardous. These hazards can be divided into danger hazards and

Table 14.2 Uses of solvents

Application Percent use
Surface coatings 43.3
Metal cleaning (degreasing) 10
Household products 8.1
Adhesives 6.7
Pharmaceuticals 6.1
Dry cleaning 3.9
Other 20
Source: adapted from Collings and Luxon 1982.

Table 14.3 Consumption of solvents

Solvent class Tonnes (thousands)
Aliphatic hydrocarbons 1200
Aromatic hydrocarbons 900
Chlorinated hydrocarbons 800
Alcohols 600
Ketones 450
Esters 300
Glycol ethers 150 Sumber gambar: Google image.
Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor
Source: adapted from Collings and Luxon 1982. and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
Sifat-sifat Pelarut Organik

• Kelarutan Larut dalam air (polar) Tidak Larut dalam air (non-polar)
Etanol, methanol, glycol N-heksana, sikloheksana, toluen

• Mudah terbakar
(Flammable) & Mudah Mudah terbakar
Tidak Mudah terbakar
Meledak (Eksplosif) Methanol (dipakai dalam
Glycol (antifreeze)
campuran bahan bakar)

• Kemudahan menguap

Mudah menguap Tidak Mudah menguap

Toluen, Xylene (dipakai untuk Glycol (antifreeze)
pelarut cat)
Sifat Pelarut Organik:
Kelarutan dalam Lemak

Menentukan efisiensi sebagai pelarut

Menentukan efek kesehatan

Sebagian besar pelarut organik mudah larut dalam lemak

Potensi sebagai Pelarut, anestetik, penghilang lemak solvents (de-

fatting agents) – berhubungan dengan kemudahan larut dalam lemak
Sifat Pelarut Organik:
Kemudahan terbakar & meledak

Kemudahan terbakar Kemudahan

– Flammability meledak –
Flashpoint Explosive limits
> UEL Terlalu kaya
Flash point > 61°C –
Upper explosive limit (UEL) is the highest concentration of
tidak mudah terbakar
solvent in air that will ignite.

Makin lebar kisaran LEL & UEL, makin

besar bahaya kebakaran
Flash point 23°- 61°C
kemudahan terbakar
Lower explosive limit (LEL) is the lowest concentration of
solvent in air that will ignite.

< LEL terlalu miskin (too lean)

Flash point < 23°C – Methanol: LEL: 6%; UEL:36% (kisaran: 30%) - lebar
sangat mudah
Carbon disulphide LEL: 1.0%, UEL = 50% (kisaran 49%) - lebar
Benzene LEL: 1,2%; LEL:7,8% (kisaran 6,2%) - sempit
Sifat Pelarut Organik:
Kemudahan menguap (Volatility)

Vapour Pressure
Makin tinggi Vapour Pressure – makin mudah
• Kemudahan menguap menguap
Titik didih Tinggi
(Volatility) High Vapour Pressure
Makin mudah menguap –
makin besar konsentrasi
uapnya diudara

• Sebagian besar pelarut

organik mudah menguap
benzene, toluene, methylene
chloride, methyl chloroform 
glues, solvents, varnishes,
adhesives and paints Inhalation = main
route of exposure
Highly dependent on

Titik didih Rendah

Titik didih Low Vapour Pressure
Makin rendah titik didih– makin
mudah menguap
Sifat Pelarut Organik:
Kemudahan menguap (Volatility)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Organic chemical compounds whose

composition makes it possible for them
to evaporate under normal indoor
atmospheric conditions of temperature
and pressure (EPA, 2014)

• Benzene
• Ethylene glycol
• Formaldehyde
• Methylene chloride
• Tetrachloroethylene
• Toluene
• Xylene
Sifat fisik pelarut organik
Sifat Pelarut Organik
Struktur Kimiawi

Functional groups

Solvents are divided into families • Halogens

according to chemical structure and • Alcohols
attached functional groups • Ketones
• Toxic properties tend to be similar within • Glycols
a group, e.g. liver toxicity from • Esters
chlorinated hydrocarbons, irritation from
• Ethers
• Carboxylic acids
• Amines
• Amides


Basic structure Alicyclic

Sifat Pelarut Organik
Struktur Kimiawi

Families of Organic Compounds

Faktor Risiko Pelarut Organik
Faktor Risiko Pelarut Organik di Tempat Kerja

Millions of workers are exposed to

solvents on a daily basis.
Health hazards associated with solvent
exposure include toxicity to the
nervous system,
reproductive damage, liver
and kidney damage,
respiratory impairment,
cancer & dermatitis.  (OSHA)
Identifikasi Toksikan

Bahan kimia apa yang terkandung didalamnya?

