Passing Presentation2
Passing Presentation2
Passing Presentation2
When throwing a chest pass, the players should strive to throw it to the receiver's
chest level. Passes that go low to high or high to low are difficult to catch
The bounce pass is thrown with the same motion however it is aimed at the floor. It should be
thrown far enough out that the ball bounces waist high to the receiver. Some say try to throw it
3/4 of the way to the receiver, and that may be a good reference point to start, but each player
has to experiment how far to throw it so it bounces to the receiver properly. Putting a proper a
nd consistent backspin on the pass will make the distance easier to judge.
The overhead pass is often used as an outlet pass. Bring the ball directly a
bove your forehead with both hands on the side of the ball and follow t
hrough.Aim for the teammate's chin. Some coaches advise not bring th
e ball behind your head, because it can get stolen and it takes a split-se
cond longer to throw the pass