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Microsoft Excel: Hari N' Raj, Gautam Acharya, Vikas Arora, Sagar Shukla, Praveen Jha, Pankaj Garbyal

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Microsoft Excel

Contributed by:
Hari n’ Raj, Gautam Acharya, Vikas Arora, Sagar Shukla, Praveen Jha, Pankaj Garbyal
About Excel

 Tool developed by Microsoft Corporation

 Consists of Rows and Columns - Cells
 Create, Format, Sort and Analyze data
 Spreadsheets, Tables & Statements
 Graphical Representation

 Automatic Recalculation – Saves time &

Components of the Excel Window
 Microsoft Office Button
 Quick Access Toolbar
 Title Bar
 Ribbon Tabs & Ribbon, Galleries & Tools
 Name Box
 Formula Bar
 Worksheet
 Status Bar
Quick Access Toolbar The Title Bar

The Microsoft Office Button
In the upper-left corner of the Excel 2007 window is the Microsoft Office button. When
you click the button, a menu appears. You can use the menu to create a new file, open
an existing file, save a file, and perform many other tasks.

The Quick Access Toolbar

Next to the Microsoft Office button is the Quick Access toolbar. The Quick Access
toolbar gives you with access to commands you frequently use. By default, Save, Undo,
and Redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar. You can use Save to save your file,
Undo to roll back an action you have taken, and Redo to reapply an action you have
rolled back.

The Title Bar

Next to the Quick Access toolbar is the Title bar. On the Title bar, Microsoft Excel
displays the name of the workbook you are currently using. At the top of the Excel
window, you should see "Microsoft Excel - Book1" or a similar name
The Ribbon
You use commands to tell Microsoft Excel what to do. In Microsoft Excel 2007, you use
the Ribbon to issue commands. The Ribbon is located near the top of the Excel window,
below the Quick Access toolbar. At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs; clicking a tab
displays several related command groups. Within each group are related command
buttons. You click buttons to issue commands or to access menus and dialog boxes.
You may also find a dialog box launcher in the bottom-right corner of a group. When you
click the dialog box launcher, a dialog box makes additional commands available.
Microsoft Excel consists of worksheets.
Each worksheet contains columns and
The columns are 16384 lettered A to Z
and then continuing with AA, AB, AC and
so on;
the rows are numbered 1 to 1,048,576.
The number of columns and rows you
can have in a worksheet is limited by
your computer memory and your system
The combination of a column
coordinate and a row coordinate make
up a cell address.
For example, the cell located in the
upper-left corner of the worksheet is cell
A1, meaning column A, row 1. Cell E10
is located under column E on row 10.
You enter your data into the cells on the
Formula Bar
If the Formula bar is turned on, the cell address of the cell you are in displays in the
Name box which is located on the left side of the Formula bar. Cell entries display on the
right side of the Formula bar. If you do not see the Formula bar in your window, perform
the following steps:
1. Choose the View tab.
2. Click Formula Bar in the Show/Hide group. The Formula bar appears.
Note: The current cell address displays on the left side of the Formula bar.
The Status Bar
The Status bar appears
at the very bottom of the
Excel window and
provides such
information as the sum,
average, minimum, and
maximum value of
selected numbers. You
can change what
displays on the Status
bar by right-clicking on
the Status bar and
selecting the options you
want from the Customize
Status Bar menu. You
click a menu item to
select it. You click it
again to deselect it. A
check mark next to an
item means the item is
The Name Box
You can also use the Name box
to go to a specific cell. Just type
the cell you want to go to in the
Name box and then press Enter

1.Type B10 in the Name box.

2.Press Enter. Excel moves to cell
Select Cells
1.To select cells A1 to E1:
2.Go to cell A1.
3.Press the F8 key. This
anchors the cursor.
4.Note that "Extend Selection"
appears on the Status bar in the
lower-left corner of the window.
You are in the Extend mode.
5.Click in cell E7. Excel
highlights cells A1 to E7.
6.Press Esc and click anywhere
on the worksheet to clear the
Enter Data
1.The cursor in cell A1.
2.Type John Jordan. Do not press Enter at
this time.

