PWM - Pulse Width Modulation

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PWM: Pulse Width Modulation

What is PWM?
Pulse-width modulation is a modulation process or technique used for encoding the amplitude of a
signal right into a pulse width or duration of another signal, usually a carrier signal. It is a powerful
technique for controlling analog circuits with a microprocessor’s digital output. Through PWM
technique, we can control the power delivered to the load. This is done by varying the width of the signal
and keeping the frequency fixed (as depicted in the diagram).
How does PWM work?
For better understanding, let us assume the load is a light source. .PWM operates like a switch which constantly
cycles on and off, thereby regulating the amount of power the light source will receive. The PWM system that is used
for controlling fans and pumps works with the motor, either getting +12V (full power) or 0V (no power). The chart
below will explain the same.

So, the light source is being fed impulses of power.As

seen from the chart, a 10% duty cycle gives just a few
impulses of power over a period of time, meaning that
the bulb will glow dimly , and a 100% duty cycle
means that it will glow to its full capacity, constantly
being powered on.
The 555 Timer Chip
The 555 timer chip is a 8-pin device that can be operated
either as a very accurate Monostable, Bistable or Astable
Multivibrator to produce a variety of applications such as
one-shot or delay timers, pulse generation, LED and lamp
flashers etc.

The 555 timer IC is a useful precision timing device which

can act as either a simple timer to generate single pulses or
stabilised waveforms of varying duty cycles from 50 to
PWM using 555 Timer
In this technique, we use two 555 timer ICs to produce variable output as required. The first 555 IC is
usually in an astable multivibrator configuration, behaving as an oscillator producing a continuous train
of clock pulses of the desired frequency. Its output feeds the trigger pin of the second 555 IC in a
monostable multivibrator configuration. This second stage adjusts the pulse width according to the
variable resistor ‘Speed Control’ which is adjusted as per the requirements of the output load. This way,
the circuit produces width-modulated pulses but at a fixed frequency determined by the first IC.
•. In this mode the output is LOW (0V) when there is no triggering, when it is triggered via
2nd pin the output goes HIGH (Vcc) for some time. This time period is determined by the
expression T=1. 11 RC ( R=R2 ; C=C2 in the diagram). Trigger is applied via a differentiator
circuit to make sharp pulses. The resistor of differentiator is connected to Vcc to generate
negative trigger pulses and the diode avoids positive spikes. And now this output is
modulated using the input voltage applied at the control pin of the IC. So whenever the
trigger pin pulses become low, the output of the IC switches to high and as a result the
discharge transistor (internal to the 555 IC attached to the 7th pin) is disabled. So C2
charges through R2.This capacitor keeps on charging until the voltage is above the input
control voltage, at which the IC changes its state. Now the output is low which makes the
discharge transistor activated thereby discharging the capacitor C2. Hence the output
pulse width is determined by the control voltage. This process continues and we get a
Requirements and Advantages of PWM
● You can control a traditionally analog load using a digital signal and a
switching element.
● You can operate a device above its normal maximum. This is due to the fact
that it's only being pushed to this point for short periods of time, not enough
to do any damage.
● You can control a device with incredible precision.
● Less power dissipation and increased efficiency.
● Minimal noise disturbance.
1. Telecommunications:
In Telecommunications, data is encoded using PWM by fixing specific width
of pulses to specific data values. It is decoded at the receivers end.

2. Act as a regulator for a motor or light source for various applications:

a. Motor: Increase/decrease the motor speed for varying applications like temperature control,
cooling inside Laptops etc.
b. Light source: Increase/decrease the intensity of the light source based upon requirement.
• CMOS components are typically more expensive than TTL
equivalents. However, CMOS technology is usually less expensive
on a system level due to CMOS chips being smaller and requiring
less regulation.

• CMOS circuits do not draw as much power as TTL circuits while at

rest. However, CMOS power consumption increases faster with
higher clock speeds than TTL does. Lower current draw requires
less power supply distribution, therefore causing a simpler and
cheaper design.

• Due to longer rise and fall times, the transmission of digital signals
becomes simpler and less expensive with CMOS chips.

• CMOS components are more susceptible to damage from

electrostatic discharge than TTL components.


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