Research Methodology Module 1
Research Methodology Module 1
Research Methodology Module 1
One can define research as a scientific and systematic
search for pertinent information on a specific topic.
In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation.
Research is a movement, a movement from the known
to the unknown. It is actually a voyage of discovery.
We all possess the vital instinct of curiosity for, when
the unknown confronts us, obtaining the knowledge of
whatever the unknown, can be termed as research.
According to Clifford Woody research comprises
defining and redefining problems, formulating
hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting,
organising and evaluating data; making deductions
and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing
the conclusions to determine whether they fit the
formulating hypothesis.
The search for knowledge through objective and
systematic method of finding solution to a problem is
The main aim of research is to find out the truth
which is hidden and has not been discovered as yet.
Though each research study has its own specific
purpose, we may think of research objectives as falling
into a number of following broad groupings:
1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve
new insights into it (studies with this object in view
are termed as exploratory or formulative research