Delete Data
1.The Backspace key erases one character
at a time.
2.Press the Backspace key until Jordan is
3.Press Enter. The name "John" appears in
cell A1.
Edit a Cell
1.After you enter data into a cell, you can
edit the data by pressing F2 while you are
in the cell you wish to edit.
Editing a Cell by
Using the Formula
1. Move the cursor to cell A1.
2. Click in the formula area of the
Formula bar
3. Use the backspace key to
erase the "s," "e," and "n.“

4. Type ker.
5. Press Enter.
Edit a Cell by Double-
Clicking in the Cell
1.Move to cell A1.
2.Double-click in cell A1.
3.Press the End key. Your cursor is now at
the end of your text
4.Use the Backspace key to erase "r," "e,"
and "k.“

5.Type hnson.
6.Press Enter.
Change the Cell Entry
Wrap Text Tool
1.Change a Cell Entry
2.Typing in a cell replaces the old cell entry
with the new information you type.
3.Move the cursor to cell A1.
4.Type Cathy.
5.Press Enter. The name "Cathy" replaces
6.Move to cell A2.
7.Type Text too long to fit.
8.Press Enter.
9.Return to cell A2.
10.Choose the Home tab.
11.Click the Wrap Text button . Excel
wraps the text in the cell.
Change the Cell Entry Direction
1. Click the Microsoft Office button. A
menu appears.
2. Click Excel Options in the lower-right
corner. The Excel Options pane
3. Click Advanced.
4. If the check box next to After Pressing
Enter Move Selection is not checked,
click the box to check it.
5. If Down does not appear in the
Direction box, click the down arrow
next to the Direction box and then click
6. Click OK. Excel sets the Enter direction
to down.
Mathematical Calculations
you can enter numbers and mathematical formulas into cells.
Whether you enter a number or a formula, you can reference the cell when you
perform mathematical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or
When entering a mathematical formula, precede the formula with an equal sign.
Use the following to indicate the type of calculation you wish to perform

+ Addition

- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponential
1.Type Add in cell A1.
2.Press Enter. Excel moves down
one cell.
3.Type 1 in cell A2.
4.Press Enter. Excel moves down
one cell.
5.Type 1 in cell A3.
6.Press Enter. Excel moves down
one cell.
7.Type =A2+A3 in cell A4.
8.Click the check mark on the
Formula bar. Excel adds cell A1 to
cell A2 and displays the result in
cell A4. The formula displays on
the Formula bar
4.Type Subtract.
5.Press Enter.
Excel moves down one
6.Type 6 in cell B2.
7.Press Enter.
Excel moves down one
8.Type 3 in cell B3.
9.Press Enter.
Excel moves down one
10.Type =B2-B3 in cell B4.
11.Click the check mark on Formula
bar. Excel subtracts cell B3 from cell
B2 & the result displays in cell B4.
The formula displays on Formula
Automatic Calculation
1.Move to cell A2.
2.Type 2.
3.Press the right arrow key. Excel
changes the result in cell A4. Excel adds
cell A2 to cell A3 and the new result
appears in cell A4.
4.Move to cell B2.
5.Type 8.
6.Press the right arrow key.  Excel
subtracts cell B3 from cell B3 and the
new result appears in cell B4.
7.Move to cell C2.
8.Type 4.
9.Press the right arrow key. Excel
multiplies cell C2 by cell C3 and the new
result appears in cell C4.
10.Move to cell D2.
11.Type 12.
12.Press the Enter key. Excel divides
cell D2 by cell D3 and the new result
appears in cell D4
Math Rule
1.Move to cell A7. 3+3+12
2.Type =3+3+12/2*4.
3.Press Enter.
4.Note: Microsoft Excel divides 12 by 2, multiplies the answer by 4, adds 3, and then
adds another 3. The answer, 30, displays in cell A7

Math Rule
1.Double-click in cell A7.
2.Edit the cell to read =(3+3+12)/2*4.
3.Press Enter.
4.Note: Microsoft Excel adds 3 plus 3 plus 12, divides the answer by 2, and then
multiplies the result by 4. The answer, 36, displays in cell A7.
Align Cell Entries
1.Select cells A1 to D1.
2.Choose the Home tab.
3.Click the Align Text Left button
in the Alignment group. Excel left-
aligns each cell's content
Copy - Paste

1.You should be in cell A12.
2.Choose the Home tab.
3.Click the Copy button in the
Clipboard group. Excel copies the
formula in cell A12
4.Press the right arrow key once to
move to cell B12.
5.Click the Paste button in the
Clipboard group. Excel pastes the
formula in cell A12 into cell B12.
6.Press the Esc key to exit the Copy
Copy - Paste
Mini Toolbar
1.Select cells A9 to B11. Move to cell
A9. Press the Shift key. While
holding down the Shift key, press the
down arrow key twice. Press the right
arrow key once. Excel highlights A9
to B11.
2.Right-click. A context menu and a
Mini toolbar appear.
3.Click Copy, which is located on the
context menu. Excel copies the
information in cells A9 to B1
Cut - Paste

