FL 2020-04-13 Toksikologi Pelarut
FL 2020-04-13 Toksikologi Pelarut
FL 2020-04-13 Toksikologi Pelarut
Departemen K3
FKM Universitas Indonesia
Faktor Risiko
Pelarut organic
(solvent based)
Mengapa Pelarut Digunakan di Industri?
Harga murah
Banyak tersedia
Karakteristik beragam: mudah larut dalam air (methanol, etanol)…ada
yang mudah larut dalam larutan organik (n-heksana, n-pentana)
Mudah menguap
Penggunaan Pelarut di Industri
• Cleaning
• Degreasing
• Thinning
• Extraction
• Etanol
• Isopropanol
• Toluene
• Xylene
• Solvent mixtures e.g.
white spirits
• Metanol
• Heksana
Penggunaan Pelarut di Industri
Toxicity of organic solvents 367
Cyclic Cyclohexane
• Cyclohexane goes into the production of solvents
Furan Furfural
solvents Furfural alcohol
Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity Class of solvent
of Organic Solvents Example Molecular formula
Hazards of solvents
• Kelarutan Larut dalam air (polar) Tidak Larut dalam air (non-polar)
Etanol, methanol, glycol N-heksana, sikloheksana, toluen
• Mudah terbakar
(Flammable) & Mudah Mudah terbakar
Tidak Mudah terbakar
Meledak (Eksplosif) Methanol (dipakai dalam
Glycol (antifreeze)
campuran bahan bakar)
• Kemudahan menguap
Flash point < 23°C – Methanol: LEL: 6%; UEL:36% (kisaran: 30%) - lebar
sangat mudah
Carbon disulphide LEL: 1.0%, UEL = 50% (kisaran 49%) - lebar
Benzene LEL: 1,2%; LEL:7,8% (kisaran 6,2%) - sempit
Sifat Pelarut Organik:
Kemudahan menguap (Volatility)
Vapour Pressure
Makin tinggi Vapour Pressure – makin mudah
• Kemudahan menguap menguap
Titik didih Tinggi
(Volatility) High Vapour Pressure
Makin mudah menguap –
makin besar konsentrasi
uapnya diudara
• Benzene
• Ethylene glycol
• Formaldehyde
• Methylene chloride
• Tetrachloroethylene
• Toluene
• Xylene
Sifat fisik pelarut organik
Sifat Pelarut Organik
Struktur Kimiawi
Functional groups
Sifat Pelarut Organik
Struktur Kimiawi
Pajanan terjadi:
• Maintenance work – pipa dibuka,
pompa dan valve diangkat untuk
• Spillages
• Inhalasi
• Absorpsi kulit
• Tertelan
• Absorpsi mata
Rute utama
Jalur Pajanan
Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pajanan pelarut
• Faktor-faktor memengaruhi
penetrasi pelarut kedalam
• Ketebalan kulit
• Kerusakan kulit
(terluka, abrasi)
• Difusi pasif (polar / non-
polar) – mekanisme beda
• Kondisi kulit (kering) ↑
Dosis ≠ konsentrasi
All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The
right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.” Paracelcus
• Distribusi dipengaruhi:
• Fugacity: flux or movement tendency of a
compound in a multiphase system
• Kelarutan dalam lemak
• Perfusi
• Laju aliran darah
partition coefficient
• Respons:
• All or none response (discrete)
• Graded response. E.g. blood pressure
• Distribution
• Masuk ke dalam jaringan lemak
• Jarisan adiposa (including nervous system and liver),
organs with large blood flow (cardiac, skeletal
• Most solvents cross placenta & enter breast milk
• Metabolism
• Some metabolised extensively and some not at all
• For some solvents, metabolism plays a role in their
• Excretion
• Primarily through exhalation of unchanged
compound, metabolites in urine or combination of
• Eg Perchloroethylene is poorly metabolized and
excreted primarily to exhalation
• Biological half life can vary from a few minutes to a
few days
Toksisitas Pelarut Organik di Tempat Kerja
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja
• Alkanes
• Formaldehyde
• Benzene
• Toluene
• Styrene
• Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene)
• Methylene Chloride
• 2-Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone)
Toksisitas Pelarut – Efek toksik sekelompok Pelarut
Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja
o Penggunaan:
o Cleaning agents, thinners, diluents,
chemical intermediates, in paint/
pharmaceutical / pesticide manufacture
o Low melting points result in some alcohols
being used as a anti-freeze agent.
o Toxicokinetics
o 50% of inhaled alcohol is absorbed at rest
o Some alcohols may be absorbed through the
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja
Efek Kesehatan
o CNS Depressants
o All alcohols cause narcosis
o Acute symptoms from overexposure
range from fatigue, in-coordination, and
behavioural changes to coma.
o Irritants
o Irritating to the mucous membranes
o Eye/respiratory tract irritation usually
occur at lower concentrations than CNS
depression—useful warning property
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja
• Penggunaan
• Terdapat dalam campuran BBM
• Pelarut adesif & penghilang cat
• Industri sepatu & karet
• Bahan awal dalam sintesis plastik
• Sangat ketat diatur – 1-5% kandungan benzene
dalam BBM
• Terdapat dalam asap rokok
Pelarut organik di tempat kerja
Efek Kesehatan
• inhalasi & absorpsi kulit
• Efek Akut
• nervous system -- headache, tiredness, nausea,
dizziness, narcosis & loss of consciousness
• Affects nervous system – behavioural &
psychomotor changes occur
• High exposure levels can cause death by CNS
depression or cardiac arrhythmia
• Skin exposure causes dermatitis, and inhalation of
high concentrations may result in bronchial
irritation or pulmonary oedema
• Efek Kronik
• Depression of bone marrow
• Meningkatkan risiko anemia aplastil IARC Classification –
• Pekerja pajanan kronik benzene – sel darah carcinogenic to humans
merah jumlahnya 50% dari normal. Leukaemia
• Now rare as exposures are well controlled
Toksisitas Pelarut – Kelompok Aromatik
Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
Toksisitas Pelarut – Kelompok Pelarut
Occupational Toxicology 376
Sumber: Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of Organic Solvents
• Smith, P.A (2008). Toxicology of Organic Solvents Chapter 16 –
Toxicology Principles for the Industrial Hygienist
• LaDou, J. (2007). Current Occupational and Environmental
Medicine. Chapter 29 - Solvents
• Winder C & Stacey N., (2005) Occupational Toxicology. 2nd
Edition. Taylor and Francis (615.902) Chapter 11 –Toxicity of
• Dick, F. (2006). Solvent Neurotoxicity. Occupational &
Environmental Medicine, 63, 221-226.