The Middle East C Risis
The Middle East C Risis
The Middle East C Risis
d le East C
ris i s
The Arab World embraces vast wealth ( through their power of being oil
producing) and 350 million people.
Among the Arab league’s 22 countries, only 3 can claim to be democracies; all
of them flawed.
1. Iraq: Still inflicted by suicide bombers and sectarianism, democracy
enforced upon by USA
2. Palestinian territories, occupied by Israel
3. Lebanon, where free elections are marred by sectarian quotas
All the rest 18 countries range from having the nastiest of tyrannies( Libya) to
benevolent autocracies as Qatar’s ; Most of them having authoritarian regimes
being the most backward in terms of democracy.
Most of these regimes have been given legitimacy through support by the
outside world, e.g. the West, the former Soviet Union etc. with vested interest
of controlling the oil resources.
Reasons Behind the Uprising
Middle East is riddled with authoritarian regimes of various kinds (monarchies,
dictatorships, religious republics, etc). Most of these regimes have been given legitimacy
through support by the outside world, e.g. the West, the former Soviet Union etc.
Global financial crisis, rising food prices, increasing unemployment, leaks of official
documents (such as Wiki Leaks of US embassy cables, the leak of how the Palestinian
Authority had relented to Israel), ethnic/cultural divisions, etc
Some of the protests focussed on jobs, unemployment, corruption, etc (e.g. Egypt), while
others focused on historical divisions (such as how Bahrain’s Shia majority has been ruled
by a Sunni minority and royal family for decades.)
How the uprising began:
Jasmine ( Tunisia) Revolution
The Tunisian Revolution was an intensive campaign of civil resistance,
including a series of street demonstrations taking place in Tunisia.
The events began in December 2010 and led to the ousting of longtime
President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in January 2011.
Ben Ali to curb the revolution promised to create 300,000 jobs for
unemployed graduates ( with no indication of how); promises of
removing corrupt officials were made, releasing those in jails were
made but nothing could change the mind of people.
Though initially bloodshed took place but later on the Egyptian Military
defied the Government’s order and restrained from taking action against
Currently the former Cabinet Ministry has become the caretaker with
reforms being framed to bring in Democracy.
Libya Revolution
Reasons behind the uprising in Libya:
Though Libya has the highest oil reserves in Africa, it is surprisingly poor.
The economy has sucked in some 1.5 m foreign laborers, while on the other hand young
Libyans struggle to find jobs.
Libya's corruption perception index in 2010 was 2.2, which was far worse than that of Egypt
and Tunisia, two neighbouring countries who faced uprising before Libya.
According to the 2009 Freedom of the Press Index, Libya is the most-censored country in the
Middle East and North Africa.
Though having cash reserves worth 140 billion US $ nothing has been spent for the uplift of the
Libya’s traumatic past under Muammer Gaddafi’s terror regime of 42 years:
Dozens of Libyans ( anyone who spoke against him- “Stray Dogs” ) were murdered by his Agents.
Much of the country’s oil income in the 1970’s was wasted on the arms purchases and non beneficial interventions
into Chad which resulted in 4000 Libyans being killed for no gain.
In 1990’s hundreds of Libyan’s were killed against a campaign against Islamic Radicals.
Libya Revolution
The uprising began as a series of protests and confrontations on 15 February 2011
Within a week , protests spread across entire Libya calling for new leadership and
Gaddafi responded with military force and other such measures as censorship and
blocking of communications.
Foreign mercenaries were recruited to supplement for the defaulting troops
The uprising has resulted into armed conflict with rebels establishing the Transition
National Council based in Benghazi.
Currently the war between Gaddafi’s forces and the Rebels continue with Gadaffi not
willing to step down.
Gaddafi troops have been executing all rebels, with a rampant war like activities spread
across entire coastal Libya .
In the capital city of Tripoli many have been killed by the military troops in protests .
Gadaffi categorically claims that the lives of people been taken are not citizens but are
rebels, blatantly defying that he has committed a crime by killing thousands of people.
Libya Revolution
These projects have been stalled knocking their shares to a new low.
Budget 2011- Deficits would be brought down to 4.6 %. With impending rise
in Crude oil prices this seems a distant dream.
The operations of Suez Canal has been a concern for both India and China.
Janki Desai
Prerna Gupta
Nikhil Kalele
Vishal Singh
Tanvi Srivastava
Priyanka Tipnis
Vaisali Tiwari
Harshit Upadhyay