1. Select cells D9 to
2. Choose the Home
3. Click the Cut button.
4. Move to cell G1
5. Click the Paste
button .
6. Excel moves the
contents of cells D9
to D12 to cells G1 to
Cut - Paste

1.Select cells D9 to D12

2.Choose the Home tab.
3.Click the Cut button.
4.Move to cell G1
5.Click the Paste button .
6.Excel moves the
contents of cells D9 to
D12 to cells G1 to G4
Insert and Delete Columns
1. Click the column F
indicator and drag to
column G.
2. Click the down arrow
next to Delete in the
Cells group. A menu
3. Click Delete Sheet
Columns. Excel
deletes the columns
you selected.
4. Click anywhere on
the worksheet to
remove your
Insert and Delete Rows
1. Click the row 7 indicator and drag to row 12.
2. Click the down arrow next to Delete in the Cells group. A menu appears.
3. Click Delete Sheet Rows. Excel deletes the rows you selected.
4. Click anywhere on the worksheet to remove your selection
Create Borders

1. Select cells B6 to E6
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the down arrow next to the
Borders button . A menu appears.
4. Click Top and Double Bottom Border.
Excel adds the border you chose to
the selected cells
Merge & Centre
1. Go to cell B2.
2. Type Sample Worksheet.
3. Click the check mark on the Formula bar.
4. Select cells B2 to E2.
5. Choose the Home tab.
6. Click the Merge and Center button in the Alignment group. Excel merges cells B2,
C2, D2, and E2 and then centers the content
1. Select cells B2 to E3
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the down arrow
next to the Fill Color
button .
4. Click the color dark
blue. Excel places a
dark blue background in
the cells you selected.
Change the Font, Font
Size, and Font Color
1. Choose the Home tab.
2. Click the down arrow next to the
Font box. A list of fonts appears. As
you scroll down the list of fonts,
Excel provides a preview of the font
in the cell you selected.
3. Find and click Times New Roman in
the Font box. Note: If Times New
Roman is your default font, click
another font. Excel changes the font
in the selected cells
Change the
Font Size
1. Select cell B2.
2. Choose the Home
3. Click the down arrow
next to the Font Size
box. A list of font
sizes appears. As you
scroll up or down the
list of font sizes, Excel
provides a preview of
the font size in the
cell you selected.
4. Click 26. Excel
changes the font size
in cell B2 to 26
Change the
Font Color
1. Select cells B2 to E3.
2. Choose the Home
3. Click the down arrow
next to the Font Color
button .
4. Click on the color
white. Your font color
changes to white
Cell Entries
1. Type Bold in cell A1.
2. Click the check mark
located on the
Formula bar.
3. Choose the Home
4. Click the Bold button .
Excel bolds the
contents of the cell.
5. Click the Bold button
again if you wish to
remove the bold.
Cell Entries Italic

1. Type Italic in cell B1.

2. Click the check mark
located on the
Formula bar.
3. Choose the Home
4. Click the Italic button .
Excel italicizes the
contents of the cell.
5. Click the Italic button
again if you wish to
remove the italic
Cell Entries Underline

1. Type Underline in
cell C1.
2. Click the check
mark located on the
Formula bar.
3. Choose the Home
4. Click the Underline
button . Excel
underlines the
contents of the cell.
5. Click the Underline
button again if you
wish to remove the
Cell Entries Double Underline

