Human & His Realms: Barzan Faizin
Human & His Realms: Barzan Faizin
Human & His Realms: Barzan Faizin
Barzan Faizin
Homo sapien
Homo economicus
Zoon politicon
Then We made the Nutfah into a clot, then We made the clot
into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little
lump of flesh bones, the we clothed the bones with flesh, and
then We brought it forth as another creation. So Blessed is
Allah, the best of creators. (al-Muminun: 14)
Creation of human
Zygote = refer to the very first stage of life, Embryo: From the moment two cells ‘Fetus= From week eight of your
which starts after the union of egg and exist up until the 8th week of gestation, pregnancy onwards, the embryonic period
sperm (male and female gametes). the development of the embryo takes ends and makes space for the so-called
place fetal period of pregnancy.
Human’s privileges over other creatures
(wicked &
(weak) (pain and trial) (Complaint)
QS. Ar Rum: [30] 54 QS. Al Balad: [90] 4 QS. Al Maarij: [70] 19
QS. Al Ahzab: [33] 72
ِ ب ْٱرجِ ُع
ون ّ ِ َال َر ُ ٓاء أ َ َح َد ُه ُم ٱل َْم ْو
َ تق َ َحتّ َٰىٓ ِإ َذا َج َ اع ٌل ِفى ٱل ْأ َ ْر ِض
خلِي َف ًة ِ َال َربُّ َك ِلل َْمل َٓـ ٰ ِئك َِة ِإ ِن ّى َج
َ َو ِإ ْذ ق
Al Qur’anul Karim
Bucaille, Maurice. 1994. Asal Usul Manusia Menurut Bibel Al Quran Sains.Bandung: Mizan
Baihaqi A.K. 1996. Mendidik Anak Dalam Kandungan. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada
Suryana Toto dkk. 1997. Pendidikan Agama Islam Untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Bandung: Tiga Mutiara
Tim Dosen PAI UPI. 2008. Islam Tuntunan dan Pedoman Hidup. Bandung: Value Press