3.0 DNA Is The Inherited Material Responsible For Variation
3.0 DNA Is The Inherited Material Responsible For Variation
3.0 DNA Is The Inherited Material Responsible For Variation
Mitosis Animation
A More Detailed Look at Mitosis
2. Meiosis
A type of cell division that produces four
daughter cells, each with only half the DNA
of the parent cell.
Q: parent- 46 chr; 4 daughters-
This process involves two cell divisions.
Meiosis occurs to produce gametes (sex cells)
for sexual reproduction.
Q: male gametes =
female gametes =
Meiosis Animation
Comparison: Mitosis vs. Meiosis
B. Cell Division and Sexual Reproduction
in Plants and Animals
Sexual reproduction involves joining the
gametes of two individual organisms.
Offspring produced contain genes from both
parents, and are therefore genetically
different from either parent.
Half the DNA is from one parent and half from
the other parent, resulting in a unique
During sexual reproduction, specialized sex
cells (gametes) unite to form a zygote, which
develops into the new organism.
Gametes contain only half the number of
chromosomes that other cells from the
organism contain
That way when male and female gametes
unite, the offspring has the correct number
of chromosomes
Q: human gametes have ____chromosomes.
Do “Give it a Try” p.48
And Check and Reflect p.48 #1-4,6, and 7
3.3 Patterns of Inheritance
Long before the science of genetics, people
tried to produce organisms with only the most
preferred traits by allowing only the
organisms with the most desirable traits to
reproduce. (artificial selection)
This method was not always successful, but
through time (trial and error), this practice
of controlled breeding provided scientists
with the information to detect certain basic
patterns of inheritance.
Gregor Mendel
Mendel Video
Patterns of Inheritance Video
Mendel Rap
Between 1856 and 1863, Mendel bred over 28 000
pea plants and analyzed how traits, or
characteristics, were passed from parent to
His work was largely ignored until supporting evidence
began to emerge in 1900, about 16 years after his
Purebred vs. Hybrid
To produce purebred organisms, breeders
choose purebred parents (parents whose
ancestors have produced only the desired
Eg. Tall X Tall
This is called true-breeding.
If a breeder chooses two different 'true-
breeds' then a hybrid is produced.
eg. Tall X Short
Dominant Traits
Crossbreeding two different true-breeds
results in all of the offspring having the same
characteristic (the dominant trait).
Only the DNA instructions for the dominant
trait are expressed.
Dominant traits are represented by an upper
case letter, and recessive by the lowercase of
the same letter.
Mother (Pure Bred Black)
(Pure Bred White)
(Hybrid Black)
Mother Father
(Hybrid Black) (Hybrid Black)
With one black and one white allele With one black and one white allele
75% Black
25% White
The gametes of parents only have one allele
for a trait, so offspring receive 2 alleles
for any trait in four possible combinations.
Pea plants: dominant trait recessive trait
The Punnet Square:
a diagram that is used to predict the outcome of a particular
Punnet Square
Click Here!
Other Patterns of Inheritance
Incomplete dominance
When the alleles are neither dominant, nor
both alleles are expressed as an intermediate
form of the trait (a combination of the two
traits). Eg. red X white = pink 4 o’clock flower
Both alleles are equally dominant so both
traits are expressed.
Eg. red X white = roan coat color (white and
red hairs)