One Nation One Election
One Nation One Election
One Nation One Election
M a d e b y : Sa m ar th K u ma r
0 3 2 19 1 0 38 1 7
◦ New government, new rules and the whole new idea of a different and improved nation, that is what in
the minds of today’s new self-made governing body.
◦ The newly formed government of our nation, the BJP Sarkar or the Modi Sarkar has tended us to think
about our present election and the curriculums.
◦ The present government working under the directives of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi have
made the ‘one nation’ theory as their most peculiar aspect in order to rule and maintain the ongoing
nation. Their schemes such as the Goods and Service Tax (GST) are being launched under the one nation,
one tax theory. Similarly, the ‘One nation’ theory has also been in the thoughts, for the elections in India.
The Modi Sarkar besides ‘One nation One Tax’ implementation is also eyeing for implementing the ‘One
nation One election’ theory.
Why is it important?
◦ It has also put forward some disadvantages of multiple elections which they are using as arguments in favour of ‘One Nation One
election’ theory.
◦ Unnecessary wastage of public wealth, shift of focus from governance because of multiple elections, wastage of security forces, wastage
of time for teachers and other officers appointed as individual booth officials and lastly multiple elections are bad for a democratic
federal country like India. These are some of the arguments put forward by the ruling party.
◦ After getting to know about the arguments it can be clearly found that most of these are illogical and hold no value keeping in mind the
current scenario and political layout of India. Coming to the second point from the above arguments, shift from governance must not
occur if the ruling party is keeping nation’s well-being as their priority.
◦ The third point talks about wastage of security forces which isn’t true as forces appointed for election duty are all reserved forces. None
of the active forces are asked to do election duty.
◦ Coming to the fourth point all that can be said is that, a good officer never finds national duty such as election ‘a wastage of time’.
◦ The fifth point is not actually a point; it is clearly an illogical statement from the current government. Election is a democratic right; a
problem in some state’s election.
◦ Hence, the federal layout of India will also remain intact. And lastly, the first point talking about wastage of public health in case of
multiple elections is also not true. This is because election is a right which is aimed at betterment of people and respect of their choice, so
whatever is the amount being spend, it cannot be termed as wastage. But coming back to general point of view we know that everything
has both positive and negative aspects with it.
Advantages of the ‘One nation one election’
Let’s have a look at the positive side of the ‘One nation one election’ theory.
◦ Firstly, it will reduce country’s expenditure which gets really high during
elections. Secondly, it will save time of ruling parties from thinking about new
policies for the upcoming election instead shift their focus to overall development
of the country.
◦ Next advantage will be eradicating the vote bank politics which often leads to
‘seemingly good but harmful in the long term’ type of actions by the ruling party.
Furthermore, this theory will also promote long term policy making a ‘habit’ for
the ruling party.
Disadvantages of the ‘One nation one
election’ theory
Now let us know the disadvantages or the negative effect of implementing ‘One
nation one election’.
◦ First point will be that it is practically next to impossible to conduct national
level election at once and removing the state elections from existence all of a
sudden. Secondly, eradicating state level elections will make policy makers lazy
hence deviating their focus from people’s well-being.
◦ Next point is that of cost reduction which is already being monitored by Election
Commission. Lastly, the idea of ‘One nation one election’ is not really a good
one as it will lead to combining of national and state problems together. Hence,
making governance is itself a chaos.
◦ There is a positive wave regarding simultaneous elections in the country. People eagerly want electoral reform and change in
present scenario.
◦ Majority of respondents accepted that simultaneous elections will bring stability in democracy, will reduce corruption, election
and other unnecessary expenses, will strengthen nationalism, speed up development process etc. Simultaneous elections are not
disadvantageous for country like India as it is not a new phenomenon for Indians.
◦ Simultaneous elections were also held in 1952, 1957, 1962 and 1967. Though people want simultaneous elections to be held in
India but they have some doubts also like national issues might overshadow regional and local issues, national parties may
overshadow regional parties, it might be more advantageous for ruling party rather than all parties.
◦ Results conclude that media disseminate more of positive information about simultaneous elections but during literature review
researcher observed that most of the media professionals are not in favour of simultaneous elections, they think if simultaneous
elections become a reality India will turn into a managed democracy like Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
◦ Managed democracy is one that retains the presence of free and fair elections and the rule of law but in reality, is all
choreographed. Researcher feels that there should be no politics on simultaneous elections, if electoral reform is needed for
development of the nation, country should lead towards its implementation. Only debate on such an important issue will not
work on, instead public opinion should be taken on „One nation one poll‟ and it should be considered like Brexit.