Product Decisions - MCQs
Product Decisions - MCQs
Product Decisions - MCQs
Questions in Marketing
580 Frequently asked
questions are
Book by
Maxwell Ranasinghe
M.A( Interdisciplinary Studies) York, CPM ( Marketing) New Haven,
BSc.( Business Administration) USJP, Attorney at Law.
I have taught marketing for last 20 years in number of
universities and professional institutes. Further I have
conducted various marketing and management related
workshops to the corporate sector.
In this
presentation, I
will discuss 20
MCQs selected
from Chapter 7
of my book
1. Anything that can be offered to a
market to satisfy a want a or need
1. A
product 2. Products and services that are offered
to consumers
could be
defined as 3. Various types of goods and service
available in the market
3. A
2. Package, content and flavor
product has
three major 3. Physical, functional and symbolic
aspects aspects
product has
4. Durability,
five levels growth,
maturity and
and variability
1. Sermon in a church/
temple/ Kovil
6. In the tangibility
2. Service in a salon
continuum, what
could be identified
as a pure tangible 3. Service in a hospital
4. Service in a restaurant
7. What could
be identified 1. Airline ticket
as hybrid
( 50% to 50%) 2. Ticket to a musical show
tangible and 3. Service in a restaurant
goods 4. Service in a salon
1. Airline service
8. What product
could be
2. Restaurant service
identified as a
major intangible
product with 3. A car
minor tangible
4. Pencil
9.One of
Name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of
them to identify the goods and services of one seller or
group of sellers and ………………………………… from those of
the famous
1. Highlight
of 2. Differentiate
brandings 3. Juxtapose
4. Attracted
10. One of the
statements is 1. Makes easy to identify
wrong as to
the 2. Reduce risk in purchasing
importance of 3. Help buying nutritious products
branding to
4. Helps product evaluation
1. Retailer
11. If branding
differentiation, 2. Wholesaler
targeting and
positioning and
defend against
3. Manufacture
competition, who
will benefit 4. Retailer and wholesaler
1. Brand value indicated in the
balance sheet of the manufacture
4. Corporate name
15. Companies like
1. Individual brand names
Toyota Motor
Corporation use
branding strategies
2. family brand names
like Toyota-
Corolla, Toyota –
Corona, Toyota –
Prius, Toyota – 3. Multi level brand names
Hilux: they are
using 4. Corporate name and individual
brand names
16. What is
common in 1. They are Greek Heros
brand names 2. They are Greek Gods
like Atlus,
3. They are names of fables
Sprite, Nike,
4. They are names of epic
Appolo stories
17. There is a tendency
in naming the brand 1. It makes easy for the customer to remember
with an inherent
quality, utility value of 2. It makes easy for the marketer to advertise
technology of the and describe the product
product such as
Mobitel, Celltel, 3. It makes easy for the marketer to distinguish
Tropicana, Suntec, Air the product form competitors’ products
Canada : the
advantage of doing so 4. It makes easy to register as a trade mark
1. It should be easy to pronounce
and remember
18. some of
the most 2. It should be protectable,
important adaptable and distinguishable
elements in
3. Only above 1 is correct
naming a
brand is 4. Above 1 and 2 both together are
1. Fashion
19. Although
packaging is
fundamentally used
2. Silent salesman
for protecting the
product from
elements form the
environment, now it 3. Environment friendly element
is mainly seen as a
4. Innovation to make user friendly
1. Has three stages of life
20. Product
life cycle 2. Has a very short life in the
theory market
generally 3. Has life cycle from conception to
assumes that decline
a product 4. Has a life cycle that cannot be
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• I strongly believe it is a very good investment for you and I also
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• Next slide has the answers to the questions in this presentation
• Answers to questions in this presentation appears on the next
• 1-4 11-3
• 2-3 12-3
• 3-3 13-1
• 4-4 14-1
• 5-2 15-4
• 6-1 16-2
• 7-3 17-2
• 8-1 18-4
• 9-2 19-2
• 10-3 20-3
• Thank you and good luck with your exams