Survey Research

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By : M. Rasyid Al Rahman (932216319)

Moh. Nur Ali Mubarok (932216719)

 A survey is a method of research used to collect information from

established respondents to gain information and insights on
interesting topics. A survey is also defined as a quantitative method
to collect some information from respondents by asking some
questions which are helpful to researchers who have a goal of
communicating some of the new features or trends to the

The following are three important reasons or objectives of survey

 Understand respondent behavior to get solutions to your queries.
 Present a medium for discussion, a survey can be a perfect basis for
respondents to give criticism or applause to an organization.
 Strategy for never-ending improvements an organization can
establish the target audience's attributes from the pilot phase of
survey research.

There are some main survey research methods, divided based on the
medium of conducting survey research:
 Online/ Email : Online survey research is one of the most popular
survey research methods today.
 Phone : Survey research conducted over the telephone (CATI) can
be useful in collecting data from a more extensive section of the
target population.
 Face-to-face : Researchers conduct face-to-face in-depth interviews
in situations where there is a complicated problem to solve.
 Questioner
Example of questioner :
- Yes - no question
Yes - no question is an answer choice that only consists of 2 choices (yes or no) 

- Forced choice
is a question that forces us to answer even though the choice is not so in accordance with
our circumstances (so, we choose the option that is closest to our circumstances).
- Multiple choice
is a question where the respondent can choose an answer that is in
accordance with the available options.

- Open ended question

is a question where the respondent can answer in his own sentence
 Skala (likert-type scale) 
we can get data from subjects that are more conceptual in accordance
with each individual's self-concept

 Test
In using this tool, the questions asked already have standards and
norms that apply to the type of test used as a test tool. 

 The observation checklist

is a detailed guide that contains the steps for making observations,
starting with problem formulation, a theoretical framework to describe
what will be observed, recording procedures and techniques, and
analysis and interpretation criteria.
1. Determining problems
Looking for what kind of trouble he's gonna lift up. It can be by
observation, experience or a media outlet.

2. Hipotesis
Is the scientific and logical guess of the unifying of a research problem or
of a transient assumption that requires a scientific answer.

3. Establishing research objectives

The purpose of the survey is to show the focus of attention and effort
4. Surveying type
Taking into account the types, scope and characteristics of communities.
You must understand deeply about the types, scope and characteristics of

5. Sample design
Is selecting personnel to be involved in survey activities.

6. Determining the size of the sample

The number of samples matching the research has reflected the entire

7. Create questions and select what test tools to use, such as: questioner,
likert-type scale, dan test.
8. Determining the shape of the data collection by conceptual definition of the
study tool.

9. Processing data
From formulating problems, hypotheses and sample data linked to one to
produce data.

 10. Doing data analyzes

Review the data from the previous process results.

 11. Results discussion

Drawing conclusions from research that has been done and can already answer
the hypothesis I've been working on.
There are several advantages to surveys, such as these:
 Surveys can be used to examine a problem or research question in actual situations.

 The cost of survey research is relatively inexpensive when compared with the
information obtained.

 Vast amounts of data could be obtained relatively easily.

 Not bounded by geographical limits, could be done at any time or place, particularly
surveys done only.

 Surveys may be equipped with a variety of secondary data, such as archives,

government data, news, and so forth.

As for some of the flaws that survey research has, that is:

 Independent variable survey research cannot be corrupt.

 The selection of words on the formulation of questionnaire's questions can arouse
research refactor.
 Does not preclude the possibility that survey research will get unwanted responses.
 Some survey studies became more difficult because of the declining response rate of

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