Safety data sheet (SDS)

Campuran, nama dagang “Solvent 100” - Cat Kapal Laut

Analisis Komposisi Gas Chromatography  Ethylbenzene, propyl benzene

Komposisi tidak diketahui  Analisis: Electron impact Gas Chromatography

Mass Spectrometry (EI-GC-MS)
Jalur Pajanan

Produksi pelarut organik umumnya TERTUTUP (ENCLOSED)

Pajanan terjadi:
• Maintenance work – pipa dibuka,
pompa dan valve diangkat untuk

• Fugitive emissions kebocoran pada

valves and joints.

• Spillages

• Transfer of solvents – pajanan dapat

terjadi pada saat transfer pelarut dari
vessels, tanks atau drums.
Jalur Pajanan

• Inhalasi

• Absorpsi kulit

• Tertelan

• Absorpsi mata

Rute utama
Jalur Pajanan
Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pajanan pelarut

Kelarutan Konsentrasi uap

mudah larut dalam
Kemudahan Konsentrasi makin tinggi
Frekuensi lemak makin mudah
menguap pada ruang terbatas &
pajanan masuk ke dalam tubuh
tertutup (confined space)
Jalur Pajanan

Jalur utama pajanan pelarut di tempat kerja

• Uptake (% dosis terhirup, tertahan &

terabsorpsi): 40-80% at rest

• Peningkatan aktivitas fisik – ↑ absorpsi

• Uap – masuk ke paru-paru – ke darah

• Luas permukaan paru-paru - 140 m2 - Lapisan

tipis sel mudah ditembus alveoli – pertukaran
gas O2 & CO2 darah

• Luas permukaan kulit: 1.5 - 2 m2

Jalur Pajanan - Inhalasi
Jalur Pajanan – Absorpsi Kulit

• Kelarutan dalam lemak

• Pelarut mudah larut dalam

lemak & air - ↑ penetrasi

• Skin absorption rates –

bervariasi antar individu
(max 4 kali)

• Faktor-faktor memengaruhi
penetrasi pelarut kedalam
• Ketebalan kulit
• Kerusakan kulit
(terluka, abrasi)
• Difusi pasif (polar / non-
polar) – mekanisme beda
• Kondisi kulit (kering) ↑

Dosis ≠ konsentrasi

All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The
right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.” Paracelcus

• Dosis terabsorpsi: jumlah toksikan

masuk melewati membran ke dalam
sistem kompartemen biologis

• Variabel yang memengaruhi:

• Jalur pajanan
• Target organ
• Konsentrasi pajanan
• Distribusi
• Metabolisme
Distribusi & Toksisitas Lokal & Systemik

• Distribusi dipengaruhi:
• Fugacity: flux or movement tendency of a
compound in a multiphase system
• Kelarutan dalam lemak
• Perfusi
• Laju aliran darah

• K : Konstanta untuk kelarutan dalam lemak


  partition coefficient

• Senyawa Kow tinggi – mudah larut dalam jaringan lemak

tubuh – umumnya mudah dieliminasi
• Lokal & systemic effects bergantung dari konsentari
toksikan & metabolitnya
• Lokal  perubahan terjadi pada lokasi kontak pajanan
• Sistemik  perubahan terjadi pada beberapa titik jauh
dari kontak pajanan
Hubungan Dosis Response

• Respons: gangguan/perubahan fisiologis dari

kondisi normal

• Respons:
• All or none response (discrete)
• Graded response. E.g. blood pressure

• Response of organic solvents

• Lokal: Erythema, blistering & burn effect
(local). Methylene chloride  severe irritation
• Graded response (systemic); dizzines,
lightheadedness, sensory disturbance,
nausea, narcosis

• Benzene  leukemia dan atherosclerosis (CS2),

axonal neuropathy (n-hexane dan methyl-n-butyl
Efek Kesehatan - Umum

Efek Akut Efek Kronik

• Sakit kepala • Dermatitis
• Mengantuk • Kerusakan hati
• Mual • Kerusakan ginjal
• Pusing • Memengaruhi fungsi otak & system
• Kulit terkelupas syaraf pusat: mudah marah, gangguan
• Tidak sadarkan diri tidur, dimensia
• Kematian • Memengaruhi sistem reproduksi & janin
Biotransformasi & Eliminasi

• Distribution
• Masuk ke dalam jaringan lemak
• Jarisan adiposa (including nervous system and liver),
organs with large blood flow (cardiac, skeletal
• Most solvents cross placenta & enter breast milk

