English M21 Inverter, UPS and Battery (SSEE4)
English M21 Inverter, UPS and Battery (SSEE4)
English M21 Inverter, UPS and Battery (SSEE4)
Presented By-
Santosh Kumar
SSE/ Electrical
• AH or mAH
• 100 AH
• 3000 mAH
• Battery series and parallel connection
•In this the plate is kept horizontal or •In this the plate remains vertical.
flat. •The thickness of the plate is 4-5 mm.
•The thickness of the plate is 2-3 mm. •Life 6-7 years
•Life 3-4 years •Distilled water on many dino
•Distilled water quickly •The number of Charge – Discharge
•The number of Charge – Discharge cycle is more in this.
cycle is less in this. • Heavy Appliances can also run.
•Will not take load on Heavy • There is fast charging.
Appliances. •Can deliver continuous load.
•There is no fast charging in this. •Use in all homes.
•Cannot deliver continuous load. •costly
•Use in Vehicle and small houses.