1. Type Underline in cell D1.

2. Click the check mark located on the Formula bar.
3. Choose the Home tab.
4. Click the double underline button again if you wish to remove the double underline
Column Width
1. Choose the Home tab.
2. Click the down arrow next to Format in the Cells group.
3. Click Column Width. The Column Width dialog box appears.
4. Type 55 in the Column Width field.
5. Click OK. Column A is set to a width of 55. You should now be able to see all of the
1. Move to cell B8.
Format Numbers
2. Type 1234567.
3. Click the check
mark on the
Formula bar
4. Choose the Home
5. Click the down
arrow next to the
Number Format
box. A menu
6. Click Number.
Excel adds two
decimal places to
the number you
Format Numbers
7. Click the Comma Style button . Excel separates thousands with a comma.
8. Click the Accounting Number Format button . Excel adds a dollar sign to your
9. Click twice on the Increase Decimal button to change the number format to four
decimal places.
10. Click the Decrease Decimal button if you wish to decrease the number of
decimal places
Decimal to Percent
1. Move to cell B9.
2. Type .35 (note the decimal point).
3. Click the check mark on the
formula bar
4. Choose the Home tab.
5. Click the Percent Style button .
Excel turns the decimal to a
1. Choose the Insert tab.
Header & Footer
Click the Header & Footer button in the Text group. Your worksheet changes to
Page Layout view and the Design context tab appears. Note that your cursor is
located in the center section of the header area
1. Choose the Page
Page Layout
Layout tab.
2. Click Margins in the
Page Setup group. A
menu appears.
3. Click Wide. Word sets
your margins to the
Wide settings
1. Choose the Page Layout tab.
Page Orientation
2. Click Orientation in the Page Setup group. A menu appears.
3. Click Landscape. Excel sets your page orientation to landscape
4. Choose the Page Layout tab.
5. Click Orientation in the Page Setup group. A menu appears.
6. Click Landscape. Excel sets your page orientation to landscape
Set Paper Size
1. Choose the Page Layout
2. Click Size in the Page Setup
group. A menu appears.
3. Click the paper size you are
using. Excel sets your page
1. Click the Office button. A Print Preview
menu appears.
2. Highlight Print. The Preview
and Print The Document
pane appears.
3. Click Print Preview. The
Print Preview window
appears, with your document
in the center
1. Click the Page Setup Print Preview
button in the Print group.
The Page Setup dialog
box appears.
2. Choose the Margins tab.
3. Click the Horizontally
check box. Excel centers
your data horizontally.
4. Click the Vertically check
box. Excel centers your
data vertically.
5. Click OK. The Page
Setup dialog box closes
1. Click the Print Print
button. The Print
dialog box
2. Click the down
arrow next to the
name field and
select the printer
to which you
want to print.
3. Click OK. Excel
sends your
worksheet to the
1. Select cells A3 to D6. You Creating Charts
must select all the cells
containing the data you
want in your chart. You
should also include the data
2. Choose the Insert tab.
3. Click the Column button in
the Charts group. A list of
column chart sub-types
types appears.
4. Click the Clustered Column
chart sub-type. Excel
creates a Clustered Column
chart and the Chart Tools
context tabs appear.
Apply a Chart Layout
1. Click your chart. The
Chart Tools become
2. Choose the Design tab.
3. Click the Quick Layout
button in the Chart
Layout group. A list of
chart layouts appears.
4. Click Layout 5. Excel
applies the layout to
your chart
1. Select Chart Title. Click on Chart Apply Labels
Title and then place your cursor
before the C in Chart and hold
down the Shift key while you use
the right arrow key to highlight the
words Chart Title.
2. Type Toy Sales. Excel adds your
3. Select Axis Title. Click on Axis
Title. Place your cursor before the
A in Axis. Hold down the Shift key
while you use the right arrow key
to highlight the words Axis Title.
4. Type Sales. Excel labels the axis.
5. Click anywhere on the chart to
end your entry
Apply Labels
1. Click your chart. The Chart Tools
become available.
2. Choose the Design tab.
3. Click the Switch Row/Column
button in the Data group. Excel
changes the data in your chart
Change the Style of Charts
1. Click your chart. The Chart Tools become available.
2. Choose the Design tab.
3. Click the More button in the Chart Styles group. The chart styles appear
4. Click Style 42. Excel applies the style to your chart.
Change the Style of Charts
1. Click Style 42. Excel applies the style to your chart.
Change the Size and Position of Charts
1. Use the handles to adjust the size of your chart.
2. Click an unused portion of the chart and drag to position the chart beside the data
1. Click your chart.
The Chart Tools
Move a Chart to a Chart Sheet
2. Choose the
Design tab.
3. Click the Move
Chart button in
the Location
group. The
Move Chart
dialog box
4. Click the New
Sheet radio
5. Type Toy Sales
to name the
chart sheet.
Excel creates a
chart sheet
named Toy
Sales and
places your
1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Type 12 in cell B1.
3. Press Enter.
4. Type 27 in cell B2.
5. Press Enter.
6. Type 24 in cell B3.
7. Press Enter.
8. Type =SUM(B1:B3) in cell A4.
9. Press Enter. The sum of cells B1
to B3, which is 63, appears
Applying Functions using Ribbon
Cell Reference & Range Name
 Absolute Reference & Mixed Reference
 Create a Range Name: Name Box & Define Name
 Functions:
 IF, Nested, AND, OR, NOT
 Pivot Table

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