Free Fall Presentation
Free Fall Presentation
Free Fall Presentation
Yogita Vats Kirti Rao
Himanshi Samarth
Rishabh Rashi Garg
Vikas Yadav
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ï ny object that is released into the air is
subject to a vertical acceleration due to
the attractive gravitational force
between the object and the Earth.
ï The direction of the acceleration is
downward toward the surface of the
ï For now, we will only consider objects
that are moving either straight up or
straight down.
ï The vertical acceleration due to gravity
has the value of 9.8 m/s2 near the
surface of the Earth.
ï Most books and people use the letter g
to indicate the acceleration due to
ï ag = 9.8 m/s2
ï The magnitude of ag decreases with
increasing height above the Earth¶s
ï The vector ag is directed downward
toward the center of the Earth. Down is
positive for ag; up is negative for ag.
ï ir resistance is the flow of air around an
object and it acts to slow the velocity of a
moving object.
ï We will ignore the effect of air resistance on
the objects.
ï In the absence of air resistance, all objects
dropped near the surface of the Earth change
velocity with a constant acceleration.
ll objects travel the same distance in the same
amount of time (which is also true in the presence
of air resistance as long as the air resistance on
both objects is the same). ll objects released
from the same height at the same time will strike
the ground at the same time.
This motion is called free fall.
ï freely falling object is any object
moving freely under the influence of
ï Objects thrown upward or downward and
those released from rest (dropped) are all
freely falling objects once they are
ï n object thrown upward or downward
will experience the same acceleration as
an object released from rest.
ï Once they are in free fall, all objects will
have an acceleration downward of -9.8
ïWhen water is inside a container and
the container has a hole in the side,
the water will escape out the side of
the hole.
ïGravity pulls downward on both the
container and the water in the
container. The hand pulls upward on
the container to keep it from falling.
The bottom of the container pushes
upward on the water directly over it.
The sides of the container help to keep
the water in the container against the
pull of gravity. At the location of the
hole, the container cannot keep the
water in and gravity pulls it out.
ïWhen the container is dropped, both
the container and the water in it are in
free fall and are accelerating
downward. The pull of gravity is the
same on both the container and the
water and the water does not come out
of the container.
ïWhen air is in the tube, air
resistance acts on both the
rock and the paper. ir
resistance has a greater
effect on the paper,
therefore, the rock strikes
the bottom first.
ïWhen air is removed from
the tube, there is no air
resistance to act on either
the rock or the paper and
both the rock and the
paper strike the bottom at
the same time.
ïFree-falling objects are in a
state of acceleration.
ïThey are accelerating at a
rate of 9.8 m/s2. This means
that the velocity of a free-
falling object is changing by
9.8 m/s every second.
ïIf dropped from a position
of rest, the object will be
traveling 9.8 m/s at the end
of the first second, 19.6 m/s
at the end of the second,
29.4 m/s at the end of the
third second, etc.
ïThis is a flash photograph
of two balls released at the
same time. Each image of
the balls represents an
equal time period of 1/30th
of a second. Both balls are
falling freely, but one ball
(the ball on the right) was
projected horizontally.
ïNotice that the horizontal
displacement of this ball
does not change in equal
periods of time. The ball
moves an equal distance to
the right for each
successive time period.
ïIn the horizontal direction
there is no external force and
therefore no acceleration. We
can see that the horizontal
velocity of the projected ball is
ïIn the vertical direction, there
is a noticeable
acceleration. We can see this
because for each successive
time period, the vertical
displacement of each ball
increases. The change in
vertical displacement is the
same for both. Therefore, the
vertical velocities for each will
be equal.
ïFor an object which is
released from one point,
rises upward to a
maximum height, then falls
downward to return to its
initial position:
Time up = time down
Total time = time up + time
vyi = -vyf
ïThe velocity at the highest
point is 0 m/s.
ïThe acceleration at every
point, including the
highest point, is ±9.8 m/s2.
ïFor an object thrown into the
air and under the acceleration
of gravity, the velocity at a point
on the way up and the velocity
at the same point on the way
down are equal in magnitude,
but opposite in direction.
ïUp: v = +30 m/s
ïDown: v = - 30 m/s
ï If we neglect air resistance and assume
that the gravitational acceleration does
not change much with altitude, the
motion of a freely falling body can be
described as motion in one-dimension
with constant acceleration.
ï The vertical direction will be the y-axis
with up being positive and down being
ï Using the equations for acceleration
along the x-axis and replacing x with y
and a with ± ag:
* å
X å X X
å X
å X X*
ï -f the direction of motion is upward, then
@y is positive; if the direction of motion
is downward, then @y is negative.
ï cor an object thrown upward:
cinal velocity is 0 m/s (at the highest point).
Acceleration: ag = 9.8 m/s2 downward.
-nitial velocity is greater than 0 m/s.