Animal Kingdom
Vertebrates : 200,000 species
Lower Invertebrates : 50,000 species
Click beetle
Preying mantis
Mymarid –
Adult male
Small size
requires less food and Parasitoid completes its larval
space for survival and stage within only one larva
2 2 Middle leg
3 3 Hind leg
Power of flight Migratory locust
Aerial Adult
Aquatic naiad Adult emergence
Different habit and habitat
Parental care
Some insects carry their eggs on their back until
Female Hydrophilid beetle
Male Giant water bug
Provide food for young ones even before hatching -
by paralyzing caterpillars (by stinging) and oviposit
on its body
Female sand wasp, Ammophila
Chemical communication
Chemical volatiles emanate from the plants
or insects
Insects use this to find their food and mates
Parasites also use this to locate their host