• Metabolism
• Some metabolised extensively and some not at all
• For some solvents, metabolism plays a role in their

• Excretion
• Primarily through exhalation of unchanged
compound, metabolites in urine or combination of
• Eg Perchloroethylene is poorly metabolized and
excreted primarily to exhalation
• Biological half life can vary from a few minutes to a
few days
Toksisitas Pelarut Organik di Tempat Kerja
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja

• Alkanes
• Formaldehyde
• Benzene
• Toluene
• Styrene
• Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene)
• Methylene Chloride
• 2-Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone)
Toksisitas Pelarut – Efek toksik sekelompok Pelarut

Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N.,

(2005) Occupational Toxicology.
2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis
(615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of
Organic Solvents
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja

o Compounds are gases, liquids and solids

o Gases e.g. Methane, ethane, propane,
butane (odorless)
o Liquids e.g. pentane, hexane, heptane
o Solids e.g. paraffin wax
o Explosion Hazard
o E.g. Flixborough, England
o Generally low toxicity
o Methane, ethane, propane = simple
o Hexane and heptane most commonly used
general purpose solvents Flixborough Accident:
o Cause anesthesia, respiratory tract irritation,
dermatitis, neurobehavioural dysfunction
Toksisitas Pelarut – Kelompok Alifatik

Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja

o Alkohol yang umum digunakan: Methanol,

Ethanol, n-propanol, isopropanol, n-hexanol,
glycerine - bau menyengat

o Penggunaan:
o Cleaning agents, thinners, diluents,
chemical intermediates, in paint/
pharmaceutical / pesticide manufacture
o Low melting points result in some alcohols
being used as a anti-freeze agent.

o Sebagian alkohol: flammable or combustible

o Toxicokinetics
o 50% of inhaled alcohol is absorbed at rest
o Some alcohols may be absorbed through the
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja

Efek Kesehatan

o CNS Depressants
o All alcohols cause narcosis
o Acute symptoms from overexposure
range from fatigue, in-coordination, and
behavioural changes to coma.

o Irritants
o Irritating to the mucous membranes
o Eye/respiratory tract irritation usually
occur at lower concentrations than CNS
depression—useful warning property
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja

• Karakteristik: Tidak berwarna, jernih, mudah

terbakar, berbau manis, Sangat mudah

• Penggunaan
• Terdapat dalam campuran BBM
• Pelarut adesif & penghilang cat
• Industri sepatu & karet
• Bahan awal dalam sintesis plastik
• Sangat ketat diatur – 1-5% kandungan benzene
dalam BBM
• Terdapat dalam asap rokok
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja

Efek Kesehatan
• inhalasi & absorpsi kulit

• Efek Akut
• nervous system -- headache, tiredness, nausea,
dizziness, narcosis & loss of consciousness
• Affects nervous system – behavioural &
psychomotor changes occur
• High exposure levels can cause death by CNS
depression or cardiac arrhythmia
• Skin exposure causes dermatitis, and inhalation of
high concentrations may result in bronchial
irritation or pulmonary oedema

• Efek Kronik
• Depression of bone marrow
• Meningkatkan risiko anemia aplastil IARC Classification –
• Pekerja pajanan kronik benzene – sel darah carcinogenic to humans
merah jumlahnya 50% dari normal. Leukaemia
• Now rare as exposures are well controlled
Toksisitas Pelarut – Kelompok Aromatik

Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
Toksisitas Pelarut – Kelompok Pelarut
Occupational Toxicology 376

Table 14.7 Toxicity of the halogenated solvents

Halogenated solvent Formula Effects
Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 Hepatoxicant
Chloroform CHCl3 Hepatoxicant, narcosis
Chloroprene CH=CHCl=CH 2 Carcinogen, irritant
Ethylene dibromide CH2BrCH2Br Carcinogen
Ethylene dichloride CH2ClCH2Cl Carcinogen
Methyl bromide CH3Br Skin, respiratory toxicity
Tetrachloroethene CHCl2= CHCl2 CNS depressant
Trichloroethane CCl3CH3 CNS depressant
Trichioethylene CCl2= CHCl CNS depressant
Vinyl chloride CH2=CCl2 Carcinogen
Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
Toksisitas Pelarut – Efek terhadap Reproduksi

Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
• Smith, P.A (2008). Toxicology of Organic Solvents Chapter 16 –
Toxicology Principles for the Industrial Hygienist
• LaDou, J. (2007). Current Occupational and Environmental
Medicine. Chapter 29 - Solvents
• Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd
Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of
• Dick, F. (2006). Solvent Neurotoxicity. Occupational &
Environmental Medicine, 63, 221-226.

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