Team Building For Success

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Team Building for

The Team Concept

“A group of individuals working together to

achieve a common goal.”
Definition of a Team
Group: an assembly of individuals who are
together due to common interest, skill or

Team: a special work group whose members are

joined together in a united and coordinated effort
towards a goal and whose work is mutually
dependant with mutual accountability.
The Team Concept

working in a team leads to

• Co-operation

• Co-ordination

• Collaboration

• Complementation

• Concentration.
Elements of Effective Teamwork are:
1. Sharing information- this is the most important. If you do not
share information, there will always
be gaps in the answer.
2. Listening and responding – Actively listening to other
members, trying out their suggestions.
3. Giving others the benefit of doubt – Not discarding any idea,
but considering each one on its
4. Providing support- If anyone was near the answer, you
pointed out the shortcoming and helped
him complete it.
5. Recognizing and respecting the interests and
achievements of others – you understood
that each one had a different talent, and took the best that he had
to offer.
Some of the common issues in Team Work:

1. Ego clashes

2. Conflicts

3. Disagreements

4. Politics

5. Non-cooperation

6. Lazy members
Stages of Team Formation

Researchers Tuckman and Jensen identified five stages of

development that all groups go through before performing as a
fully mature and effective team.
Stages of Team Formation





Stages of Team Formation


At first it is collection of Individuals.

No awareness of group’s purpose and leadership.

Members try to get to know each other.

They will try to know each other’s strengths.

This stage is successful only when members create

relationships and identify themselves as a part of a group.
Stages of Team Formation
 It is a period of Conflict
 It arises because of interpersonal behavior and hostility.
 Here the group splits.
 There is dissatisfaction and competition.
 Everything is questioned --- purpose, leadership,
 The members become aware of their differences.

 2 positive things emerge ---

a. formation of more realistic norms & objectives.
b. formation of trust among members.
Stages of Team Formation


 A single leader emerges and this results in group cohesion.

 The structure of team becomes more rigid.

 Members show their commitment.

 The group has established how it will work, within what limits
and do what

 There is now a strong sense of unity.

 Members are now clear about what roles they play and now
they work better together.
Stages of Team Formation

 This stage is marked by teamwork, role clarity and task


 Group energy has moved from getting to know and understand

each other to the job of performance.

 The team is now focused on achieving the common goal. All

the norms, behaviors, orientation etc, are totally understood and

 Members know how to work with each other.

 There are disagreements and misunderstandings, but they are

handled and solved effectively.
Stages of Team Formation


The group has completed its assigned task and prepares for its

Attention is directed to wrap-up activities. Some of the members

are upbeat, because they now have chances for other new

Some of the members are depressed, since they have

developed good friends, and have worked with good harmony.
What is an Effective Team?

Size and Specialization

Common Goals and Objectives:
S – stands for Specific.
M – stands for Manageable.
A – stands for Achievable.
R – stands for Realistic.
T – stands for Time bound.
Roles and Responsibilities
What is an Effective Team?

R. Meredith Belbin’s Team Roles

5 major personality dimensions. (5 E’s)

1. Extrovert: Aggressive, assertive, daring, flamboyant, frank,

open, fun-loving.

2. Empathetic: Accommodating, acquiescent, compassionate,

cordial, kind, mild, gentle, sincere.

3. Efficient : Careful, exacting, fastidious, fussy, tidy,

hardworking, meticulous, neat, orderly.

4. Elite: Un-envious, calm.

5. Eldritch: Artistic, complex, creative, imaginative, philosophical.

What is an Effective Team?
Lindgren has suggested 8 team styles with the following traits
possessed by each one of the styles:
1)The Builder : adaptable, caring , avoids conflict , observant ,
co-operative , diplomatic , over-sensitive, indecisive during crisis,
full of team spirit.
2)The Visualizer : Broad in outlook, calm & confident, conscious
of priorities, consultative, empire building, laid-back, encouraging
of others, manipulative, less creative, more practical.
3) The Analyst : analytic, impartial, logical, realistic, shrewd,
critical , skeptical, slow moving, cannot
motivate others.

4) The Controller : Accurate , conscientious , frightened of

failure , good at following through, perfectionist , reluctant to
delegate , persistent, fussy.
What is an Effective Team?

5) The Organizer : disciplined , effective , loyal , practical ,

resistant to change, well organized, inflexible , un-adventurous.

6) The Guide : challenging, competitive, hard-driving, outspoken,

provocative, tough, aggressive, impatient, paranoid.

7) The Networker : easily bored, enterprising , inquisitive,

opportunistic , persuasive, outgoing, erratic, impulsive.

8) The Innovator : Creative, forgetful, imaginative, innovative,

knowledgeable, original, unorthodox, up-in-the-clouds, intellectual,
disregards practical details or protocol.

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