Leading & Influencing Motivating & Communicating Controlling

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Polleros, Christian Jim

Borinaga, Deavylyn
Lacno, Jeremiah
Pilapil, Philip Christopher
Leading &


Leading consists of motivating

employees and influencing their
behavior to achieve
organizational objectives.
Leading focuses on managing
people, such as individual
employees, teams and groups
rather than tasks. 
3 Components Make up
the Leading function:

Forming effective
Motivating employees Infuencing employees groups
As a project manager you’re responsible not only for
seeing the project through to a successful completion,
but you’re leading a team to achieve that goal. This The leading process helps the
requires you to motivate and mediate when necessary. organization move toward goal
Remember that project leadership comes in different attainment.
styles, one of which will suit your personality. It’s
more than managing tasks; it’s managing people.

Influencing is the act of affecting
the behaviours and actions of
others. Project Managers can
rarely achieve their objectives
through direct authority alone, so
their ability to influence others is
a core skill. Even in those
instances where authority can be
exercised, it is better to temper it
through influence.
Project managers must meet the explicit goal of delivering a
finished project in the time allotted, preferably on or under
budget and with a minimal number of problems along the
way. To achieve this expectation, project managers must
influence project team members in ways ranging from
adjusting deadlines to taking on additional tasks.
Basic categories of influence methods are available to project managers
that provide different levels of effectiveness:

Authority Expert Knowledge

Project managers can employ authority to A manager may achieve influence though
influence project team members. In most acknowledged expertise in the field. If team
cases, authority comes from a position within members recognize the project manager as
an established organizational structure that an expert on the project topic, either
includes specific tasks and roles. This allows through education or experience, it prompts
the project manager to influence subordinates them to defer to the manager’s judgment.
because doing so represents a role The manager’s superior knowledge
responsibility, but if the manager normally becomes a resource that team members can
operates as a peer, she may wield little real borrow from and lends credibility to the
influence. team's work.
Basic categories of influence methods are available to project managers
that provide different levels of effectiveness:

Professional Advancement Work Challenge

Project managers often exert some control The work challenge approach calls on the
over a variety of professional advancements. project leaders to literally challenge the
Two of the more common examples are salary team, in a constructive way, to produce its
increases and promotions. If put forward as best work. Inspirational appeals offer one
incentives for hard work, meeting deadlines way to issue a work challenge by appeal to
and effective completion of the project, pay the team members’ intrinsic values or
increases and promotions can serve as ideals. 
positive ways to influence team members.
Basic categories of influence methods are available to project managers
that provide different levels of effectiveness:


Project leaders can also attempt to

influence by friendship. On the
surface, this approach might sound
practical, since it makes the work
situation more casual. 
Motivating &
The ability to motivate is another important skill in an
organization. Motivation helps bring forth a desired
behavior or response from the employees or certain
stakeholders. There are numerous motivation tactics
that managers can use, and choosing the right ones
can depend on characteristics such as company and
team culture, team personalities, and more. There are
two primary types of motivation that a manager can
use. These are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Motivation is crucial for project management. Motivating your team means appealing to what drives
them, and to do this,

 You must know your team. 

 Create the right environment for your team to shine. 
 Tailor their tasks to their strengths. Give feedback, and similarly, solicit feedback.
 Award recognition. Give autonomy and responsibility.
 Talk about advancement opportunities. Care about their personal growth; and
 Provide a vision that inspires people about the future they are creating with their work.
Possessing great communication skills is crucial for a
manager. It can determine how well information is
shared throughout a team, ensuring that the group acts
as a unified workforce. How well a manager
communicates with the rest of his/her team also
determines how well outlined procedures can be
followed, how well the tasks and activities can be
completed, and thus, how successful an organization
will be.
Communication involves the flow of information within the
organization, whether formal or informal, verbal or written, vertical
or horizontal, and it facilitates smooth functioning of the
organization. Clearly established communication channels in an
organization allow the manager to collaborate with the team, prevent
conflicts, and resolve issues as they arise. A manager with good
communication skills can relate well with the employees and thus, be
able to achieve the company’s set goals and objectives easily.
5 communication methods for any construction site

1. Establish a formal communication chain: Have points

of contact get the right information to the right people at 4. Embrace technology: Invest in technology
the right time. that communicates critical updates to your
2. Make sure your messages are clear, concise and
timely: Be quick and to the point. Speak in layman’s terms
5. Be transparent and stay positive: Boost
because some co-workers might not have the specific
knowledge you do in technical areas like building codes morale and trust by showing your crew
and permits. you’re willing to have an open dialogue.

3. Choose the right platform for your message: If it’s

tough to convey a message in a couple of paragraphs, it
might be time for a phone call or face-to-face meeting.

Controlling is the establishment of a system to measure, report, and forecast

deviations in the project scope, budget, and schedule. The purpose of project
control is to determine and predict deviations in a project so corrective actions
can be taken. Project control requires the continual reporting of information in a
timely manner so management can respond during the project rather than
afterwards. Control is often the most difficult function of project management.
Controlling is the process of evaluating the execution of the plan
and making adjustments to ensure that the organizational goal is
achieved. During the controlling stage, managers perform tasks such
as training employees as necessary and managing deadlines.
Managers monitor employees and evaluate the quality of their work.
They can conduct performance appraisals and give employees
feedback, providing positive remarks on what they are doing well and
suggestions for improvement. They may also offer pay raise
incentives to high-performing employees.

Maintain a record of planned Maintain a monthly project

Maintain a current milestone
and actual work cost chart that displays
chart that displays planned
accomplished to measure planned expenditures and
and achieved milestones
project performance actual expenditures

Keep records of meetings, Keep everyone informed,

telephone conversations, and ensuring that no one gets
agreements any "surprises," and have
solutions or proposed
solutions to problems
Three basic components constitute the control function:

2 financial,
informational, and
Evaluating and physical resources
Elements of a performance
control system

Controlling is an on-going process. An affective control function determines whether the organization is on target toward its
goals and makes corrections as necessary.
Thank You!
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics &
images by Freepik.

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